946 research outputs found

    Stark broadening of B IV spectral lines

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    Stark broadening parameters for 157 multiplets of helium like boron (B IV) have been calculated using the impact semiclassical perturbation formalism. Obtained results have been used to investigate the regularities within spectral series. An example of the influence of Stark broadening on B IV lines in DO white dwarfs is given.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Stark broadening of B IV lines for astrophysical and laboratory plasma research

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    Stark broadening parameters for 36 multiplets of B IV have been calculated using the semi-classical perturbation formalism. Obtained results have been used to investigate the regularities within spectral series and temperature dependence.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, in press in Advances in Space Researc

    On the influence of Stark broadening on Si I lines in stellar atmospheres

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    We study the influence of Stark broadening and stratification effects on Si\i lines in the rapidly oscillating (roAp) star 10 Aql, where the Si\i 6142.48 \AA and 6155.13 \AA lines are asymmetrical and shifted. First we have calculated Stark broadening parameters using the semiclassical perturbation method for three Si\i lines: 5950.2 \AA, 6142.48 \AA and 6155.13 \AA. We revised the synthetic sp$ calculation code taking into account both Stark width and shift for these lines. From the comparison of our calculations with the observations we found that Stark broadening + the stratification effect can explain asymmetry of the Si\i 6142.48 \AA and 6155.13 \AA lines in the atmospere of roAp star 10 Aql.Comment: Accepted to A&

    Tensorial depolarization of alkali atoms by isotropic collisions with neutral hydrogen

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    Results. We consider the problem of isotropic collisions between an alkali atom and neutral hydrogen. We calculate the collisional tensorial components of general p and s-states, characterized by their effective principal quantum number nn^{*}. It is found that the behaviour of the tensorial components obey simple power laws allowing quick calculations of the depolarizing collisional rates. As application, our results should allow a rigorous treatment of the atomic polarization profiles of the D1 -D2 lines of alkali atoms. Conclusions. Close coupling treatments of atomic collisions are needed to decipher the information encoded in the polarized radiation from the Sun. Important problems remain unresolved like the role of collisions in the Paschen-Back conditions.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Hydrogen Hα\alpha line polarization in solar flares. Theoretical investigation of atomic polarization by proton beams considering self-consistent NLTE polarized radiative transfer

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    Context. We present a theoretical review of the effect of impact polarization of a hydrogen Hα\alpha line due to an expected proton beam bombardment in solar flares. Aims. Several observations indicate the presence of the linear polarization of the hydrogen Hα\alpha line observed near the solar limb above 5% and preferentially in the radial direction. We theoretically review the problem of deceleration of the beam originating in the coronal reconnection site due to its interaction with the chromospheric plasma, and describe the formalism of the density matrix used in our description of the atomic processes and the treatment of collisional rates. Methods. We solve the self-consistent NLTE radiation transfer problem for the particular semiempirical chromosphere models for both intensity and linear polarization components of the radiation field. Results. In contrast to recent calculations, our results show that the energy distribution of the proton beam at Hα\alpha formation levels and depolarizing collisions by background electrons and protons cause a significant reduction of the effect below 0.1%. The radiation transfer solution shows that tangential resonance-scattering polarization dominates over the impact polarization effect in all considered models. Conclusions. In the models studied, proton beams are unlikely to be a satisfying explanation for the observed linear polarization of the Hα\alpha line.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The OIV 1407.3\AA /1401.1\AA\ emission-line ratio in a plasma

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    Line ratio of O IV 1407.3 \AA/1401.1 \AA\- is calculated using mostly our own atomic and collisional data. Energy levels and oscillator strengths needed for this calculation have been calculated using a Hartree-Fock relativistic (HFR) approach. The electron collision strengths introduced in the statistic equilibrium equations are fitted by polynomials for different energies. Comparison has also been made with available theoretical results. The provided line ratio has been obtained for a set of electron densities from 10810^{8} cm3^{-3} to 101310^{13} cm3^{-3} and for a fixed temperature of 50 000 K.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in Advances in Space Researc

