864 research outputs found

    Sub-SQL Sensitivity via Optical Rigidity in Advanced LIGO Interferometer with Optical Losses

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    The ``optical springs'' regime of the signal-recycled configuration of laser interferometric gravitational-wave detectors is analyzed taking in account optical losses in the interferometer arm cavities. This regime allows to obtain sensitivity better than the Standard Quantum Limits both for a free test mass and for a conventional harmonic oscillator. The optical losses restrict the gain in sensitivity and achievable signal-to-noise ratio. Nevertheless, for parameters values planned for the Advanced LIGO gravitational-wave detector, this restriction is insignificant.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Dual-Resonator Speed Meter for a Free Test Mass

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    A description and analysis are given of a ``speed meter'' for monitoring a classical force that acts on a test mass. This speed meter is based on two microwave resonators (``dual resonators''), one of which couples evanescently to the position of the test mass. The sloshing of the resulting signal between the resonators, and a wise choice of where to place the resonators' output waveguide, produce a signal in the waveguide that (for sufficiently low frequencies) is proportional to the test-mass velocity (speed) rather than its position. This permits the speed meter to achieve force-measurement sensitivities better than the standard quantum limit (SQL), both when operating in a narrow-band mode and a wide-band mode. A scrutiny of experimental issues shows that it is feasible, with current technology, to construct a demonstration speed meter that beats the wide-band SQL by a factor 2. A concept is sketched for an adaptation of this speed meter to optical frequencies; this adaptation forms the basis for a possible LIGO-III interferometer that could beat the gravitational-wave standard quantum limit h_SQL, but perhaps only by a factor 1/xi = h_SQL/h ~ 3 (constrained by losses in the optics) and at the price of a very high circulating optical power --- larger by 1/xi^2 than that required to reach the SQL.Comment: RevTex: 13 pages with 4 embedded figures (two .eps format and two drawn in TeX); Submitted to Physical Review

    Phase diffusion pattern in quantum nondemolition systems

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    We quantitatively analyze the dynamics of the quantum phase distribution associated with the reduced density matrix of a system, as the system evolves under the influence of its environment with an energy-preserving quantum nondemolition (QND) type of coupling. We take the system to be either an oscillator (harmonic or anharmonic) or a two-level atom (or equivalently, a spin-1/2 system), and model the environment as a bath of harmonic oscillators, initially in a general squeezed thermal state. The impact of the different environmental parameters is explicitly brought out as the system starts out in various initial states. The results are applicable to a variety of physical systems now studied experimentally with QND measurements.Comment: 18 pages, REVTeX, 8 figure

    Quantum Signatures of the Optomechanical Instability

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    In the past few years, coupling strengths between light and mechanical motion in optomechanical setups have improved by orders of magnitude. Here we show that, in the standard setup under continuous laser illumination, the steady state of the mechanical oscillator can develop a non-classical, strongly negative Wigner density if the optomechanical coupling is large at the single-photon level. Because of its robustness, such a Wigner density can be mapped using optical homodyne tomography. These features are observed near the onset of the instability towards self-induced oscillations. We show that there are also distinct signatures in the photon-photon correlation function g(2)(t)g^{(2)}(t) in that regime, including oscillations decaying on a time scale not only much longer than the optical cavity decay time, but even longer than the \emph{mechanical} decay time.Comment: 6 pages including 1 appendix. 6 Figures. Correcte

    Optical noise correlations and beating the standard quantum limit in advanced gravitational-wave detectors

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    The uncertainty principle, applied naively to the test masses of a laser-interferometer gravitational-wave detector, produces a Standard Quantum Limit (SQL) on the interferometer's sensitivity. It has long been thought that beating this SQL would require a radical redesign of interferometers. However, we show that LIGO-II interferometers, currently planned for 2006, can beat the SQL by as much as a factor two over a bandwidth \Delta f \sim f, if their thermal noise can be pushed low enough. This is due to dynamical correlations between photon shot noise and radiation-pressure noise, produced by the LIGO-II signal-recycling mirror.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures; minor changes, some references adde

