132 research outputs found

    Effect of Childhood Trauma on Adult Depression and Neuroendocrine Function: Sex-Specific Moderation by CRH Receptor 1 Gene

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    Variations of the corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 1 (CRHR1) gene appear to moderate the development of depression after childhood trauma. Depression more frequently affects women than men. We examined sex differences in the effects of the CRHR1 gene on the relationship between childhood trauma and adult depression. We recruited 1,063 subjects from the waiting rooms of a public urban hospital. Childhood trauma exposure and symptoms of depression were assessed using dimensional rating scales. Subjects were genotyped for rs110402 within the CRHR1 gene. An independent sample of 78 subjects underwent clinical assessment, genotyping, and a dexamethasone/CRH test. The age range at recruitment was 18–77 years and 18–45, for the two studies respectively. In the hospital sample, the protective effect of the rs110402 A-allele against developing depression after childhood trauma was observed in men (N = 424), but not in women (N = 635). In the second sample, the rs110402 A-allele was associated with decreased cortisol response in the dexamethasone/CRH test only in men. In A-allele carriers with childhood trauma exposure women exhibited increased cortisol response compared men; there were no sex differences in A-allele carriers without trauma exposure. This effect may, however, not be related to gender differences per se, but to differences in the type of experienced abuse between men and women. CRHR × environment interactions in the hospital sample were observed with exposure to physical, but not sexual or emotional abuse. Physical abuse was the most common type of abuse in men in this cohort, while sexual abuse was most commonly suffered by women. Our results suggest that the CRHR1 gene may only moderate the effects of specific types of childhood trauma on depression. Gender differences in environmental exposures could thus be reflected in sex-specific CRHR1 × child abuse interactions

    Prototype personality diagnosis in clinical practice: A viable alternative for DSM–5 and ICD–11

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    Several studies suggest that a prototype-matching approach yields diagnoses of comparable validity to the more complex diagnostic algorithms outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.). Furthermore, clinicians prefer prototype diagnosis of personality disorders to the current categorical diagnostic system or alternative dimensional methods. An important extension of this work was to investigate the degree to which clinicians are able to make prototype diagnoses reliably. The aim of this study was to assess the interrater reliability of a prototype-matching approach to personality diagnosis in clinical practice. Using prototypes derived empirically in prior research, outpatient clinicians diagnosed patients' personality after an initial evaluation period. External evaluators independently diagnosed the same patients after watching videotapes of the same clinical hours. Interrater reliability for prototype diagnosis was high, with a median r ϭ .72. Cross-correlations between disorders were low, with a median r ϭ .01. Clinicians and clinically trained independent observers can assess complex personality constellations with high reliability using a simple prototype-matching procedure, even with prototypes that are relatively unfamiliar to them. In light of its demonstrated reliability, efficiency, and versatility, prototype diagnosis appears to be a viable system for the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and the 11th edition of the International Classification of Diseases, with exceptional utility for research and clinical practice

    Neural Correlates of Attention Bias to Threat in Post-traumatic Stress Disorder

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    Attention bias has been proposed to contribute to symptom maintenance in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), although the neural correlates of these processes have not been well defined. When engaging in tasks that require attention, individuals with PTSD have demonstrated altered activity in brain regions such as the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC), anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (vlPFC), and amygdala; however, few PTSD neuroimaging studies have employed tasks that both measure attentional strategies being engaged and included emotionally-salient information, which was the goal of the present study. We administered a modified attention bias task, the dot probe, which is equipped to measure direction and magnitude of bias, to a sample of 37 (19 trauma control, 18 PTSD+) traumatized African-American adults during functional magnetic resonance imaging. Compared to traumatized participants without PTSD, PTSD+ participants demonstrated increased activation in the dlPFC in response to trials including angry/threatening expressions. In addition, attentional avoidance of threat cues corresponded with increased vlPFC and dorsal ACC (dACC) activation in the PTSD group, a pattern that was not observed in controls. These data provide some evidence to suggest that relative increases in dlPFC, dACC and vlPFC activation to threat cues in the context of heightened attentional demands represent neural markers of attentional bias for threat in individuals with PTSD, reflecting selective disruptions in attentional control and emotion processing networks in this disorder

    Reduced Neural Activation During an Inhibition Task is Associated with Impaired Fear Inhibition in a Traumatized Civilian Sample

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    Introduction: Impaired inhibition of fear in the presence of safety cues and a deficiency in the extinction of fear cues are increasingly thought to be important biological markers of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Other studies have suggested that there may be altered neural activation during behavioral inhibition tasks in subjects with PTSD. The current study aimed to see whether neural activation during inhibition was reduced in a highly traumatized civilian population, and whether atypical activation was associated with impaired fear inhibition. Methods: The participants were 41 traumatized women (20 PTSD+, 21 PTSD-) recruited from Grady Memorial Hospital in Atlanta, GA. We used a Go/NoGo procedure with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in a high-resolution 3T scanner. Participants were instructed to press a button whenever an “X” or “O” appeared on the screen, but not if a red square appeared behind the letter. Participants were assessed for trauma history and PTSD diagnosis, and completed a fear-potentiated startle and extinction paradigm. Results: We found stronger activation in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) in traumatized subjects without PTSD compared to those with PTSD in the NoGo greater than Go contrast condition. Activation in the vmPFC was negatively correlated with fear-potentiated startle responses during safety signal learning (p=.02) and fear extinction (p=.0002). Conclusions: These results contribute to understanding of how the neural circuitry involved in inhibitory processes may be deficient in PTSD. Furthermore, the same circuits involved in behavioral inhibition appear to be involved in fear inhibition processes during differential fear conditioning and extinction

