240 research outputs found

    Editorial: Advances in Biological Approaches to Treating Resistant/Refractory Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders.

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    Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a severe and debilitating neuropsychiatric condition that has an estimated lifetime prevalence of 2.5–3.0% of the general population (1). Approximately 40% of patients treated for OCD do not respond to standard and second-line augmentation treatments (2). Treatment-refractory OCD tends to have a chronic and disabling course. Although psychological interventions, namely exposure and response prevention (ERP), have been shown to be effective in treating OCD and as an augmentation strategy for poor response to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) (3), many patients cannot engage in exposure therapy or do not respond to such treatments. Some patients with OCD also have adverse reactions to SSRIs and this makes alternative biological options for treating OCD more attractive. With increasing interest in biological therapies for OCD such as deep brain stimulation (DBS), it is important that advances in biological approaches to treating treatment resistant OCD are evaluated

    Short communication : a report of the first twelve months of an early intervention service for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

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    Objectives: To present a report on the first twelve months of an early intervention service for patients with obsessive-compulsive and related disorders. Methods: Demographic and clinical data including changes in the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) and the Obsessive Compulsive Inventory – Revised (OCI-R) were reported for 48 patients referred to the Western Sydney Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders Service during the first 12 months of its operation. Results: The service provided education, training and specialised quaternary level assessment and recommendations to patients who have already been assessed by a psychiatrist and/or mental health worker within early intervention teams for psychosis, anxiety clinics and other public psychiatric services. The service failed to reach OCD sufferers early in their course of illness with the mean time from symptom onset being 9.4 years. The use of objective measures such as the Y-BOCS and OCI-R at follow-up was poor and 86.0% (n = 37) remained in treatment at 12 months. Conclusions: An early intervention service for OCD is unlikely to be able to assist sufferers early in their course of illness if it is associated with quaternary clinical services or early intervention programmes for psychosis. Efforts might be better focused on providing education and on early screening of young people in non-clinical settings

    Psychoeducational social anxiety mobile apps : systematic search in app stores, content analysis, and evaluation

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    Background: The wide use of mobile health apps has created new possibilities in social anxiety education and treatment. However, the content and quality of social anxiety apps have been quite unclear, which makes it difficult for people to choose appropriate apps to use on smartphones and tablets. Objective: This study aims to identify the psychoeducational social anxiety apps in the two most popular Australian app stores, report the descriptive and technical information provided in apps exclusively for social anxiety, evaluate app quality, and identify whether any apps would be appropriate for people with social anxiety or others who know someone with social anxiety. Methods: This systematic stepwise app search was guided by the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) standards and entailed searching for, identifying, and selecting apps in the Australian Apple App and Google Play Stores; downloading, using, and reviewing the identified apps; reporting technical and descriptive information in the app stores, an online app warehouse, and individual apps; evaluating app quality; and deciding whether to recommend the use of the apps. Results: In the app stores, 1043 apps were identified that contained the keywords social anxiety, social phobia, or shyness in their names or descriptions. Of these, 1.15% (12/1043) were evaluated (3 iOS apps and 9 Android apps). At the time of evaluation, the apps were compatible with smartphones and tablet devices; 9 were free to download from the app stores, whereas 3 were priced between US 2.95(Aus2.95 (Aus 3.99) and US 3.69(Aus3.69 (Aus 5.00). Among the evaluated apps, 3 were intended for treatment purposes, 3 provided supportive resources, 1 was intended for self-assessment, and the remaining 5 were designed for multiple purposes. At the time of downloading, app store ratings were available for 5 apps. The overall app quality was acceptable according to the Mobile App Rating Scale (MARS). On the basis of the MARS app quality rating subscale (sections A-D), the apps functioned well in performance, ease of use, navigation, and gestural design. However, app quality was less favorable when rated using the MARS app subjective quality subscale (section E). Conclusions: The psychoeducational social anxiety apps evaluated in our study may benefit people with social anxiety, health professionals, and other community members. However, given that none of the apps appeared to contain empirical information or were shown to clinically reduce social anxiety (or aid in managing social anxiety), we cannot recommend their use. App accessibility could be improved by developing apps that are free and available for a wider range of operating systems, both between and within countries and regions. Information communication and technology professionals should collaborate with academics, mental health clinicians, and end users (ie, co-design) to develop current, evidence-based apps

