9 research outputs found

    Optimization of airport management processes targeted to aircraft delay reduction

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    Odvijanje je operacija zrakoplova na zračnoj luci uvjetovano fizičkim kapacitetom različitih infrastrukturnih i operativnih elementa, operativnim sustavom upravljanja te prometnom potražnjom. Kašnjenja koja su prisutna u zračnoj luci različitih su uzroka i karaktera te izravno utječu na odvijanje operacija zrakoplova. Problem je posebno izražen u regionalnim zračnim lukama sa sezonskim karakterom, neodgovarajućim sustavom upravljanja te ograničenim kapacitetom pojedinoga podsustava ili sustava u cjelini. Postojeći je generički sustav koji se primjenjuje u većini zračnih luka temeljen na sustavu „tko prvi dođe, prvi biva i uslužen”, dok je nadležnost nad upravljanjem pojedinim procesima na različitim subjektima. U postojećem sustavu pojedini operativni podsustavi nisu međusobno integrirani, operacije zrakoplova neodgovarajuće se prate, nisu međusobno koordinirane niti integrirane u sustav zračnoga prometa. Operativne procedure koje se primjenjuju u zračnoj luci većinom nisu unaprijed definirane, već ovise o trenutačnom stanju na manevarskoj površini, na stajanci i u zračnom prostoru zračne luke. U radu je predložen proaktivni sustav koji integrira pojedine operativne podsustave u jednu funkcionalnu cjelinu, a temelji se na inovativnom pristupu sektorizacije zračne luke, matematički je prikazan Petrijevim mrežama. Optimizirane procedure na temelju stanja u pojedinim sektorima svakom zrakoplovu u odlasku dodjeljuju optimalno vrijeme pokretanja motora, odnosno izlaska s pozicije. Rezultati proaktivnih procedura ukazuju na to kako je moguće smanjiti kašnjenja koja se javljaju na manevarskoj površini zračne luke, što ponajprije dovodi do optimalnoga odvijanja operacija zrakoplova, dok se neposredni učinak očituje u smanjenoj potrošnji goriva i razini emisija ispušnih plinova te u povećanoj razini sigurnosti.Aircraft operations at an airport is dependent on the physical capacity of various infrastructure and operational elements, the management system and transport demand. Delays have various causes and characteristics, and directly affect aircraft operations. The problem is particularly acute at regional airports with seasonal character, inadequate management procedures and limited subsystem or system capacity. The existing generic system applied at most airports uses the ″first come first served” principle with different subjects in charge of different processes. The model does not integrate individual sub-systems and aircraft operations are inadequately monitored, not mutually coordinated nor integrated into the system of air traffic. Operating procedures are rarely predefined and depend on the current state of the maneuvering area, the apron and the airport airspace. This paper proposes a proactive system that integrates the individual subsystems into one functional unit. It is based on an innovative approach of airport sectoring which is mathematically described using petri nets. The model uses the situation in individual sectors to optimize procedures that assign optimal engine and take off start times. The primary effects of proactive procedures are the reduction in delays that occur on the airport maneuvering area along with reduced emissions and fuel consumption as well as increased safety

    Optimization of airport management processes targeted to aircraft delay reduction

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    Odvijanje je operacija zrakoplova na zračnoj luci uvjetovano fizičkim kapacitetom različitih infrastrukturnih i operativnih elementa, operativnim sustavom upravljanja te prometnom potražnjom. Kašnjenja koja su prisutna u zračnoj luci različitih su uzroka i karaktera te izravno utječu na odvijanje operacija zrakoplova. Problem je posebno izražen u regionalnim zračnim lukama sa sezonskim karakterom, neodgovarajućim sustavom upravljanja te ograničenim kapacitetom pojedinoga podsustava ili sustava u cjelini. Postojeći je generički sustav koji se primjenjuje u većini zračnih luka temeljen na sustavu „tko prvi dođe, prvi biva i uslužen”, dok je nadležnost nad upravljanjem pojedinim procesima na različitim subjektima. U postojećem sustavu pojedini operativni podsustavi nisu međusobno integrirani, operacije zrakoplova neodgovarajuće se prate, nisu međusobno koordinirane niti integrirane u sustav zračnoga prometa. Operativne procedure koje se primjenjuju u zračnoj luci većinom nisu unaprijed definirane, već ovise o trenutačnom stanju na manevarskoj površini, na stajanci i u zračnom prostoru zračne luke. U radu je predložen proaktivni sustav koji integrira pojedine operativne podsustave u jednu funkcionalnu cjelinu, a temelji se na inovativnom pristupu sektorizacije zračne luke, matematički je prikazan Petrijevim mrežama. Optimizirane procedure na temelju stanja u pojedinim sektorima svakom zrakoplovu u odlasku dodjeljuju optimalno vrijeme pokretanja motora, odnosno izlaska s pozicije. Rezultati proaktivnih procedura ukazuju na to kako je moguće smanjiti kašnjenja koja se javljaju na manevarskoj površini zračne luke, što ponajprije dovodi do optimalnoga odvijanja operacija zrakoplova, dok se neposredni učinak očituje u smanjenoj potrošnji goriva i razini emisija ispušnih plinova te u povećanoj razini sigurnosti.Aircraft operations at an airport is dependent on the physical capacity of various infrastructure and operational elements, the management system and transport demand. Delays have various causes and characteristics, and directly affect aircraft operations. The problem is particularly acute at regional airports with seasonal character, inadequate management procedures and limited subsystem or system capacity. The existing generic system applied at most airports uses the ″first come first served” principle with different subjects in charge of different processes. The model does not integrate individual sub-systems and aircraft operations are inadequately monitored, not mutually coordinated nor integrated into the system of air traffic. Operating procedures are rarely predefined and depend on the current state of the maneuvering area, the apron and the airport airspace. This paper proposes a proactive system that integrates the individual subsystems into one functional unit. It is based on an innovative approach of airport sectoring which is mathematically described using petri nets. The model uses the situation in individual sectors to optimize procedures that assign optimal engine and take off start times. The primary effects of proactive procedures are the reduction in delays that occur on the airport maneuvering area along with reduced emissions and fuel consumption as well as increased safety

