14 research outputs found

    Die Evaluation nach § 8 des Gesetzes zur Sicherung von Arbeitnehmerrechten in der Fleischwirtschaft (GSA Fleisch): Abschlussbericht

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    Mit der Novellierung des Gesetzes zur Sicherung von Arbeitnehmerrechten in der Fleischwirtschaft (GSA Fleisch) zum 1. Januar 2021 verfolgte der Gesetzgeber die Ziele, die Arbeitsbedingungen und den Arbeitsschutz zu verbessern, mehr Transparenz zu schaffen, die Rechtsdurchsetzung zu fördern sowie Missbrauch zu verhindern. Die Evaluation liefert zahlreiche Hinweise, dass durch die Novellierung vielfältige positive Entwicklungen in der Fleischwirtschaft angestoßen wurden. Umfang und Geschwindigkeit variieren dabei, je nachdem, welche konkreten Aspekte betrachtet werden (bspw. Arbeitszeiten, Arbeitsbelastungen, Lohn, Unfälle). Die Fleischunternehmen übernahmen fast alle ehemals Fremdbeschäftigten im Kernbereich, indem sie mit ihnen Arbeitsverträge schlossen. Die Handwerksausnahme ist aus Sicht der Evaluation begründet. Fremdpersonal spielte im Handwerk kaum eine Rolle und die Arbeitsbedingungen zeigten dort weniger Handlungsbedarf. Bei Handwerksunternehmen stößt die Regelung auf Akzeptanz. Leiharbeit wird in der Fleischwirtschaft nur noch in geringem Umfang eingesetzt. Die Möglichkeit, die Ausnahmeregelung für die Leiharbeit zu nutzen, ist vor allem für kleinere verarbeitende Industrieunternehmen von Bedeutung, um Produktionsspitzen aufzufangen. Die Tarifbindung als Bedingung für den Einsatz von Leiharbeit dürfte dazu führen, dass Leiharbeitnehmer*innen keine schlechteren Arbeitsbedingungen als Stammbeschäftigte haben. Die Evaluation empfiehlt daher, die Ausnahme zur Leiharbeit in der Fleischverarbeitung zu entfristen. Bislang geltende Regelungen zu Quote, Einsatzdauer und Tarifverträgen sollten beibehalten werden.With the amendment of the Act on the Protection of Labour Rights in the Meat Industry (GSA Fleisch) of 1 January 2021, the government pursued the goal of improving labour conditions and occupational safety, creating more transparency, promoting legal enforcement and preventing abuse. The evaluation provides numerous indications that the amendment has triggered a variety of positive developments in the meat industry. The extent and speed of these developments vary depending on what specific aspects are considered (e.g. working hours, workloads, wages, accidents). The takeover of external staff in the core area was almost complete. From the evaluation's point of view, the exception of the crafts sector is justified. External staff hardly played a role in the crafts sector and the working conditions there showed less need for action. The regulation meets with acceptance among craft businesses. Labor Leasing is only used to a small extent in the meat industry. The possibility to use the derogation for Labor Leasing is particularly important for smaller processing industrial businesses in order to absorb production peaks. Collective wage agreements as a condition for the use of Labor Leasing should result in that these workers do not have worse labour conditions than permanent employees. The evaluation therefore recommends that the exemption for Labor Leasing in meat processing industries be prolonged. The current regulations on quotas, duration of deployment and collective agreements should be retained

    Increase of meningococcal serogroup Y cases in Europe: A reason for concern?

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    International audienceNeisseria meningitidis is differentiated into 12 distinct serogroups of which A, B, C, W-135, X and Y are medically most important and represent a major health problem in one or more parts of the world. The epidemiology of N. meningitidis is unpredictable over time and across geographic regions. A sudden increase or decrease of IMD or meningococcal carriage may occur anywhere at any time. Recent epidemiological surveillance indicates an increase of serogroup Y IMD in some parts of Europe and data from various European countries are presented

    Virtuelle (Sport-)Realität. Analyse, Feedback und Training in virtuellen Umgebungen

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    Frank C. Virtuelle (Sport-)Realität. Analyse, Feedback und Training in virtuellen Umgebungen. In: Borges U, Bröker L, Hoffmann S, et al., eds. Die Psychophysiologie der Handlung. 50. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie vom 10. bis 12. Mai in Köln. 2018: 73-75

    The Psychophysiology of Action: A Multidisciplinary Endeavor for Integrating Action and Cognition

