903 research outputs found

    Near-field manipulation of interparticle forces through resonant absorption, optical binding, and dispersion forces

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    The relative motions of two or more neutral particles, subject to optical trapping forces within a beam, are influenced by intrinsic inter-particle forces. The fundamental character of such forces is well-known and usually derives from dispersion interactions. However, the throughput of moderately intense (off-resonant) laser light can significantly modify the form and magnitude of these intrinsic forces. This optical binding effect is distinct from the optomechanical interactions involved in optical tweezers, and corresponds to a stimulated (pairwise) forward-scattering mechanism. In recent years, attention has begun to focus on optical binding effects at sub-micron and molecular dimensions. At this nanoscale, further manipulation of the interparticle forces is conceivable on the promotion of optically bound molecules to an electronic excited state. It is determined that such excitation may influence the intrinsic dispersion interaction without continued throughput of the laser beam, i.e. independent of any optical binding. Nevertheless, the forwardscattering mechanism is also affected by the initial excitation, so that both the optical binding and dispersion forces can be manipulated on input of the electromagnetic radiation. In addition, the rate of initial excitation of either molecule (or any energy transfer between them) may be influenced by an off-resonant input beam which, thus, acts as an additional actor in the modification of the interparticle force. A possible experimental set-up is proposed to enable the measurement of such changes in the interparticle coupling. © (2013) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)

    Nonlinear energy pooling in nanophotonic materials

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    Recently there has been considerable interest in the construction of photoactive organic materials designed to exhibit novel forms of optical nonlinearity. By exploiting the unique properties of these nanomaterials at high levels of photon flux, new possibilities emerge for applications in energy harvesting, low-threshold lasing, quantum logic devices, photodynamic therapy, etc. In particular, a detailed appraisal of the theory spotlights novel mechanisms for directed energy transfer and energy pooling in nanophotonic dendrimers. Characterized by a nonlinear dependence on the optical irradiance, these mechanisms fall into two classes: (a) those where two-photon absorption by individual donors is followed by transfer of the sum energy to the acceptor; (b) where the excitation of two electronically distinct but neighbouring donor groups is followed by a collective migration of their energy to a suitable acceptor. In each case these transfer processes are subject to minor dissipative losses, associated with intramolecular vibrational relaxation in the donor species. In this paper we describe in detail the balance of factors and the constraints that determines the favored mechanism, which include the excitation statistics, structure of the energy levels, selection rules, molecular architecture, the distribution of donors and acceptors, spectral overlap and coherence factors. Knowledge of these factors and the means for their optimization offers fresh insights into nanophotonic characteristics, and informs strategies for the design of new photoactive materials

    All-optical switching based on controlled energy transfer between nanoparticles in film arrays

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    The potentiality to exert optical control, over the migration of electronic excitation energy between particles with suitably disposed electronic levels, affords a basis for all-optical switching. Implemented in a configuration with nanoparticles arrayed in thin films, the process can offer an ultrafast parallel-processing capability. The mechanism is a nearfield transfer of energy from donor nanoparticles in one layer (written into an electronically excited state by the absorption of light) to counterpart acceptors; the transfer effect proves amenable to activation by non-resonant laser radiation. The possibility of optical control arises under conditions where the donor-acceptor energy transfer is rigorously forbidden in the absence of laser light, either on the grounds of symmetry or energetics. Under such conditions, optical switching can be produced by the throughput of a single off-resonant beam or, with more control options, by two coincident beams. In model electrodynamical calculations the transfer fidelity, signifying the accuracy of mapping an input to its designated output, can be identified and cast in terms of key optical and geometric characteristics. The results show that, at reasonable levels of laser intensity, cross-talk drops to insignificant levels. Potential applications extend beyond simple switching into all-optical elements for logic gates and optical buffers. © 2009 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers

    Engaging new dimensions in nonlinear optical spectroscopy using auxiliary beams of light

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    By applying a sufficiently intense beam of off-resonant light, simultaneously with a conventional excitation source beam, the efficiencies of one- and two-photon absorption processes may be significantly modified. The nonlinear mechanism that is responsible, known as laser modified absorption, is fully described by a quantum electrodynamical analysis. The origin of the process, which involves stimulated forward Rayleigh-scattering of the auxiliary beam, relates to higher order terms which are secured by a time-dependent perturbation treatment. These terms, usually inconsequential when a single beam of light is present, become prominent under the secondary optical stimulus – even with levels of intensity that are moderate by today’s standards. Distinctive kinds of behaviour may be observed for chromophores fixed in a static arrangement, or for solution- or gas-phase molecules whose response is tempered by a rotational average of orientations. In each case the results exhibit an interplay of factors involving the beam polarisations and the molecular electronic response. Special attention is given to interesting metastable states that are symmetry forbidden by one- or two-photon absorption. Such states may be accessible, and thus become populated, on input of the auxiliary beam. For example, in the one-photon absorption case, terms arise that are more usually associated with three-photon processes, corresponding to very different selection rules. Other kinds of metastable state also arise in the two-photon process, and measuring the effect of applying the stimulus beam to absorbances of such character adds a new dimension to the information content of the associated spectroscopy. Finally, based on these novel forms of optical nonlinearity, there may be new possibilities for quantum non-demolition measurements