    South East Europe Hub and Spoke Air Network Reconfiguration

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    The paper presents the passenger and cargo historical traffic data analysis at the Zagreb Airport, at certain airports in the wider region and globally for a period of half a century. The war during 1990s and the disintegration of Yugoslavia had as a consequence the breakdown of air transport based on hub and spoke system with three airports as a hub: Zagreb, Belgrade and Ljubljana. During and after the war, the domestic airliner in the region and a foreign airliner implemented primarily point-to-point system. Hub airports have become origin-destination airports with mainly local passengers and insignificant ratio of transfer and transit passengers. The causes of slow passenger and cargo traffic growth at the Zagreb Airport and of passengers at certain airports in the narrow region have been analysed and the results are lower growth of air traffic at capital airports of the new countries and greater air traffic growth on the capital airports and others in the countries of a wide region comparing with the global passenger transport growth. The paper indicates the possible measures to increase the share of transfer passengers and cargo traffic at the Zagreb Airport and certain airports in the immediate region

    A Review of Ancillary Services Implementation in the Revenue Management Systems

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    Ancillary services in air transport represent a set of services provided to passengers to choose from, enabling them to enhance their travel experience while accumu-lating additional airline revenue. Low-cost airlines pi-oneered the practice, but the separation of ancillary services from the basic service has become an intense-ly growing trend in the air transport industry over the last decade. This practice has enabled low-cost airlines to significantly reduce the price of the basic service. To remain competitive in an era of transparency provided by search engines, traditional airlines offer ancillary ser-vices in addition to the basic service. To meet the passen-ger’s needs, a whole range of ancillary services has been created. However, existing revenue management systems do not take this ancillary revenue into account when cal-culating reservation limits. If the airline knew that an in-dividual passenger is willing to pay more for ancillary services, the system would be able to adjust the availabil-ity of the service for that passenger during the booking process. A review of research on passengers’ willingness to pay for ancillary services is presented in the paper, as well as a review on research on the personalisation of ancillary services and challenges of integrating person-alised pricing into existing revenue management systems

    Delay Causes Distribution: EU vs Croatian Coastal Airports

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    The growth in air traffic in recent decades in Europe has consequently caused aircraft delays due to insufficient capacities of airspace and airports. Primary and reactionary delays at certain European and Croatian coastal airports in 2014 are analyzed in the paper according to CODA methodology and classified according to main flight delays causes. The largest share of delay minutes at the Croatian coastal airports (75%) are related to reactionary delays, ranging from around 20% to 60% of total delay at the most congested European airports. Special emphasis is given to the analyses of rotational reactionary delay, and the results indicate that the share of reactionary delay in total delay at the Split airport is significantly higher compared to selected European airports, which may be explained by delays propagated from air traffic network and limited airport capacity. The total recorded delay at Croatian coastal airports is minor compared to total recorded delay in the European air traffic system, but delay patterns are quite similar, especially during peak summer months. Document type: Articl

    Delay Causes Distribution: EU vs Croatian Coastal Airports

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    The growth in air traffic in recent decades in Europe has consequently caused aircraft delays due to insufficient capacities of airspace and airports. Primary and reactionary delays at certain European and Croatian coastal airports in 2014 are analyzed in the paper according to CODA methodology and classified according to main flight delays causes. The largest share of delay minutes at the Croatian coastal airports (75%) are related to reactionary delays, ranging from around 20% to 60% of total delay at the most congested European airports. Special emphasis is given to the analyses of rotational reactionary delay, and the results indicate that the share of reactionary delay in total delay at the Split airport is significantly higher compared to selected European airports, which may be explained by delays propagated from air traffic network and limited airport capacity. The total recorded delay at Croatian coastal airports is minor compared to total recorded delay in the European air traffic system, but delay patterns are quite similar, especially during peak summer months

    WINGS Project – Regional Education Centre for Specialised Training at Airports

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    Expropriation and Airport Development

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    The article deals with issues, which may arise during the preparation of line infrastructure projects in the public interest such as airports, railways or highways. We focused mainly on the issue of expropriation of land in the public interest and related problems in Slovakia and Croatia but also in other states. Few case studies complement the theoretical part of the study. The paper is focused on comparison of selected national legislation especially Slovak and Croatian in this field and individual State’s approaches and tries to find the necessary changes in legislation whose could be usefully for the future. Slovakia and Croatia were chosen for comparison because not only they have a similar population and number of public airports, but they also have a common history and had common legal framework where, after the Austro-Hungarian settlement in 1867, Croatia itself belonged to Zalitavsko within Austria-Hungary together with Slovakia

    The Role and Influence of Industry 4.0. in Airport Operations in the Context of COVID-19

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    Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, aviation at the global level is currently facing one of the biggest challenges in its sustainability. The entire philosophy related to airport operations and passenger processing changes due to the fast-spreading nature of this disease. The “new normal” in the aviation sector, primarily at the airport, will provide the passenger a different quality level of service in comparison to what we used to have until now. Following World Health Organization measures, especially those related to social distances, the future focus will be on the implementation of fully automated self-service passenger traffic flows that will change the airport passenger traffic flows’ processing structure. This paper shows current technologies and processes and how this “new normal” will change philosophy related to Industry 4.0 at the airport passenger operations, functionality, and human resource (HR) planning and optimizations