12 research outputs found

    Een kijkje in de technische keuken van het Restaurant van de Toekomst

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    De schatkist van een onderzoeksfaciliteit als het Restaurant van de Toekomst is gevuld met data. Het is dan ook erg belangrijk om het datamanagement goed op orde te hebben. Hoe zorg je ervoor dat je de verzamelde gegevens goed opslaat en hoe kun je optimaal gebruik maken van deze gegevens? Deze vragen vormen de basis voor het werk dat door de Inteligent Systems groep van Food & Biobased Research (onderdeel van Wageningen UR) wordt uitgevoerd. Voor het Restaurant van de Toekomst hebben we de data-infrastructuur opgezet

    Tiffany : research management in voedingsonderzoek

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    Het Top Institute Food and Nutrition (TIFN) is een samenwerkingsverband tussen publieke en private partners dat zich bezighoudt met wetenschappelijke doorbraken in voeding en gezondheid. Het in opdracht van TIFN ontwikkelde Tiffany is een research management systeem dat ontworpen is om elk stadium van wetenschappelijk onderzoek in detail te kunnen documenteren en ontsluiten. Uitleg wordt gegeven van de mogelijkheden, de voordelen en de architectuur van Tiffan

    FAIM Fresh Air Intake Model : v. 2

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    Sexual health of women with spinal cord injury in Bangladesh

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    Purpose: To identify factors influencing the sexual health of women with spinal cord injury (SCI) in Bangladesh. Methods: This study used both qualitative and quantitative methods. The quantitative part used a case-control design. Cases were women with SCI and controls were age-matched women without SCI. Questionnaires were used to collect data concerning the sexual health status of women. Multivariate logistic regression was done to determine which factors had an independent effect on sexual health. In-depth interviews were held with a sub-group of women from both groups, and interview guides were used. The in-depth interview data was subjected to content analysis. Results: In total, 92 questionnaires were given out and 30 in-depth interviews were conducted. A relationship was found between physical factors and sexual health, as pain, vaginal dryness and physical discomfort were mentioned more frequently among women with SCI. Environmental and emotional factors such as stigma, satisfaction of the husband and support from the husband and friends had an influence on the sexual health of the women with SCI, as well as the other group of women. Conclusions: From interviews it became clear that most of the women with SCI were dissatisfied with their sexual health as compared to the women without SCI. However, environmental and emotional factors such as attitudes, support and stigma, rather than physical factors, were the most important influences on sexual health in both groups of women

    Meetonnauwkeurigheden analyseren

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    In many food-processing industries laboratory analyses are applied to monitor the quality of products. Depending on results of analyses decisions are made in the conduct of industries, for example whether the quality of a final product is satisfactory, whether an adaption has to be made to the production process. The measuring inaccuracy of laboratory analyses is often noticed insufficiently. This article describes how statistical methods quantify the measuring inaccuracy, expressed in repeatability and reproducibility. With the help of this quantification the benefit of repeated analyses on the same sample can be calculated. Moreover control charts as used in Statistical Process Control (SPC) are applied to monitor quality of measurements by performing laboratory analyses on reference sample

    Campylobacter Prevalence in the Broiler Supply Chain in the Netherlands

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    After a national control program, data on Campylobacter prevalence in the broiler supply chain in the Netherlands were gathered for 3 sampling points: departure of broiler farm and arrival and departure of the slaughterhouse. Monitoring data from this control program for 2002 to 2005 were analyzed to find correlations and possible trends in the data. As expected, the greatest correlations were found between adjacent sampling points. A high correlation was expected between number of animals slaughtered and Campylobacter prevalence, because it is assumed that larger companies will have greater hygiene standards due to better implication of food safety regulations. However, statistical analysis showed that there was no clear correlation between company size and Campylobacter prevalence. Data analysis further identified an increasing trend in Campylobacter prevalence at departure of slaughterhouse from 2002 to 2005 with strong seasonality at all 3 sampling points. Measures to control Campylobacter, therefore, need to be reconsidered and possibly intensified to achieve a reduction in Campylobacter positive

    Adverse events of standardized regimens of corticosteroids for prophylaxis and treatment of nerve function impairment in leprosy: Results from the TRIPOD trials

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    Reactions in leprosy causing nerve function impairment (NFI) are increasingly treated with standardized regimens of corticosteroids, often under field conditions. Safety concerns led to an assessment of adverse events of corticosteroids, based on data of three trials studying prevention of NFI (the TRIPOD study). A multicentre, randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled trial was conducted in leprosy control programmes in Nepal and Bangladesh. Treatment was with prednisolone according to fixed schedules for 16 weeks, starting in one trial with 20 mg/day (prophylactic regimen: total dosage 1.96 g) and in the other two trials with 40 mg/day (therapeutic regimen: total dosage 2.52 g). Minor adverse events were defined as moon face, fungal infections, acne, and gastric pain requiring antacid. Major adverse events were defined as psychosis, peptic ulcer, glaucoma, cataract, diabetes and hypertension. Also, the occurrence of infected plantar, palmar, and corneal ulceration was monitored, together with occurrence of TB. Considering all three trials together, minor adverse events were observed in 130/815 patients (16%). Of these, 51/414 (12%) were in the placebo group and 79/401 (20%) in the prednisolone group. The relative risk for minor adverse events in the prednisolone group was 1.6 (P = 0.004). Adverse events with a significantly increased risk were acne, fungal infections and gastric pain. Major adverse events were observed in 15/815 patients (2%); 7/414 (2%) in the placebo group and 8/401 (2%) in the prednisolone group. No major adverse events had a significantly increased risk in the prednisolone arm of the trials. No cases of TB were observed in 300 patients who could be followed-up for 24 months. Standardized regimens of corticosteroids for both prophylaxis and treatment of reactions and NFI in leprosy under field conditions in developing countries are safe when a standard pre-treatment examination is performed, treatment for minor conditions can be carried out by field staff, referral for specialized medical care is possible, and sufficient follow-up is done during and after treatment