    On the detection of characteristic optical emission from electronically coupled nanoemitters

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    Optical emission from an electronically coupled pair of nanoemitters is investigated, in a new theoretical development prompted by experimental work on oriented semiconductor polymer nanostructures. Three physically distinct mechanisms for photon emission by such a pair, positioned in the near-field, are identified: emission from a pairdelocalized exciton state, emission that engages electrodynamic coupling through quantum interference, and correlated photon emission from the two components of the pair. Each possibility is investigated, in detail, by examination of the emission signal via explicit coupling of the nanoemitter pair with a photodetector, enabling calculations to give predictive results in a form directly tailored for experiment. The analysis incorporates both near- and far-field properties (determined from the detector-pair displacement), so that the framework is applicable not only to a conventional remote detector, but also a near-field microscope setup. The results prove strongly dependent on geometry and selection rules. This work paves the way for a broader investigation of pairwise coupling effects in the optical emission from structured nanoemitter arrays

    All-optical control of molecular fluorescence

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    We present a quantum electrodynamical procedure to demonstrate the all-optical control of molecular fluorescence. The effect is achieved on passage of an off-resonant laser beam through an optically activated system; the presence of a surface is not required. Following the derivation and analysis of the all-optical control mechanism, calculations are given to quantify the significant modification of spontaneous fluorescent emission with input laser irradiance. Specific results are given for molecules whose electronic spectra are dominated by transitions between three electronic levels, and suitable laser experimental methods are proposed. It is also shown that the phenomenon is sensitive to the handedness of circularly polarized throughput, producing a conferred form of optical activity

    Interactions between spherical nanoparticles optically trapped in Laguerre-Gaussian modes

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    When a Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) laser mode is used to trap nanoparticles, the spatial disposition of the particles about the beam axis is determined by a secondary mechanism that engages the input radiation with the interparticle potential. This analysis, based on the identification of a range-dependent laser-induced energy shift, elicits and details features that arise for spherical nanoparticles irradiated by a LG mode. Calculations of the absolute minima are performed for LG beams of variable topological charge, and the results are displayed graphically. It is shown that more complex ordered structures emerge on extension to three- and four-particle systems and that similar principles will apply to other kinds of radially structured optical mode. © 2005 Optical Society of America

    Optically tailored access to metastable electronic states

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    On irradiating a molecular system with a laser beam of ultraviolet or visible frequency, photon absorption occurs when an electronic state is at a suitable energy level relative to an initial state. Despite meeting this criterion, interesting metastable states can remain inaccessible because of symmetry constraints. In this Letter a mechanism, based on the input of an off-resonant beam, is shown to enable the population of such states. This is achievable because the laser-modified process involves different selection rules compared to conventional photon absorption. The effects of applying the stimulus beam to either a one- or two-photon process are examined

    London force and energy transportation between interfacial surfaces

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    With appropriately selected optical frequencies, pulses of radiation propagating through a system of chemically distinct and organized components can produce areas of spatially selective excitation. This paper focuses on a system in which there are two absorptive components, each one represented by surface adsorbates arrayed on a pair of juxtaposed interfaces. The adsorbates are chosen to be chemically distinct from the material of the underlying surface. On promotion of any adsorbate molecule to an electronic excited state, its local electronic environment is duly modified, and its London interaction with nearest neighbor molecules becomes accommodated to the new potential energy landscape. If the absorbed energy then transfers to a neighboring adsorbate of another species, so that the latter acquires the excitation, the local electronic environment changes and compensating motion can be expected to occur. Physically, this is achieved through a mechanism of photon absorption and emission by molecular pairs, and by the engagement of resonance transfer of energy between them. This paper presents a detailed analysis of the possibility of optically effecting such modifications to the London force between neutral adsorbates, based on quantum electrodynamics (QED). Thus, a precise link is established between the transfer of excitation and ensuing mechanical effects

    Chiral nanoemitter array: A launchpad for optical vortices

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    A chiral arrangement of molecular nanoemitters is shown to support delocalised exciton states whose spontaneous decay can generate optical vortex radiation. In contrast to techniques in which phase modification is imposed upon conventional optical beams, this exciton method enables radiation with a helical wave-front to be produced directly. To achieve this end, a number of important polarisation and symmetry-based criteria need to be satisfied. It emerges that the phase structure of the optical field produced by degenerate excitons in a propeller-shaped array can exhibit precisely the sought character of an optical vortex – one with unit topological charge. Practical considerations for the further development of this technique are discussed, and potential new applications are identified
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