1,811 research outputs found

    Ca2+-Stimulated Catecholamine Release from alpha-Toxin Permeabilized PC12 Cells

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    Two possible cellular pathways of catecholamines from the chromaffin vesicles of PC 12 cells to the surrounding medium are explored in this study. The direct one circumventing the cytoplasm can be activated in a-toxin-permeabilized cells with micromolar levels of free Ca2+. Catecholamine metabolites formed in the cytoplasm (i.e., 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid and 3,4-dihydroxyphenylethanol) are neither formed nor released from the cells under these conditions. However, when vesicular catecholamines were discharged into the cytoplasm by addition of the ionophore nigericin, such metabolites are formed and released into the medium independent of Ca2+. Both types of experiments provide direct evidence for the operation of Ca2+-induced exocytosis of dopamine and noradrenaline in permeabilized PC12 cells. The Ca2+ dependence of dopamine or noradrenaline release, as measured by the determination of the endogenous catecholamines using the high-performance liquid chromatography technique, exhibits two different phases. One is already activated below 1 pM free Ca2+ and plateaus at 1-5 pM free Ca2+, while a second occurs in the presence of larger amounts of free Ca2+ (10-100 pM). Ca2+-induced catecholamine release from the permeabilized cells can be modulated in different ways: It is enhanced by the phorbol ester 12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate and the diacylglycerol 1 -oleyl-2-acetylglycerol provided Mg*+/ATP is present, and it is inhibited by guanosine 5’-0-(3-thiotriphosphate). The latter effect is abolished by pretreatment of the cells with pertussis toxin but not by cholera toxin. Thus, it appears that Ca2+-induced exocytosis can be modulated via the protein kinase C system, as well as via GTP binding proteins

    Impacts of Radar Echoes on Internal Calibration Signals in the TerraSAR-X Instrument

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    For calibrating and monitoring the required radiometric stability, the radar instrument of TerraSAR-X features an internal calibration facility coupling into an additional port of the TRMs. Calibration pulses are routed through the front-end to characterise critical elements and parameters of the transmit (TX) and receive (RX) path. Changes in the signal path appear due to thermal effects, degradation, or extreme conditions in space. Especially the front-end TRMs controlling the phased array antenna are of crucial significance for the instrument reliability. There are many indications that the interference of the RX-Calibration signals is caused by an echo from a transmitted TerraSAR-X chirp pulse of the same data take. As consequently implemented in the TerraSAR-X system, different approaches solve these effects of signal interference. In orbit, the commanding sequence can be optimised for avoiding interference. At processing level, averaging techniques minimise the noise effects inside the calibration signals. This paper presents the effects of the radar echoes on the whole internal calibration process and how they can be detected and minimised

    Die stationÀre Altenhilfe: Situation, Herausforderungen und beispielhafte Entwicklung

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    Die stationĂ€re Altenhilfe ist kein Auslaufmodell sondern ein wachsender Sektor der Gesundheitswirtschaft, der auch in den nĂ€chsten Jahrzehnten große Bedeutung haben wird. Die KomplexitĂ€t der Versorgungsbedarfe und die QualitĂ€tsanforderungen wachsen; die personellen Ressourcen der Pflegeheime sind dĂŒrftig und Qualifizierungs- und Rekrutierungsprobleme nehmen zu. Es bedarf neben politischen und wissenschaftlichen Anstrengungen insbesondere auch der Initiative der TrĂ€ger, wenn die Herausforderungen der Zukunft gemeistert werden sollen. Innovative Entwicklungsprojekte können Vorbild sein

    Geplante Bundesfernstraße B 87n (Rhönquerung) – zum Verfahren, zur Verantwortung und zur Notwendigkeit

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    Zwei Umwelterheblichkeitsuntersuchungen kamen zu dem Ergebnis, dass die geplante Bundesstraße durch die Rhön erhebliche, dauerhafte und nicht ausgleichbare BeeintrĂ€chtigungen mit sich bringt. WeitrĂ€umige, naturnahe WaldhĂ€nge und artenreiche Bergwiesen, mehrere FlĂŒsse und zahlreiche BĂ€che wĂŒrden von der Trasse mit ihren Einschnitten, DĂ€mmen, GroßbrĂŒcken und Tunneln durchschnitten. Die LebensrĂ€ume und Rastgebiete sensibler Arten wie Schwarzstorch, Rotmilan, Uhu, Wachtelkönig und RaubwĂŒrger wĂŒrden großrĂ€umig beeintrĂ€chtigt. Schließlich ist festzuhalten, dass fĂŒr die Verbesserung der VerkehrsfĂŒhrung durch die Rhön (Verbindung der Bundesautobahnen A 7 und A 71) eine bei weitem naturvertrĂ€glichere und erheblich kostengĂŒnstigere Alternative besteht. Hierzu wĂ€ren lediglich einige bautechnische Verbesserungen an der vorhandenen Bundesstraße B 279 nötig

    Identification of new Pseudomonas aeruginosa lectin LecA inhibitors using biochemical- and NMR-methods

