7 research outputs found

    Coastal wetland area change for two freshwater diversions in the Mississippi River Delta

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    Coastal systems around the globe are being re-integrated with adjacent river systems to restore the natural hydrologic connection to riparian wetlands. The Mississippi River sediment diversions or river reconnections are one such tool to combat high rates of wetland loss in coastal Louisiana, USA by providing freshwater, sediment, and nutrients. There has been some disagreement in the published literature whether re-establishing river reconnection is slowing or contributing to coastal wetland loss. This issue is due to the difficulties in the application of remote sensing in low-relief environments where water level changes could indicate either land loss or simply temporary submergence. We analyzed land change at the receiving areas of two existing freshwater river diversions, Davis Pond and Caernarvon, which have been intermittently receiving river water for up to 2+ decades. This study provides a robust analysis of wetland land change rates in proximity these river diversions including years before river reconnection. Our analyses indicate a net land gain since river reconnection operations began at Davis Pond Diversion (+3.42 km2; range: +2.02–4.81 km2) and no statistically significant change at the Caernarvon Diversion. The Davis Pond wetland results are corroborated with data from a decadal field study documenting increased inorganic sedimentation in the soil. It is clear from this study and others, that river reconnection can increase or, in the case of Caernarvon, have no statistical effect on the land change in these systems due to differences in vegetation, hydroperiod, sediment delivery and external factors including hurricane impacts. Our remote sensing analysis was compared with a global water area change analysis mapping tool which also supported our findings

    The concept of land bridge marshes in the Mississippi River Delta and implications for coastal restoration

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    Louisiana has high coastal wetland loss rates due to natural processes such as subsidence and anthropogenic activities such as construction of river levees and dams, pervasive alteration of surface hydrology by local industries such as oil and gas, and navigation. With the exception of the Atchafalaya River discharge area, most of Louisiana's marsh coastline is retreating and coastal marshes are degrading. In the inactive degrading delta regions, there exists a previously uncharacterized landform referred to colloquially as coastal ‘land bridge’ marshes. Land bridge marshes are saline or brackish marshes fronting large estuarine bays or lakes with sufficient fetch and wave energy to supply high levels of resuspended sediments to the marsh surface. They are generally linear features that are oriented parallel to the coast and the shoreline front retreats landward due to erosion from wave energy. These marshes persist over time vertically due to input of resuspended sediments but are experiencing rapid edge erosion due to wave attack. Comparison of data from Louisiana's Coastal Reference Monitoring System (CRMS) sites show that land bridge marshes have a greater frequency of higher soil surface elevation and higher soil bulk density than non-land bridge marshes. Because land bridges are vertically stable relative to other coastal wetlands, identification of measures to sustain these landscape features is important. Simulations using MarshMorpho2D, a process-based reduced-complexity morphology model, suggest that protection barriers installed on the seaward side of land bridge marshes will attenuate wave energy and, thus, edge erosion. Shoreline protection that can reduce wave energy but still allow sediment input to marshes include living shorelines, rock barriers, and/or breakwaters. Periodic thin layer nourishment of the marsh surface may be necessary to help sustain vertical growth. Further, marsh creation projects directly landward of land bridge marshes may benefit from their protection from waves and as a source of sediment. Consideration of land bridge marshes as distinct marsh types in the State Master Plan and integrated modeling could help to identify measures to sustain these landscape features

    Subretinal Hyperreflective Material in the Comparison of Age-Related Macular Degeneration Treatments Trials

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