    A prospective clinical cohort-based study of the prevalence of OCD, obsessive compulsive and related disorders, and tics in families of patients with OCD

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    Background: The lifetime prevalence of obsessive − compulsive disorder (OCD) is currently estimated at 2 − 3% and the prevalence in first-degree family members is estimated to range between 10 and 11%. Separating OCD from other anxiety disorders and including it into the new “obsessive − compulsive and related disorders” (OCRDs) category has had a dramatic impact on the diagnosis, while also contributing to the better understanding of the genetics of these disorders. Indeed, grouping OCD with body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), and body-focused repetitive behaviors such as trichotillomania (hair pulling), onychophagia (nail biting), and excoriation (skin picking) into the same diagnostic family has resulted in a much greater lifetime prevalence (> 9%). These diagnostic changes necessitate an updated epidemiological study, thus motivating this investigation. Methods: The study sample comprised of 457 patient’s cases from an Israeli and an Australian OCD center. Interviews were completed as a part of the intake or during treatment in each of the centers. Prevalence of OCD, OCRDs, tics, and other psychiatric comorbidities in first- and second-degree relatives was assessed by interviewing the OCD patients. Interviews were conducted by at least two researchers (LC, OBA, JZ) and only family information on which the interviewers have reached consensus was considered. Results: Initial analyses revealed an increase of OCD and OCRD prevalence in first- and second-degree family members as compared to the current literature due to reclassification of these disorders in DSM-5. Conclusion: The new category of OCRD has changed the landscape of epidemiological studies in OCD. Further and broader studies are needed in order to better understand the lifetime prevalence of OCRD in first- and second-degrees family member

    Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Nepean Dysphoria Scale in a Clinical Sample

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    © 2018, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. The construct of dysphoria has been described inconsistently across a broad range of psychopathology. The term has been used to refer to an irritable state of discontent, but is also thought to incorporate anger, resentment and nonspecific symptoms associated with anxiety and depression, such as tension and unhappiness. The Nepean Dysphoria Scale has been developed to allow assessment of dysphoria, but its factor structure has not yet been investigated in clinical samples. We aimed to determine the latent structure of dysphoria as reflected by the Nepean Dysphoria Scale, using a clinical sample. Adults (N = 206) seeking treatment at a range of mental health services were administered the Nepean Dysphoria Scale. Four putative factor structures were investigated using confirmatory factor analysis: a single-factor model, a hierarchical model, a bifactor model and a four-factor model as identified in previous studies. No model fit the data except for a four-factor model when a revised 22-item version of the original 24-item scale was investigated. A four-factor structure similar to that identified in non-clinical samples was supported, albeit following the removal of two items. The Nepean Dysphoria Scale appears to have utility for the assessment of dysphoria in routine clinical settings

    The structure and intensity of self-reported autonomic arousal symptoms across anxiety disorders and obsessive-compulsive disorder

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    © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Background Heightened autonomic arousal symptoms (AAS) are assumed to be a central feature of anxiety disorders. However, it is unclear whether the magnitude and profile of AAS vary across anxiety disorders and whether heightened AAS characterises obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Aims We sought to determine whether the intensity and structure of AAS varied across anxiety disorders and OCD. Method A sample of 459 individuals with a primary anxiety disorder or OCD were administered the Symptom Checklist-90R. Nine items referring to prototypic AAS were included in a latent class analysis. Results A 2-class solution (high and low AAS classes) best fitted the data. Participants comprising the high AAS class scored uniformly high across all assessed AAS symptoms. Older age and the presence of panic disorder, social anxiety disorder and generalized anxiety disorder predicted membership in the high AAS class. No OCD symptom dimension was significantly associated with membership in the high AAS class. Limitation AAS were assessed using a self-report measure and replication is needed using other methodologies. Conclusions These findings suggest that OCD may be sufficiently distinct from anxiety disorders and do not support subtyping of anxiety disorders on the basis of the predominant type of AAS. Therapeutic approaches that target AAS might best be applied in the treatment of panic disorder, social anxiety disorder and generalized anxiety disorder

    Does emotional reasoning change during cognitive behavioural therapy for anxiety?