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    Biofilm formation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is one of the major threats of its treatment. P. aeruginosa expresses lectins, which are carbohydrate-binding proteins: LecA, specifically binding to D-galactose. The development of galactose-based inhibitors with high affinity towards LecA represents a promising way towards novel therapeutics. Derivatives of phenyl ÎČ-D-galactosides were synthesized and tested on their binding potential to LecA. Within the set of 44 synthesized D-galactose based inhibitors m-methoxy phenyl ÎČ-D-galactoside was determined asthe best LecA inhibitor with a binding affinity in the low micro molar range and can now be used for further derivatization. In contrast to synthesis virtual screening and NMR screening of a 19F library was used to identify novel LecA inhibitors. The determined hits were verified using biochemical methods. To identify fragments binding in the vicinity of the carbohydrate binding pocket a screening approach based on the functional replacement of Ca2+ in the binding pocket is developed. As Ca2+ is replaced with paragmagntic lanthanide ions resulting effects like signal shifts (PCS) and enhanced relaxation (PRE) give insight on distance and angle of potential binders. The developed screening approach based on paramagnetic effects can be used to screening further fragment libraries to identify new binding fragments or ligandsDie Biofilmbildung von Pseudomonas aeruginosa ist eines der grĂ¶ĂŸes Problem bei der Behandlung. P. aeruginosa exprimiert kohlenhydratbindende Proteine, genannt Lektine. LecA bindet spezifisch an D-Galaktose. Die Entwicklung von Hemmstoffen auf Galaktosebasis stellt einen vielversprechenden Weg zu neuen Therapeutika dar. Es wurden 44 D-Galaktosederivate synthetisiert und auf ihr Bindungspotenzial an LecA getestet. M-Methoxyphenyl-ÎČ-D-Galaktosid wurde als bester LecA-Inhibitor mit einer BindungsaffinitĂ€t im niedrigen mikromolaren Bereich ermittelt und kann fĂŒr weitere Derivatisierung verwendet werden. ZusĂ€tzlich zur Synthese und Evaluierung wurde ein virtuelles Screening sowie ein NMR-Screening einer 19F-Bibliothek eingesetzt, um neue LecA-Inhibitoren zu identifizieren. Die ermittelten Treffer wurden mittels biochemischer Methoden weiter untersucht. Um weiterhin Fragmente zu identifizieren, die in der NĂ€he der Kohlenhydratbindungstasche binden, wurde ein Screening-Ansatz entwickelt, der auf dem funktionellen Ersatz von Ca2+ in der Bindungstasche basiert. Durch den Ersatz von Ca2+ durch paragmagnesische Lanthanidionen werden Effekte wie Signalverschiebungen (PCS) und verstĂ€rkte Relaxation (PRE) beobachtet, die Aufschluss ĂŒber Abstand und Winkel potenzieller Bindungspartner geben. Der entwickelte Screeninganstatz kann nun fĂŒr die Untersuchung weitere Bibliotheken verwendet werden

    Working Paper 107 - China, Africa and the International Aid Architecture

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    This paper analyses China’s growing foreignaid and export credit programme as anelement of the changing international aidarchitecture. The paper finds that practicesgoverning Chinese aid and developmentfinance diverge from clear OECD standardsand norms on transparency and definitions,the management of concessional exportcredits, and the management of sovereigndebt. In the area of environmental and socialprotections, corruption, and governance, thepaper finds mixed results. Chinese norms onenvironmental and social safeguards areevolving rapidly. There is some evidence thatthe framework for development loans hasbegun to take these higher standards intoaccount. Regarding governance, both Chinaand the traditional sources of developmentfinance have rules that discouragecorruption in the procurement of aid, butexport credits are less well policed. Neitherseem to have rules for when or how aidshould be restricted when a pattern ofcorruption characterises an entire recipientgovernment. The global aid regime is notwell-institutionalised regarding democracyand human rights. Neither the IMF, the WorldBank nor the Chinese apply conditionality inthis area. Many bilateral donors do applysuch conditions, but relativelyinconsistently. Many still lack clear and firmstandards. In sum, Chinese practice is not asdifferent in this arena as often believed.

    Neue Arbeitsteilung und Qualifikationen in der Gesundheitsarbeit: Wer profitiert und was bleibt liegen?

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    Strategien der FachkrĂ€ftesicherung im Gesundheitswesen erfordern mehr Wissen ĂŒber die VerĂ€nderung der Bildungs- und Berufelandschaft und die von einzelnen Berufsgruppen tatsĂ€chlich verantworteten Aufgaben und TĂ€tigkeiten. Die Entwicklung neuer Berufsbilder im Gesundheitssektor erfolgt derzeit unkoordiniert und vermittelt den Eindruck eines heiteren Berufsbastelns mit ungeklĂ€rten Folgen. KrankenhĂ€user reagieren durch die Entwicklung eigener betrieblicher Kompetenzprofile/Qualifizierungsangebote auf Herausforderungen, die derzeit durch das Bildungssystem und/oder im Gratifikationssystem nur unzureichend beantwortet werden. Trotz neuer Berufe, Kompetenzprofile und Aufgabenverteilungen werden zentrale Aspekte der Patientenorientierung in der Arbeitsgestaltung vielfach ausgeblendet und vernachlĂ€ssigt

    On the Dependence between Quantiles and Dispersion Estimators

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    In this study, we derive the joint asymptotic distributions of functionals of quantile estimators (the non-parametric sample quantile and the parametric location-scale quantile) and functionals of measure of dispersion estimators (the sample standard deviation, sample mean absolute deviation, sample median absolute deviation) - assuming an underlying identically and independently distributed sample. Additionally, for location-scale distributions, we show that asymptotic correlations of such functionals do not depend on the mean and variance parameter of the distribution. Further, we compare the impact of the choice of the quantile estimator (sample quantile vs. parametric location-scale quantile) in terms of speed of convergence of the asymptotic covariance and correlations respectively. As application, we show in simulations a good finite sample performance of the asymptotics. Further, we show how the theoretical dependence results can be applied to the most well-known risk measures (Value-at-Risk, Expected Shortfall, expectile). Finally, we relate the theoretical results to empirical findings in the literature of the dependence between risk measure prediction (on historical samples) and the estimated volatility
