6 research outputs found

    Realization of roofing of a residential building Na podkově in Řečice

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    Tato práce se zabývá realizací zastřešení bytového domu v obci Řečice. Cílem je dosažení nejlepší varianty z hlediska finančního, časového nebo technologického řešení výstavby šikmé střechy bytového domu s obytným podkrovím.This thesis deals with the realization of the roofing of a residential building in the village of Řečice. The aim is to achieve the best options in terms of financial, time or technological solution of the construction of the sloping roof of a residential building with a residential attic.

    Construction technology project of C building of Technological park in Brno

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    Tématem diplomové práce je realizace administrativní budovy v areálu Českého technologického parku v Brně. Práce obsahuje technickou zprávu ke stavebně technologickému projektu, situaci v okolí staveniště a návrh dopravních tras, časový a finanční plán objektový, návrh hlavních mechanismů, časový harmonogram a dílčí harmonogram pro monolitické konstrukce. V práci je vypracován projekt zařízení staveniště. Pro monolitické konstrukce pak technologický předpis včetně výpočtu odbednění konstrukcí a kontrolní a zkušební plán. Dále pak položkový rozpočet a výkaz výměr. Jako specializace je vypracován návrh areálové komunikace budované při objektu.Theme of the diploma thesis is realisation of an administrative building in the area of Czech Technological Park Brno. Thesis contains of technical report of the technological project, situation of a place near the building site, the plan of traffic, for the objects time and financial plan, proposal of the main mechanisms, time schedule and partial time schedule for monolithic constructions. In the theses is also project of a construction site. In the thesis there also is a project of a construction site and also a monolithic constructions control and test plan. Then there is an Itemized budget for the building and a bill of quantities. Proposal of an area road constructed by the object is made as a specialization.

    The negative effects of stress on human health and the subsequent strategies to cope

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    My bachelor´s thesis will be on the subject of stress. During this theoretical overview I will first deal with the characterization and definition of the concept of stress and it´s effects. I will then describe each stage the symptoms and effects of stress. In my work I will also address the question of whether stress is harmfull and how it can be damaging to our health, specifically the harmfull effects and how to prevent them.This will lead me to conclude which disease is the most commonly associated with stress. A crucial part of my bachelor thesis is devoted to strategies and procedures, how to cope with stress, manage it and especially how to prevent i

    Sezónní dynamika obsahu manganu v bylinném patru, půdní a epigeické fauně

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    The aim of this thesis is to determine the level of manganese content and its seasonal dynamics in selected herbs and trees species and invertebrates in the period 2011--2013. Trial sites were located in the highly manganese contaminated ecosystem in Krušné hory mountains. The flora and fauna samples were being collected on a monthly basis. The level of manganese was determined by the AAS method. The highest level of manganese was found in the blackberry bush (Rubus caesius L.) and the raspberry bush (Rubus idaeus L.). The larch (Larix decidua Mill.) and the mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia L.) were the most contaminated tree species. Majority of plants accumulates manganese during the vegetative period. The invertebrates showed lower level of manganese content than plants. The highest level was found in millipedes (Diplopoda) and isopods (Oniscoidea). Despite the really high concentration of manganese in the enviroment, none of the plants and invertebrates showed symptoms of toxicosis

    Evaluation of the Determination of Dabigatran, Rivaroxaban, and Apixaban in Lupus Anticoagulant-Positive Patients

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    Background: The effect of direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC) on laboratory tests dependent on the production of their targets, factor IIa and factor Xa, is a well-known problem and can cause both false positive and negative results. In particular, the situation in patients who develop lupus anticoagulant (LA) antibodies is highly complex. To evaluate the effectiveness of DOAC therapy in lupus-positive patients, 31 samples were enrolled in this retrospective study. All patient samples were spiked with three types of DOAC (dabigatran, DABI; rivaroxaban, RIVA; and apixaban, API) in a concentration that significantly influenced the screening test for LA and thus can mask the presence of LA. Subsequently, the DOAC was always unbound by the DOAC-Stop procedure. DOAC levels before and after binding were determined by functional assays, followed by liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (LC-MS) analysis. Methods: The determination of DOAC levels was performed by direct thrombin assay and determination of anti-Xa activity with specific calibration as functional tests for DABI and xabans (API and RIVA). To determine concentration levels of API, DABI, and RIVA, our in-house LC-MS method was used. Results: The results of LA-positive samples show significant differences between functional tests and the LC-MS method both before and after DOAC binding. Conclusions: The acute findings of the presence of LA-type antibodies fundamentally affects the determination of DOAC by functional tests, and in this case, it is necessary to use LC-MS analysis to determine the true value. If patients treated with DOAC develop LA of medium and higher titers, we do not recommend checking DOAC levels with functional tests