    The prognostic importance of detecting mild sensory impairment in leprosy: A randomised controlled trial (TRIPOD 2)

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    This study was designed to investigate whether leprosy patients diagnosed with mild sensory impairment have a better prognosis when treated with steroids than similarly impaired patients treated with placebo. A multi-centre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was conducted in Nepal and Bangladesh. Patients were eligible if they had a confirmed leprosy diagnosis, were between 15 and 50 years old, had mild sensory impairment of the ulnar or posterior tibial nerve of less than 6 months duration and did not require steroids for other reasons. 'Mild impairment' was defined as 'impaired on the Semmes-Weinstein monofilament test, but testing normal on the ballpen sensory test'. Subjects were randomized to either prednisolone treatment starting at 40 mg per day, tapering over 4 months, or placebo. Nerve function was monitored monthly. Any patient who deteriorated was taken out of the trial and was put on full-dose steroid treatment. Outcome assessment was done at 4, 6, 9 and 12 months from the start of the treatment. Outcome measures were the proportion of patients needing full-dose prednisolone and the Semmes-Weinstein sum scores. Each patient contributed only one nerve to the analysis. Seventy-five patients had nerves eligible for analysis, of whom 41 (55%) and 34 (45%) were allocated to the prednisolone and placebo arms, respectively. At 4 months, three patients in the prednisolone arm (7%) and six in the placebo arm (18%) had an outcome event requiring full dose steroids. At 12 months, these proportions had almost reversed, 11 (27%) and 6 (18%) in the treatment and placebo arms, respectively. In the latter group, 75% had recovered spontaneously after 12 months. Prednisolone treatment of sensory impairment of the ulnar and posterior tibial nerves detectable with the monofilament test, but not with the ballpen test, did not improve the long-term outcome in terms of recovery of touch sensibility, not did it reduce the risk of leprosy reactions or nerve function impairment beyond the initial 4-month treatment phase. Two unexpected main findings were the strong tendency of mild sensory impairment to recover spontaneously and the fact that patients with mild sensory impairment without any other signs or symptoms of reaction or nerve function impairment are relatively rare

    Steroid prophylaxis for prevention of nerve function impairment in leprosy: randomised placebo controlled trial (TRIPOD1)

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    Objective: To determine whether addition of low dose prednisolone to multidrug treatment can prevent reaction and nerve function impairment in leprosy. Design: Multicentre, double blind, randomised, placebo controlled, parallel group trial. Setting: Six centres in Bangladesh and Nepal. Participants: 636 people with newly diagnosed multibacillary leprosy. Intervention: Prednisolone 20 mg/day for three months, with tapering dose in month 4, plus multidrug treatment, compared with multidrug treatment alone. Main outcome measures: Signs of reaction, impairment of sensory and motor nerve function, and nerve tenderness needing full dose prednisolone at four months and one year. Results: Prednisolone had a significant effect in the prevention of reaction and nerve function impairment at four months (relative risk 3.9, 95% confidence interval 2.1 to 7.3), but this was not maintained at one year (relative risk 1.3, 0.9 to 1.8). Fewer events occurred in the prednisolone group at all time points up to 12 months, but the difference at 12 months was small. Subgroup analysis showed a difference in response between people with and without impairment of nerve function at diagnosis. Conclusions: The use of low dose prophylactic prednisolone during the first four months of multidrug treatment for leprosy reduces the incidence of new reactions and nerve function impairment in the short term, but the effect is not sustained at one year. The presence of nerve function impairment at diagnosis may influence the response to low dose prednisolone

    Treatment with corticosteroids of long-standing nerve function impairment in leprosy: a randomised control trial (TRIPOD 3)

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    Some leprosy patients with long-standing nerve function impairment (NFI) appear to have responded favourably to treatment with corticosteroids. This study investigated whether patients with untreated NFI between 6 and 24 months duration and who are given standard regimen corticosteroid therapy, will have a better treatment outcome than a placebo group. A multicentre, randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled trial was conducted in Nepal and Bangladesh. Subjects were randomised to either prednisolone treatment starting at 40 mg/day, tapered by 5 mg every 2 weeks, and completed after 16 weeks, or placebo. Outcome assessments were at 4, 6, 9, and 12 months from the start of treatment. 92 MB patients on MDT were recruited, of whom 40 (45%) received prednisolone and 52 (55%) placebo treatment. No demonstrable additional improvement in nerve function, or in preventing further leprosy reaction events was seen in the prednisolone group. Overall, improvement of nerve function at 12 months was seen in about 50% of patients in both groups. Analysis of subgroups according to nerve (ulnar and posterior tibial), duration of NFI, and sensory and motor function, also did not reveal any differences between the treatment and placebo groups. There was however, indication of less deterioration of nerve function in the prednisolone group. Finally, there was no difference in the occurrence of adverse events between both groups. The trial confirms current practice not to treat long-standing NFI with prednisolone. Spontaneous recovery of nerve function appears to be a common phenomenon in leprosy. Leprosy reactions and new NFI occurred in a third of the study group, emphasizing the need to keep patients under regular surveillance during MDT, and, where possible, after completion of MDT