4 research outputs found

    Mechanism of Coā€“C Bond Photolysis in the Base-On Form of Methylcobalamin

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    A mechanism of Coā€“C bond photodissociation in the base-on form of the methylcobalamin cofactor (MeCbl) has been investigated employing time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT), in which the key step involves singlet radical pair generation from the first electronically excited state (S<sub>1</sub>). The corresponding potential energy surface of the S<sub>1</sub> state was constructed as a function of Coā€“C and Coā€“N<sub>axial</sub> bond distances, and two possible photodissociation pathways were identified on the basis of energetic grounds. These pathways are distinguished by whether the Coā€“C bond (path A) or Coā€“N<sub>axial</sub> bond (path B) elongates first. Although the final intermediate of both pathways is the same (namely a ligand field (LF) state responsible for Coā€“C dissociation), the reaction coordinates associated with paths A and B are different. The photolysis of MeCbl is wavelength-dependent, and present TD-DFT analysis indicates that excitation in the visible Ī±/Ī² band (520 nm) can be associated with path A, whereas excitation in the near-UV region (400 nm) is associated with path B. The possibility of intersystem crossing, and internal conversion to the ground state along path B are also discussed. The mechanism proposed in this study reconciles existing experimental data with previous theoretical calculations addressing the possible involvement of a repulsive triplet state

    Translation of Ligand-Centered Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Activity and Mechanism of a Rhenium-Thiolate from Solution to Modified Electrodes: A Combined Experimental and Density Functional Theory Study

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    The homogeneous, nonaqueous catalytic activity of the rhenium-thiolate complex ReL<sub>3</sub> (L = diphenylphosphinobenzenethiolate) for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) has been transferred from nonaqueous homogeneous to aqueous heterogeneous conditions by immobilization on a glassy carbon electrode surface. A series of modified electrodes based on ReL<sub>3</sub> and its oxidized precursor [ReL<sub>3</sub>]Ā­[PF<sub>6</sub>] were fabricated by drop-cast methods, yielding catalytically active species with HER overpotentials for a current density of 10 mA/cm<sup>2</sup>, ranging from 357 to 919 mV. The overpotential correlates with film resistance as measured by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and film morphology as determined by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The lowest overpotential was for films based on the ionic [ReL<sub>3</sub>]Ā­[PF<sub>6</sub>] precursor with the inclusion of carbon black. Stability measurements indicate a 2 to 3 h conditioning period in which the overpotential increases, after which no change in activity is observed within 24 h or upon reimmersion in fresh aqueous, acidic solution. Electronic spectroscopy results are consistent with ReL<sub>3</sub> as the active species on the electrode surface; however, the presence of an undetected quantity of catalytically active degradation species cannot be excluded. The HER mechanism was evaluated by Tafel slope analysis, which is consistent with a novel Volmerā€“Heyrovskyā€“Tafel-like mechanism that parallels the proposed homogeneous HER pathway. Proposed mechanisms involving traditional metal-hydride processes vs ligand-centered reactivity were examined by density functional theory, including identification and characterization of relevant transition states. The ligand-centered path is energetically favored with protonation of cis-sulfur sites culminating in homolytic Sā€“H bond cleavage with H<sub>2</sub> evolution via H atom coupling

    Polarized XANES Monitors Femtosecond Structural Evolution of Photoexcited Vitamin B<sub>12</sub>

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    Ultrafast, polarization-selective time-resolved X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) was used to characterize the photochemistry of vitamin B<sub>12</sub>, cyanocobalamin (CNCbl), in solution. Cobalamins are important biological cofactors involved in methyl transfer, radical rearrangement, and light-activated gene regulation, while also holding promise as light-activated agents for spatiotemporal controlled delivery of therapeutics. We introduce polarized femtosecond XANES, combined with UVā€“visible spectroscopy, to reveal sequential structural evolution of CNCbl in the excited electronic state. Femtosecond polarized XANES provides the crucial structural dynamics link between computed potential energy surfaces and optical transient absorption spectroscopy. Polarization selectivity can be used to uniquely identify electronic contributions and structural changes, even in isotropic samples when well-defined electronic transitions are excited. Our XANES measurements reveal that the structural changes upon photoexcitation occur mainly in the axial direction, where elongation of the axial Coā€“CN bond and Coā€“N<sub>Im</sub> bond on a 110 fs time scale is followed by corrin ring relaxation on a 260 fs time scale. These observations expose features of the potential energy surfaces controlling cobalamin reactivity and deactivation