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    There is a vast amount of literature concerning the integration of action and cognition. Although this broad research area is of great interest for many disciplines like sports, psychology and cognitive neuroscience, only a few attempts tried to bring together different perspectives so far. Our goal is to provide a perspective to spark a debate across theoretical borders and integration of different disciplines via psychophysiology. In order to boost advances in this research field it is not only necessary to become aware of the different areas that are relevant but also to consider methodological aspects and challenges. We briefly describe the most relevant theoretical accounts to the question of how internal and external information processes or factors interact and, based on this, argue that research programs should consider the three dimensions: (a) dynamics of movements; (b) multivariate measures and; (c) dynamic statistical parameters. Only with an extended perspective on theoretical and methodological accounts, one would be able to integrate the dynamics of actions into theoretical advances

    How are motor performance developments affected by exercise in extracurricular in comparison with school sports?

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    Gromeier M, Schack T, Koester D. How are motor performance developments affected by exercise in extracurricular in comparison with school sports? In: Borges U, Bröker L, Hoffmann S, et al., eds. 50. Jahrestagung der asp "Die Psychophysiologie der Handlung" . 10. - 12. Mai 2018 : Abstractband der 50. Jahrestagung der asp. Bonn: Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft; 2018: 112-113.In times of growing media consumption and demographic changes, the risk of hypokinesia increase and so does the importance of physical and sport activity. In this project we pursue the research question how are throwing performances affected by practise in club sports vs. school sports. Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the overarm throw and gender differences in performance will be examined. Previously, no significant difference was reported for athletes throughout age (childhood, pubescence & adolescence) or between genders in quantitative performance. Regarding movement quality, gender differences were obtained throughout these age bands (decreasing with age numerically); with increasing age performance of all athletes improved (Gromeier et al., 2017). These findings are the paradigmatic and methodological basis for our study. To assess age and gender-related differences, 110 participants (novices with no experience in throwing sports, 6 - 16 yrs.) were divided into three age bands (childhood, pubescence & adolescence). They were asked to throw as hard and accurately as possible at a marked target on the wall (75 x 75 cm). Number of hits and movement quality video recorded and analyzed by three independent experts according to the modified component approach (Halverson & Roberton, 1984). The two-way ANOVA (age x gender) yielded no effect of age on qualitative performance, F(2,104) = 1.45, ns, but a significant effect of gender, F(1,104) = 15.181, p < .001. The interaction effect was not significant, F(2,104) < 1, ns. For hit performance, the ANOVA showed no effect of age, F(2,104) < 1, ns, but gender was significant, F(1,104) = 6.121, p = .015. The interaction was not significant, F(2,104) < 1, ns. Across the three age bands, novices stagnated on a low level of performance and gender differences were found during childhood for trunk, forearm, and backswing actions, total qualitative performance and quantitative performance. During pubescence, gender differences existed for trunk action and during adolescence for backswing action. Throwing movement characteristics did not vary among the age bands in our novices. Throwing movement quality or accuracy (quantity) did not differ among the age bands in our novices and the skills stagnate on the level of childhood. When comparing the present findings with previous results from athletes (Gromeier et al., 2017), one has to note that extracurricular and physical school education are not comparably effective. Moreover, the present results suggest a need to improve physical education if motor skill learning is not backed-up by club sport

    Neue Untersuchungs- und Trainingsmethoden für den Sportbereich durch den Einsatz von modernen multi-modalen Blickerfassungs- und Feedbacksystemen

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    Essig K, Strenge B, Frank C, Schack T. Neue Untersuchungs- und Trainingsmethoden für den Sportbereich durch den Einsatz von modernen multi-modalen Blickerfassungs- und Feedbacksystemen. In: Borges U, Bröker L, Hoffmann S, et al., eds. Die Psychophysiologie der Handlung. 50. Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Sportpsychologie vom 10. bis 12. Mai in Köln. 2018: 50

    Wie verarbeiten Basketball-Athleten Blickfinten? Eine EEG-Studie

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    Koester D, Schütz C, Güldenpenning I, Schack T. Wie verarbeiten Basketball-Athleten Blickfinten? Eine EEG-Studie. In: Borges U, Bröker L, Hoffmann S, et al., eds. 50. Jahrestagung der asp "Die Psychophysiologie der Handlung" . 10. - 12. Mai 2018 : Abstractband der 50. Jahrestagung der asp. Bonn: Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft; 2018: 33-34