    Quantum-Limited Position Detection and Amplification: A Linear Response Perspective

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    Using standard linear response relations, we derive the quantum limit on the sensitivity of a generic linear-response position detector, and the noise temperature of a generic linear amplifier. Particular emphasis is placed on the detector's effective temperature and damping effects; the former quantity directly determines the dimensionless power gain of the detector. Unlike the approach used in the seminal work of Caves [Phys. Rev. D, 26, 1817 (1982)], the linear-response approach directly involves the noise properties of the detector, and allows one to derive simple necessary and sufficient conditions for reaching the quantum limit. Our results have direct relevance to recent experiments on nanoelectromechanical systems, and complement recent theoretical studies of particular mesoscopic position detectors.Comment: 9 pages; minor typos correcte

    QND and higher order effects for a nonlinear meter in an interferometric gravitational wave antenna

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    A new optical topology and signal readout strategy for a laser interferometer gravitational wave detector were proposed recently by Braginsky and Khalili . Their method is based on using a nonlinear medium inside a microwave oscillator to detect the gravitational-wave-induced spatial shift of the interferometer's standing optical wave. This paper proposes a quantum nondemolition (QND) scheme that could be realistically used for such a readout device and discusses a "fundamental" sensitivity limit imposed by a higher order optical effect.Comment: LaTex, 17 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum measurements and Paul traps in gravitational backgrounds

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    In the present work we solve the motion equations of a particle in a Paul trap embeded in the gravitational field of a spherically symmetric mass. One of the ideas behind this work concerns the analysis of the effects that the gravity--induced quantum noise, stemming from the bodies in the neighborhood of the Paul trap, could have upon the enhancement of the quantum behavior of this system. This will be done considering a series expansion for the gravitational field of the source, and including in the Hamiltonian of the Paul trap only the first two terms. Higher--order contributions will be introduced as part of the environment of the system, and in consequence will not appear in the Hamiltonian. In other words, we put forward an argument that allows us to differentiate those gravitational degrees of freedom that will appear as an uncontrollable influence on the Paul trap. Along the ideas of the so called restricted path integral formalism, we take into account the continuous monitoring of the position of our particle, and in consequence the corresponding propagators and probabilities, associated with the different measurements outputs, are obtained. Afterwards, the differential equation related to a quantum nondemolition variable is posed and solved, i.e., a family of quantum nondemolition parameters is obtained. Finally, a qualitative analysis of the effects on the system, of the gravity--induced environment, will be done.Comment: Accepted in International Journal of Modern Physics

    Cooling of a micro-mechanical oscillator using radiation pressure induced dynamical back-action

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    Cooling of a 58 MHz micro-mechanical resonator from room temperature to 11 K is demonstrated using cavity enhanced radiation pressure. Detuned pumping of an optical resonance allows enhancement of the blue shifted motional sideband (caused by the oscillator's Brownian motion) with respect to the red-shifted sideband leading to cooling of the mechanical oscillator mode. The reported cooling mechanism is a manifestation of the effect of radiation pressure induced dynamical backaction. These results constitute an important step towards achieving ground state cooling of a mechanical oscillator.Comment: accepted for publication (Phys. Rev. Lett.

    Forced and self-excited oscillations of an optomechanical cavity

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    We experimentally study forced and self oscillations of an optomechanical cavity which is formed between a fiber Bragg grating that serves as a static mirror and between a freely suspended metallic mechanical resonator that serves as a moving mirror. In the domain of small amplitude mechanical oscillations, we find that the optomechanical coupling is manifested as changes in the effective resonance frequency, damping rate and cubic nonlinearity of the mechanical resonator. Moreover, self oscillations of the micromechanical mirror are observed above a certain optical power threshold. A comparison between the experimental results and a theoretical model that we have recently presented yields a good agreement. The comparison also indicates that the dominant optomechanical coupling mechanism is the heating of the metallic mirror due to optical absorption.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure