226 research outputs found

    Interview with Elizabeth Closs Traugott and Graeme Trousdale

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    Since the last decade, many books and papers have been published in the field of Language Change, under a Functional-Cognitive approach. Among these contributions, the book Constructionalization and Constructional Change (Traugott & Trousdale, 2013) became a must read to those who work or intent to work on constructions from a diachronic perspective. The authors, Elizabeth Traugott and Graeme Trousdale, brought out to the audience a thought-provoking book about how new constructions are coined in language throughout the centuries. For that, they establish a difference between constructionalization and constructional changes, considering the former as the creation of a new construction and the latter as changes in the form or in the meaning of an existing construction.In Brazil, and all over the world, the book gained popularity and figured in the center of a rich debate concerning the conciliation between construction grammar, a theoretical model about the speaker’s knowledge of language, and language change, which goes beyond the individual’s lifespan. For those who adopted the concepts of the book and or criticized some of the definitions and understandings presented by the authors, there are still several open questions regarding a diachronic approach to grammar. In the wake of this debate, we are very happy to have interviewed Elizabeth Traugott (Professor Emerita at Stanford University) and Graeme Trousdale (Professor at The University of Edinburgh) to celebrate ten years of the publication of Constructionalization and Language Change. In this interview, you will be able to follow the way the authors see the work of 2013, how they dialogue with the criticisms received and how they understand language change in 2023.Desde a última década, muitos livros e artigos têm sido publicados no campo da mudança linguística, em uma abordagem funcional-cognitiva. Entre essas contribuições, o livro Constructionalization and Constructional Change (TRAUGOTT; TROUSDALE, 2013) tornou-se um livro de leitura obrigatória para quem trabalha ou deseja trabalhar com construções em uma perspectiva diacrônica. Os autores, Elizabeth Traugott and Graeme Trousdale, trouxeram a público um texto provocador sobre como novas construções são cunhadas na língua ao longo dos séculos. Para isso, estabeleceram uma diferença entre construcionalização e mudanças construcionais, considerando a primeira como a criação de uma nova construção e a última como mudanças na forma ou no sentido de uma construção pré-existente.No Brasil, como em diversas partes do mundo, o livro se tornou popular e passou a figurar no centro de um rico debate sobre a conciliação entre Gramática de Construções, um modelo teórico sobre o conhecimento linguístico do falante, e a mudança linguística, que vai além do tempo de vida de um indivíduo. Para aqueles que adotam os conceitos do livro e os que criticam algumas das definições e entendimentos apresentados pelos autores, há ainda muitas questões em aberto acerca da abordagem diacrônica da gramática. Na sequência desse debate, estamos muito felizes por temos entrevistado Elizabeth Traugott (Professora Emérita da Universidade Stanford) e Graeme Trousdale (Professor da Universidade de Edimburgo) para celebrar os dez anos da publicação de Constructionalization and Language Change. Nesta entrevista, você poderá ver o modo como os autores veem seu trabalho de 2013, como eles dialogam com as críticas recebidas e como eles entendem a mudança linguística em 2023

    Entrevista com Elizabeth Closs Traugott e Graeme Trousdale

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    Since the last decade, many books and papers have been published in the field of Language Change, under a Functional-Cognitive approach. Among these contributions, the book Constructionalization and Constructional Change (Traugott & Trousdale, 2013) became a must read to those who work or intent to work on constructions from a diachronic perspective. The authors, Elizabeth Traugott and Graeme Trousdale, brought out to the audience a thought-provoking book about how new constructions are coined in language throughout the centuries. For that, they establish a difference between constructionalization and constructional changes, considering the former as the creation of a new construction and the latter as changes in the form or in the meaning of an existing construction.In Brazil, and all over the world, the book gained popularity and figured in the center of a rich debate concerning the conciliation between construction grammar, a theoretical model about the speaker’s knowledge of language, and language change, which goes beyond the individual’s lifespan. For those who adopted the concepts of the book and or criticized some of the definitions and understandings presented by the authors, there are still several open questions regarding a diachronic approach to grammar. In the wake of this debate, we are very happy to have interviewed Elizabeth Traugott (Professor Emerita at Stanford University) and Graeme Trousdale (Professor at The University of Edinburgh) to celebrate ten years of the publication of Constructionalization and Language Change. In this interview, you will be able to follow the way the authors see the work of 2013, how they dialogue with the criticisms received and how they understand language change in 2023.Desde a última década, muitos livros e artigos têm sido publicados no campo da mudança linguística, em uma abordagem funcional-cognitiva. Entre essas contribuições, o livro Constructionalization and Constructional Change (TRAUGOTT; TROUSDALE, 2013) tornou-se um livro de leitura obrigatória para quem trabalha ou deseja trabalhar com construções em uma perspectiva diacrônica. Os autores, Elizabeth Traugott and Graeme Trousdale, trouxeram a público um texto provocador sobre como novas construções são cunhadas na língua ao longo dos séculos. Para isso, estabeleceram uma diferença entre construcionalização e mudanças construcionais, considerando a primeira como a criação de uma nova construção e a última como mudanças na forma ou no sentido de uma construção pré-existente.No Brasil, como em diversas partes do mundo, o livro se tornou popular e passou a figurar no centro de um rico debate sobre a conciliação entre Gramática de Construções, um modelo teórico sobre o conhecimento linguístico do falante, e a mudança linguística, que vai além do tempo de vida de um indivíduo. Para aqueles que adotam os conceitos do livro e os que criticam algumas das definições e entendimentos apresentados pelos autores, há ainda muitas questões em aberto acerca da abordagem diacrônica da gramática. Na sequência desse debate, estamos muito felizes por temos entrevistado Elizabeth Traugott (Professora Emérita da Universidade Stanford) e Graeme Trousdale (Professor da Universidade de Edimburgo) para celebrar os dez anos da publicação de Constructionalization and Language Change. Nesta entrevista, você poderá ver o modo como os autores veem seu trabalho de 2013, como eles dialogam com as críticas recebidas e como eles entendem a mudança linguística em 2023

    Mudança linguística em perspectiva construcionista: notas acerca da Gramática de Construções Diacrônica Baseada no Uso

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    Introduction to  Revista Linguí∫tica, vol. 18, no. 2.Apresentação à Revista Linguí∫tica, v. 18, n. 2

    Differences in determinants of active aging between older Brazilian and English adults: ELSI-Brazil and ELSA

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    This study aimed to investigate differences in determinants of active aging between older Brazilian and English adults and to verify the association of behavioral, personal, and social determinants with physical health. This cross-sectional study was based on the ELSI-Brazil (2015-2016) and ELSA (2016-2017) cohorts. Active aging determinants included behavior (smoking, sedentary lifestyle, and poor sleep quality), personal (cognitive function and life satisfaction), and social determinants (education, loneliness, and volunteering), according to the World Health Organization. Physical health included activities limitation and multimorbidity. We estimated age- and sex-adjusted prevalence for each indicator and mean score, and used the negative binomial regression for statistical analysis. We included 16,642 participants, 9,409 from Brazil and 7,233 from England. Overall, all active aging determinants were worse in Brazil than in England, except for life satisfaction (no difference). The most remarkable difference was found for social determinants score in Brazil (mean difference of 0.18; p < 0.05), mainly due to a significantly lower education level in Brazil (70.6%; 95% confidence interval - 95%CI: 69.7-71.5) than England (37.1%; 95%CI: 35.1-39.1). All determinants (behavioral, personal, and social) were associated with health in Brazil and in England. However, the behavioral domain was stronger associated with health in England (coefficient = 2.76; 95%CI: 2.46-3.10) than in Brazil (coefficient = 1.38; 95%CI: 1.26-1.50; p < 0.001). Older English adults beneficiate more from healthier behaviors than Brazilians, which depend more on social policies

    Avaliação da incidência de germes multirresistentes na urocultura dos pacientes de anápolis em ambiente hospitalar