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    © 2015 Swedish Association for Behaviour Therapy. Abstract: Emotional reasoning refers to the use of subjective emotions, rather than objective evidence, to form conclusions about oneself and the world. It is a key interpretative bias in cognitive models of anxiety disorders and appears to be especially evident in individuals with anxiety disorders. However, the amenability of emotional reasoning to change during treatment has not yet been investigated. We sought to determine whether emotional reasoning tendencies change during a course of routine cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT). Emotional reasoning tendencies were assessed in 36 individuals with a primary anxiety disorder who were seeking treatment at an outpatient clinic. Changes in anxiety and depressive symptoms as well as emotional reasoning tendencies after 12 sessions of CBT were examined in 25 individuals for whom there was complete data. Emotional reasoning tendencies were evident at pretreatment assessment. Although anxiety and depressive symptoms decreased during CBT, only one of six emotional reasoning interpretative styles (pertaining to conclusions that one is incompetent) changed significantly during the course of therapy. Attrition rates were high and there was not enough information regarding the extent to which therapy specifically focused on addressing emotional reasoning tendencies. Individuals seeking treatment for anxiety disorders appear to engage in emotional reasoning, however routine individual CBT does not appear to result in changes in emotional reasoning tendencies

    In Defence of Modest Doxasticism About Delusions

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    Here I reply to the main points raised by the commentators on the arguments put forward in my Delusions and Other Irrational Beliefs (OUP, 2009). My response is aimed at defending a modest doxastic account of clinical delusions, and is articulated in three sections. First, I consider the view that delusions are in-between perceptual and doxastic states, defended by Jacob Hohwy and Vivek Rajan, and the view that delusions are failed attempts at believing or not-quite-beliefs, proposed by Eric Schwitzgebel and Maura Tumulty. Then, I address the relationship between the doxastic account of delusions and the role, nature, and prospects of folk psychology, which is discussed by Dominic Murphy, Keith Frankish, and Maura Tumulty in their contributions. In the final remarks, I turn to the continuity thesis and suggest that, although there are important differences between clinical delusions and non-pathological beliefs, these differences cannot be characterised satisfactorily in epistemic terms. \u

    Trends in primary mental health care service use and subsequent self-harm in Western Sydney Australia : policy and workforce implications

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    Background: This study investigated the trends in primary mental health care (PMHC) service use and hospital-treated self-harm in Western Sydney (Australia). Methods: A data linkage study and descriptive ecological study of PMHC referrals investigated the trends in referrals, treatment attendance, hospital-treated self-harm, and health care practitioners (HCPs) for the period of 2013−2018 (n = 19,437). Results: There was a substantial increase in referrals from 2016. The majority of referrals were females (60.9%), those aged <45 years (71.3%), and those presenting with anxiety or affective disorders (78.9%). Referrals of those at risk of suicide increased from 9.7% in 2013 to17.8% in 2018. There were 264 (2.2%) cases of subsequent hospital-treated self-harm, with higher rates among those at risk of suicide and those who attended <6 sessions. The number of HCPs per referral also increased from 2013, as did waiting times for treatment initiation. Conclusion: Individuals presenting to PMHC services at risk of suicide, and who subsequently presented to a hospital setting following self-harm, were more likely to either not attend services following a referral or to attend fewer services. This trend occurred in the context of an increase in the number of clients per HCP, suggesting workforce capacity has not kept pace with demand

    Use of benzodiazepines in obsessive-compulsive disorder

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    © 2015 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. This study aimed to determine the frequency of benzodiazepine (BDZ) use in a large sample of patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and ascertain the type of BDZ used and the correlates and predictors of BDZ use in OCD. The sample consisted of 955 patients with OCD from a comprehensive, cross-sectional, multicentre study conducted by the Brazilian Research Consortium on Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders between 2003 and 2009. The rate of BDZ use over time in this OCD sample was 38.4%. Of individuals taking BDZs, 96.7% used them in combination with other medications, usually serotonin reuptake inhibitors. The most commonly used BDZ was clonazepam. Current age, current level of anxiety and number of additional medications for OCD taken over time significantly predicted BDZ use. This is the first study to comprehensively examine BDZ use in OCD patients, demonstrating that it is relatively common, despite recommendations from treatment guidelines. Use of BDZs in combination with several other medications over time and in patients with marked anxiety suggests that OCD patients taking BDZs may be more complex and more difficult to manage. This calls for further research and clarification of the role of BDZs in the treatment of OCD