665 research outputs found

    Two’s Company

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    This is an article which all lawyers should read. Its immediate concern is with legal services for the poor, but its thrust goes far beyond the immediate problem; indeed, its true emphasis concerns a fundamental evaluation of the legal profession and its place in our society. To state that it is thought-provoking is to give it little credit. The author is a man whose experience in the field spans almost half a century. The reader may disagree with the conclusions reached, but he must pay deference to the sincerity and sagacity of the views which it expresses

    Wartime Opportunities in Legal Aid Work

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    We present the basic idea and setup for some recent methods for System Identification, that also deliver error bounds to the user. In particular, we look at Stochastic Embedding, Set Membership Identification and Model Error Modelling. We review and test existing software packages and present a comparing example

    A Step Forward

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    Education for Law Practice: Law Students Can Be Given Clinical Experience

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    AnvĂ€ndningen av superförmĂ„nsrĂ€tt Ă€r blygsam eftersom den har varit problematisk att arbeta med i praktiken. SuperförmĂ„nsrĂ€tten har lĂ€nge varit föremĂ„l för diskussioner. Förarbeten har uttryckt ett behov av att vissa fordringar som hĂ€rrör frĂ„n Ă€ldre avtal ska kunna omfattas av superförmĂ„nsrĂ€tt. Lagtexten krĂ€ver dock att en superförmĂ„nsrĂ€ttslig fordran mĂ„ste vara hĂ€nförbar till ett avtal som ingĂ„tts under rekonstruktionen. Diskussionen om superförmĂ„nsrĂ€tt har sedan tagits upp igen eftersom det har tillsats en utredning som har lagt fram ett förslag pĂ„ att vidga den superförmĂ„nsrĂ€ttsliga sfĂ€ren. De senaste Ă„ren har det Ă€ven tillkommit praxis dĂ€r tĂ€nkbara superförmĂ„nsrĂ€ttsliga problem kan uppstĂ„. Jag har kommit fram till att vissa Ă€ldre avtal ska kunna ge upphov till fordringar som skyddas av superförmĂ„nsrĂ€tt om vissa rekvisit Ă€r uppfyllda. Detta förtydligande av vilka fordringar som kan omfattas av superförmĂ„nsrĂ€tt, tillsammans med andra praktiska krav pĂ„ hur fordringarna ska hanteras under rekonstruktionen, kommer förhoppningsvis kunna innebĂ€ra att rekonstruktioner effektviseras och anvĂ€nds i större utstrĂ€ckning Ă€n idag.The use of special preferential rights during a corporate reconstruction has been fairly modest. This can partially be explained by the fact that it has been shown to be rather difficult to make practical use of such a special preferential right. One of the reasons why such practical issues can be found is because there has been, and still is, an ongoing discussion about the uncertainty how the contracts that the debtor’s bound by should be treated during a reconstruction. In this thesis I’ve reached the conclusion that not only receivables that emerge from newly engaged legal agreements during the reconstruction are to beneficiate from the protection that a special preferential right creates, but also receivables emerging from older legal agreements. In order for “older” receivables to be protected as a special preferential right they must meet certain criteria. This elaboration of what kind of receivables that can be given this special preference can hopefully result in an increased efficiency in how to execute a corporate reconstruction. If the efficiency would increase, this would create a greater number of successful reconstructions and bankruptcy would no longer be the only insolvency instrument

    The Growth of Legal Aid Work

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    Mark Hopkins—His Log

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    The Legal Peg and the Social and Economic Hole

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    The Second Mile for Legal Aid Clinics

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    The report begins with a short introduction to what logistics management and total cost analysis are. This is followed by a presentation of the study's methodological design, a presentation of the cases I studied as well as analysis and concluding reflections.Final report for the project conducted with the support ofLiTH's Educational Development Group, PUG.</p

    Extension of Legal Aid Into Smaller Communities

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