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    A infecção do trato urinário (ITU) define-se por invasão bacteriana do trato urinário, por microrganismos, por exemplo, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae e Proteus mirabilis. O diagnóstico dá-se laboratorialmente por urocultura, junto com antibiograma para identificação da sensibilidade bacteriana a antibióticos. É fulcral pontuar que há variações regionais na incidência de germes nas ITUs. Assim, é fundamental analisar tanto a incidência dos tipos de bactérias quanto o perfil de resistência das cepas locais. Desse modo, evitando o tratamento empírico inadequado, um promotor da multirresistência bacteriana. Avaliar a resistência a antibióticos no tratamento de infecção urinária em pacientes hospitalizados no período de 2020-2022. Apresenta-se um estudo epidemiológico, retrospectivo e transversal, utilizando dados clínicos e laboratoriais de pacientes do Hospital Evangélico Goiano (HEG). A população pesquisada consiste em pacientes que realizaram urocultura durante o período de internação, incluiu-se na análise sexo, idade, tempo de internação, uso prévio de microbianos e fatores de risco. Espera-se obter as principais bactérias, bem como seu perfil de resistência que acometem os pacientes hospitalares de Anápolis-GO e, aliado a CCIH, orientar o tratamento empírico contra ITUs, informando as bactérias mais frequentes e seu perfil de resistência em Anápolis-GO

    Gene expression and in vitro nuclear maturation in bovine cumulus oocyte complexes maturated in a medium supplemented with bovine fetal serum or bovine serum albumin

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    Background: The expansion and mucifi cation of granulosa cells of the cumulus oophorus-oocyte complex (COC) is observed during the oocyte in vitro maturation (IVM) as a result of the intense synthesis of extracellular matrix (ECM) components. These changes in cumulus aspect are indicative of maturation and may be infl uenced by oocyte-related factors and by IVM conditions. The objectives of the present study were (i) to assess the expression of gene transcripts that codify for the proteins hyaluronan synthase-2 (HAS2), link protein 1, connexin 43 and β-actin in bovine cumulus oophorus-oocyte complexes (COCs) before and after IVM, and (ii) to determine nuclear maturation rates of oocytes submitted to IVM. Materials, Methods & Results: Bovine COCs obtained from abattoir-derived ovaries were analyzed and selected for morphological aspects and divided in three experimental groups: G1, COCs submitted to IVM; G2, COCs submitted to IVM in medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS); and G3, COCs submitted to IVM in medium supplemented with bovine serum albumin (BSA). After extraction of the messenger RNA (mRNA) of COCs, cDNA was extracted and fragments of the gene transcripts were amplifi ed using the reverse transcription (RT) and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The RT-PCR products were electrophoresed in agarose gels and amplifi cation intensity was quantifi ed to obtain the relative mRNA abundance. Part of oocytes submitted to IVM medium supplemented with FBS (G2) or BSA (G3) was stained with Hoechst 33342 to assess the nuclear maturation rate by fl uorescence microscopy. The results revealed that relative abundances of HAS (P = 0.000), link protein 1 (P = 0.001), connexin 43 (P =0.007) and β-actin (P = 0.011) transcripts differed between COCs submitted to IVM in FBS medium (G2) and COCs not submitted to IVM (G1) or COCs maturated in BSA medium (G3). When COCs submitted to IVM in FBS or BSA media are compared, no statistically signifi cant differences (P > 0.05) were observed in meiosis resumption (86.7% and 91.5%, respectively) or in nuclear maturation rates (56.1% and 58.5%). Discussion: HAS2 is involved in the synthesis of hyaluronic acid (HA) by cumulus cells, and plays an important role in ECM expansion and in oocyte competence development. This protein organization of the ECM, formed by the aggregation of HA and proteoglycans, depends on link protein 1; it is also produced by cumulus cells and is implicated in COC expansion. Connexin 43 belongs to a protein family that establishes gap junctions that play an important role in the cellular communication and coordinated response processes. The role of gap junctions in bovine oocytes during IVM has been associated with maturation rates and cumulus expansion; this expansion of cumulus cells is accompanied by changes in the transmembrane channels formed by connexin 43. The higher mRNA expression of the HAS2, link protein 1, connexin 43 and β-actin genes in bovine COCs submitted to IVM in FBS medium, in comparison with COCs before IVM or COCs maturated in BSA medium may be associated with FBS constituents, which would act as transcription factors for these genes during ECM expansion. Although the results obtained allow associating the differential expression of transcripts to the presence of FBS in the IVM medium, the data reveal that meiosis resumption and nuclear maturation apparently were not infl uenced by the protein supplementation regimens in the IVM medium, supplemented either with FBS or BSA