41 research outputs found

    Editorial : Special Issue on “Breeding Blanket: Design, Technology and Performance”

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    A prerequisite for establishing fusion power as one of the sources for low-carbon electricity generation is the demonstration of the capability of future fusion power plants in achieving tritium self-sufficiency and its capability of efficiently producing electricity; both these functions are related to breeding blanket systems, a key component in the transition from ITER to the first generation of nuclear reactors [...

    Heat Pipe-Based DEMO Divertor Target Concept: High Heat Flux Performance Evaluation

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    The use of heat pipes (HP) for the DEMO in-vessel plasma-facing components (PFCs) has been considered because of their high capacity to transport the heat from a heat source to a heat sink by means of the vaporization and condensation of the working fluid inside and their ability to enlarge the heat transfer area of the cooling circuit substantially. Recent engineering studies conducted in the framework of the EUROfusion work package Divertor (Wen et al, 2021) indicate that it is possible to design a heat pipe with a capillary limit above 6 kW using a composite capillary structure (wherein axial grooves cover the adiabatic zone and the condenser, and sintered porous material covers the evaporator). This power level would correspond to an applied heat flux of 20 MW/m2, rendering such a design interesting with respect to a divertor target concept. To validate the results of the initial engineering analysis, several experiments have been conducted to evaluate the actual performance of the proposed heat pipe concept. The present contribution presents the experiment’s results regarding the examination of the operating limits of two different designs for an evaporator: one featuring a plain porous structure, and one featuring ribs and channels

    Design Features and Simulation of the New-Build HELOKA-US Facility for the Validation of the DEMO Helium-Cooled Pebble Bed Intermediate Heat Transport and Storage System

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    For the EU-DEMO Helium-Cooled Pebble Bed (HCPB) concept, an indirect coupled design (ICD) with a molten salt (MS) loop as an intermediate heat transport and storage system (IHTS) is considered for the conceptual design phase. The IHTS with an energy storage decouples the primary heat transport system (PHTS) that undergoes pulse and dwell power cycles from the power conversion system (PCS), and thus can provide stable power to the turbine and grid. However, the maintenance of stable He and MS parameters during transitions from dwell to pulse and vice versa is challenging for the design of the MS loop, and the real performance of the helium–MS heat exchanger (He/MS HX) shall be verified. To investigate such components and conditions, a new R&D infrastructure HELOKA-US (Helium Loop Karlsruhe—Upgrade Storage) is under construction for the validation of prototypical components and the MS loop operation under stationary and transitional conditions. This paper provides the design features of Phase 1a of the project and the simulation results with EBSILON on the power generation phase