188 research outputs found

    Effects of Core-valence and Core-core Correlation On the Line-strength of the Resonance Lines In Li-i and Na-i

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    The resonance lines in Li I and Na I both exhibit a puzzling discrepancy between experiment and accurate ab initio calculations. Only results from a semiempirical method, that in principal neglects core-core correlation, agree with the experiments. The agreement with a multiconfiguration Hartree-Fock calculation, including only core-valence correlation, shows that this might be fortuitous. A method for including some core-core correlation is designed and gives results in excellent agreement with other accurate ab initio methods

    Coronal lines and the importance of deep core-valence correlation in Ag-like ions

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    We report on large-scale and critically evaluated {\em ab initio} MCDHF calculations of the wavelength of the "coronal", M1 transition $4f\ ^2\mathrm{F}_{5/2}^o-^2\mathrm{F}_{7/2}^oinAg−likeions.Thetransitionbetweenthesetwofinestructurelevels,whichmakesupthegroundtermfor in Ag-like ions. The transition between these two fine structure levels, which makes up the ground term for Z \ge 62intheisoelectronicsequence,hasrecentlybeenobservedinYb in the isoelectronic sequence, has recently been observed in Yb^{23+}andW and W^{27+},wherethelattercouldbeofgreatimportanceforfusionplasmadiagnostics.Wepresentrecommendedvaluesforallmembersofthesequencebetween, where the latter could be of great importance for fusion plasma diagnostics. We present recommended values for all members of the sequence between Z = 50and and 94,whicharesupportedbyexcellentagreementwithvaluesfromrecentexperiments.Theimportanceofincludingcore−valencecorrelationwiththe, which are supported by excellent agreement with values from recent experiments. The importance of including core-valence correlation with the n=3$ shell in the theoretical model is emphasized. The results show close to spectroscopic accuracy for these forbidden lines.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    Experimental and theoretical studies of lifetimes and transition probabilities for Au II

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    We report lifetime measurements for three of the 5d(9)6p levels in An II and relativistic multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock (MCDF) calculations of lifetimes and transitions probabilities in this ion. The work was motivated by significant disagreements between previous experimental 5d(9)6p lifetimes, obtained by means of the beam-foil (BF) method and theoretical data based on Hartree-Fock calculations in which relativistic effects were included as perturbations. The new measurements, based on laser-induced fluorescence, support the BF data and are also in excellent agreement with the MCDF results. We confirm that, while computational methods which include perturbative relativistic corrections appear to be adequate for moderately heavy elements such as Ag, fully relativistic calculations are essential for describing systems as heavy as Au

    The effect of an external magnetic field on the determination of E1M1 two-photon decay rates in Be-like ions

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    In this work we report on ab initio theoretical results for the magnetic field induced 2s2p ^3P_0 - 2s^2 ^1S_0 E1 transition for ions in the beryllium isoelectronic sequence between Z=5 and 92. It has been proposed that the rate of the E1M1 two-photon transition 2s2p ^3P_0 - 2s^2 ^1S_0 can be extracted from the lifetime of the ^3P_0 state in Be-like ions with zero nuclear spin by employing resonant recombination in a storage-ring. This experimental approach involves a perturbing external magnetic field. The effect of this field needs to be evaluated in order to properly extract the two-photon rate from the measured decay curves. The magnetic field induced transition rates are carefully evaluated and it is shown that, with a typical storage-ring field strength, it is dominant or of the same order as the E1M1 rate for low- and mid-Z ions. Results for several field strengths and ions are presented and we also give a simple Z-dependent formula for the rate. We estimate the uncertainties of our model to be within 5% for low- and mid-Z ions, and slightly larger for more highly charged ions. Furthermore we evaluate the importance of including both perturber states, ^3P_1 and ^1P_1, and it is shown that excluding the influence of the ^1P_1 perturber overestimates the rate by up to 26% for the mid-Z ions.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    A first spectroscopic measurement of the magnetic field strength for an active region of the solar corona

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    For all involved in astronomy, the importance of monitoring and determining astrophysical magnetic field strengths is clear. It is also a well-known fact that the corona magnetic fields play an important part in the origin of solar flares and the variations of space weather. However, after many years of solar corona studies, there is still no direct and continuous way to measure and monitor the solar magnetic field strength. We will here present a scheme which allows such a measurement, based on a careful study of an exotic class of atomic transitions known as magnetic induced transitions in Fe9+^{9+}. In this contribution we present a first application of this methodology and determine a value of the coronal field strength using the spectroscopic data from HINODE

    Zeno-clocking the Auger decay

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    A tenet of time-resolved spectroscopy is -faster laser pulses for shorter timescales- . Here we suggest turning this paradigm around, and slow down the system dynamics via repeated measurements, to do spectroscopy on longer timescales. This is the principle of the quantum Zeno effect. We exemplify our approach with the Auger process, and find that repeated measurements increase the core-hole lifetime, redistribute the kinetic energy of Auger electrons, and alter entanglement formation. We further provide an explicit experimental protocol for atomic Li, to make our proposal concrete.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, supplemental material provide

    Left-Symmetric Structures on Simple Modular Lie Algebras

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    AbstractThis paper investigates left-symmetric structures on finite-dimensional simple Lie algebras g over a field k. If k is of characteristic 0, then g does not admit any left-symmetric structure. This is known in the theory of affine manifolds. In the modular case, however, such structures may exist. The main purpose of this paper is to show that classical simple Lie algebras of characteristic p > 3 admit left-symmetric structures only in case p divides dim(g). The proof involves the computation of the first cohomology groups of classical Lie algebras for certain g-modules of small dimension. Here g is regarded as the Lie algebra of a connected semisimple algebraic group over an algebraically closed field of characteristic p > 0. Most of these computations are due to Jantzen. For nonrestricted simple Lie algebras of Cartan type it is shown that many more left-symmetric structures can be found. One studies so-called adjoint structures, induced by nonsingular derivations of g. The simple algebra L(G, δ, ƒ) of Block of dimension pn − 1, for example, admits adjoint structures for every p > 0. If p = 2, the results are more complicated
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