    Attention Bias Toward Threat is Associated with Exaggerated Fear Expression and Impaired Extinction in PTSD

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    Background: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) develops in a minority of traumatized individuals. Attention biases to threat and abnormalities in fear learning and extinction are processes likely to play a critical role in the creation and/or maintenance of PTSD symptomatology. However, the relationship between these processes has not been established, particularly in highly traumatized populations; understanding their interaction can help inform neural network models and treatments for PTSD. Method: Attention biases were measured using a dot probe task modified for use with our population; task stimuli included photographs of angry facial expressions, which are emotionally salient threat signals. A fear-potentiated startle paradigm was employed to measure atypical physiological response during acquisition and extinction phases of fear learning. These measures were administered to a sample of 64 minority (largely African American), highly traumatized individuals with and without PTSD. Results: Participants with PTSD demonstrated attention biases toward threat ; this attentional style was associated with exaggerated startle response during fear learning and early and middle phases of extinction, even after accounting for the effects of trauma exposure. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that an attentional bias toward threat is associated with abnormalities in ‘fear load’ in PTSD, providing seminal evidence for an interaction between these two processes. Future research combining these behavioral and psychophysiological techniques with neuroimaging will be useful toward addressing how one process may modulate the other and understanding whether these phenomena are manifestations of dysfunction within a shared neural network. Ultimately, this may serve to inform PTSD treatments specifically designed to correct these atypical processes

    Using polymorphisms in FKBP5 to define biologically distinct subtypes of posttraumatic stress disorder: Evidence from endocrine and gene expression studies

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    Context: Polymorphisms in the gene encoding the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) regulating co-chaperone FKBP5 have been shown to alter GR sensitivity and are associated with an increased risk to develop posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Objective: To investigate interactions of the FKBP5 single-nucleotide polymorphism rs9296158 and PTSD symptoms on baseline cortisol level, low-dose dexamethasone suppression, and whole-blood gene expression. Design: Association of FKBP5 genotypes and PTSD symptoms with endocrine measures and genome-wide expression profiles. Setting: Waiting rooms of general medical and gynecological clinics of an urban hospital at Emory University. Participants: The 211 participants were primarily African American (90.05%) and of low socioeconomic status and had high rates of trauma and PTSD. Main Outcome Measures: Baseline and post-dexamethasone suppression cortisol measures and gene expression levels. Results: In our endocrine study, we found that only risk allele A carriers of rs9296158 showed GR supersensitivity with PTSD; in contrast, baseline cortisol levels were decreased in PTSD only in patients with the GG genotype. Expression of 183 transcripts was significantly correlated with PTSD symptoms after multiple testing corrections. When adding FKBP5 genotype and its interaction with PTSD symptoms, expression levels of an additional 32 genes were significantly regulated by the interaction term. Within these 32 genes, previously reported PTSD candidates were identified, including FKBP5 and the IL18 and STAT pathways. Significant overrepresentation of steroid hormone transcription factor binding sites within these 32 transcripts was observed, highlighting the fact that the earlier-described genotype and PTSDdependent differences in GR sensitivity could drive the observed gene expression pattern. Results were validated by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction and replicated in an independent sample (N=98). Conclusions: These data suggest that the inheritance of GR sensitivity-moderating FKBP5 polymorphisms can determine specific types of hypothalamic-pituitaryadrenal axis dysfunction within PTSD, which are also reflected in gene-expression changes of a subset of GRresponsive genes. Thus, these findings indicate that functional variants in FKBP5 are associated with biologically distinct subtypes of PTSD

    FKBP5 Modulates Attention Bias for Threat: Associations with Hippocampal Function and Morphology

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    Context: The FKBP5 gene product regulates glucocorticoid receptor (GR) sensitivity and hypothalamicpituitary‐adrenal axis functioning, and has been associated with a number of stress‐related psychiatric disorders. The study of intermediate phenotypes, such as emotion‐processing biases and their neural substrates, provides a way to clarify the mechanisms by which FKBP5 dysregulation mediates psychopathology risk. Objective: To examine whether allelic variations for a putatively functional SNP associated with FKBP5 gene regulation (rs1360780) would relate differentially to attentional bias for threat; this was measured through behavioral response on a dot probe task and hippocampal activation during task performance. Morphological substrates of differential hippocampal response were also measured. Design: Cross-sectional study examining associations between genotype, behavioral response and neural response (using fMRI) on the dot probe; Voxel-based morphometry (VBM), global and local shape analyses were used to measure structural differences in hippocampi between genotype groups