    The Ly-alpha Lines of H I and He II: A Differential Hanle Effect for Exploring the Magnetism of the Solar Transition Region

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    The Ly-alpha line of He II at 304 \AA\ is one of the spectral lines of choice for EUV channels of narrow-band imagers on board space telescopes, which provide spectacular intensity images of the outer solar atmosphere. Since the magnetic field information is encoded in the polarization of the spectral line radiation, it is important to investigate whether the He II line radiation from the solar disk can be polarized, along with its magnetic sensitivity. Here we report some theoretical predictions concerning the linear polarization signals produced by scattering processes in this strong emission line of the solar transition region, taking into account radiative transfer and the Hanle effect caused by the presence of organized and random magnetic fields. We find that the fractional polarization amplitudes are significant (1{\sim}1%), even when considering the wavelength-integrated signals. Interestingly, the scattering polarization of the Ly-alpha line of He II starts to be sensitive to the Hanle effect for magnetic strengths B>100 G (i.e., for magnetic strengths of the order of and larger than the Hanle saturation field of the hydrogen Ly-alpha line at 1216 \AA). We therefore propose simultaneous observations of the scattering polarization in both Ly-alpha lines to facilitate magnetic field measurements in the upper solar chromosphere. Even the development of a narrow-band imaging polarimeter for the He II 304 \AA\ line alone would be already of great diagnostic value for probing the solar transition region.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    On the influence of Stark broadening on Cr I lines in stellar atmospheres

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    Using the semiclassical perturbation method, electron-, proton-, and ionized helium-impact line widths and shifts for the nine Cr I spectral lines from the 4p7P04d7D4p^7P^0-4d^7D multiplet, have been calculated for a perturbers density of 1014^{14} cm3^{-3} and temperatures T =2,500 - 50,000 K. The obtained results have been used to investigate the influence of Stark broadening effect in the Cr-rich Ap star β\beta CrB atmosphere on line shapes of these lines. It has been found that the contribution of the proton and He II collisions to the line width and shift is significant, and it is comparable and sometimes (depending of the electron temperature) even larger than electron-impact contribution. Moreover, not only the Stark line width, but, depending on the electron-, proton-, and He\ii density in stellar atmosphere also the Stark shift may contribute to the blue as well as to the red asymmetry of the same line. The obtained results have been used to investigate the influence of Stark broadening effect on line shapes of Cr\i lines in the atmosphere of Cr-rich Ap star β\beta CrB.Comment: 8 pages, Astron. Astrophys. accepte

    The STARK-B database as a resource for \textquotedblleft STARK" widths and shifts data: State of advancement and program of development

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    \textquotedblleft Stark" broadening theories and calculations have been extensively developed for about 50 years and can now be applied to many needs, especially for accurate spectroscopic diagnostics and modeling. This requires the knowledge of numerous collisional line profiles. Nowadays, the access to such data via an online database becomes essential. STARK-B is a collaborative project between the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade and the Laboratoire d'\'Etude du Rayonnement et de la mati\`ere en Astrophysique (LERMA). It is a database of calculated widths and shifts of isolated lines of atoms and ions due to electron and ion collisions (impacts). It is devoted to modeling and spectroscopic diagnostics of stellar atmospheres and envelopes, laboratory plasmas, laser equipments and technological plasmas. Hence, the domain of temperatures and densities covered by the tables is wide and depends on the ionization degree of the considered ion. STARK-B has been fully opened since September 2008 and is in free access. The first stage of development was ended in autumn 2012, since all the existing data calculated with the impact semiclassical-perturbation method and code by Sahal-Br\'echot, Dimitrijevi\'c and coworkers have now been implemented. We are now beginning the second stage of the development of STARK-B. The state of advancement of the database and our program of development are presented here, together with its context within VAMDC. VAMDC (Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Center) is an international consortium which has built a secure, documented, flexible interoperable platform e-science permitting an automated exchange of atomic and molecular data.Comment: 4 pages, in press in Advances in Space Researc