3 research outputs found

    Hubungan Peritoneal Carcinomatosis Index dan Predictive Index Value Fagotti dengan Kadar Serum Fatty Acid Binding Protein 4 pada Kanker Ovarium Epitel Stadium Lanjut

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    In advanced ovarian cancer, the main goal of surgery is complete debulking with no visible residual tumor, and predicting it before surgery has become a goal that still unresolved. The ability in advanced ovarian cancer surgery varied between healthcare facilities. Recent discovery put forward the role of fatty acid as one of the main source of energy for ovarian cancer aggresiveness and the role of fatty acid binding protein (FABP) escpecially FABP4 expression as an important biomarker for predicting residual disease in ovarian cancer. There are no data about FABP4 serum in ovarian cancer and it\u27s role in predicting the extensiveness of advanced stage ovarian cancer. To evaluate correlation between FABP4 serum level with PIV Fagotti Score and Peritoneal Carcinomatosis Index (PCI) in advanced stage ovarian cancer. Analytic observational study. Among 28 subjects, most age groups (46.4%) are 40–45 years of age, 46.4% with normal body mass index, 71.4% with ovarian cancer stage IIIC, 75% with high grade serous adenocarcinoma, average ascites volume 3232.1 ± 2006.9 mL, median CA125 serum 1094 u/mL (12–19425 u/mL). The rate of optimal and complete debulking is 53.5% from 28 subjects. Strong expression of FABP4 on 42.9% subjects. MeanFABP serum 69.6 ± 51.4 ng/mL. Mean PCI score is 14.5 (3–29), mean PIV score is 6 (2–12). There is a significant correlation between FABP4 expression and FABP4 serum level (p<0.05) with moderate power (r=0.55), and a significant correlation with moderate power (r=0.421) between FABP4 serum level with PCI and PIV score. There is a significant correlation with moderate power between rising FABP4 serum and the extent of peritoneal carcinomatosis evaluated by PCI and PIV Fagotti Score in advanced stage ovarian cancer

    Antibiotic Use in Caesarean Section among Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in the Second Largest City in Indonesia: Penggunaan Antibiotik pada Operasi Sesar oleh Dokter Obstetri dan Ginekologi di Kota Terbesar Kedua di Indonesia

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    Objective: To evaluate the pattern of antibiotic use incesarean section `by obstetricians in Surabaya, Indonesia.Methods: This was a descriptive observational study witha cross-sectional method. Study data were obtained fromonline interviews using electronic forms. This study useda total sampling method taken from obstetricians andgynecologists in Surabaya, Indonesia. The primary outcomeof this study was a pattern of antibiotic use, includingprophylactic use, selection of antibiotics, the timing ofadministration, additional antibiotics during and aftersurgery, and consideration of choice.Results: The majority of antibiotics used in CS are in linewith the guidelines. The types of prophylactic antibiotics(iv) used are varied; the majority were cefazoline (74.5%),ceftriaxone (14.5%), and cefotaxime (11.6%). Most antibioticswere administered &lt;30 minutes before surgery. 2.5% ofobstetricians routinely added antibiotics during a cesarean,while 33% were based on a particular condition such asprolonged surgery, massive bleeding, or risk of infections.The selection of antibiotics by obstetricians was based onprotocols followed in the hospital (44.5%).Conclusion: This study demonstrates that most obstetriciansutilized antibiotic prophylaxis appropriately and followedguidelines for Cesarean Section.Keywords: antibiotic, cesarean section, maternal health,obstetricians.AbstrakTujuan: Untuk mengevaluasi pola penggunaan antibiotikpada seksio sesarea oleh dokter kandungan di Surabaya,Indonesia.Metode: Ini merupakan studi deskriptif observasionaldengan metode pengambilan data potong lintang. Datastudi diperoleh dari wawancara online dengan menggunakanformulir elektronik. Studi ini menggunakan total samplingdari dokter obstetri dan ginekologi di Surabaya, Indonesia.Hasil utama dari penelitian ini adalah pola penggunaanantibiotik, termasuk penggunaan profi laksis, pemilihanantibiotik, waktu pemberian, antibiotik tambahan selamadan setelah operasi, dan pertimbangan pilihan antibiotiktersebut.Hasil: Mayoritas antibiotik yang digunakan pada seksiosesarea sesuai dengan pedoman. Jenis antibiotik profi laksis(iv) yang digunakan bervariasi, mayoritas adalah cefazoline(74,5%), ceftriaxone (14,5%), dan cefotaxime (11,6%).Sebagian besar antibiotik diberikan &lt;30 menit sebelumoperasi. 2,5% dokter kandungan rutin menambahkanantibiotik saat operasi sesar, sedangkan 33% didasarkanpada kondisi tertentu seperti operasi yang berkepanjangan,perdarahan masif, atau risiko infeksi. Pemilihan antibiotikoleh dokter kandungan berdasarkan protokol yang diikutidi rumah sakit (44,5%).Kesimpulan: Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besardokter kandungan menggunakan profi laksis antibiotikdengan tepat dan mengikuti pedoman untuk operasi seksiosesaria.Kata kunci: antibiotik, dokter kandungan, kesehatan ibu,operasi sesar

    Depression Levels and Influencing Factors in Cervical Cancer Patients at RSUD Dr. Soetomo

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    Cancer patients in Indonesia experience mild to severe depression around 34.4% which can affect their quality of life. The study aimed to determine the distribution of depression in cervical cancer patients, the level of depression that predominated in cervical cancer patients, and the relationship between the level of depression in cervical cancer and the influencing factors in cervical cancer patients RSUD Dr. Soetomo. The research design used descriptive-analytic with a research population of 2845 people. The research sample was determined using a descriptive formula and was taken in September 2021 from outpatients at the Poli Onkologi Satu Atap (POSA), who was diagnosed with cervical cancer were 45 people by distributing questionnaires containing BDI-II and Holmes and Rahe Scale instruments. The sampling technique used non-probability sampling with the purposive sampling technique. Analytical descriptive data analysis using Chi-square test. The results showed that the majority had mild depression as many 21 respondents (46.7%), followed by minimal depression as many 19 respondents (42.2%), moderate depression as many three respondents (6.7%), and severe depression as many two respondents (4.4%). The relationship between the level of depression with influencing factors was found to be significant in the number of marriages. The second marriage does not always show better results than the first marriage, the fear of repeated marriage failures and the emergence of conflicts in the future can potentially lead to depression. Women with second marriages have higher rates of depression. In the relationship between depression and other factors, namely age, last education, marital status, monthly income, cervical cancer stage, family history of cervical cancer, and duration of diagnosis, did not have a significant relationship