19 research outputs found

    A Numerical Investigation of Induced and Embedded Trench Installations for Large-Diameter Thermoplastic Pipes under High Fill Stresses

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    The induced trench installation method is applied by placing material with high compressibility on rigid pipes to reduce the earth pressures acting on them. Although the performance of this method for rigid pipes has been investigated, research on thermoplastic pipes is very limited. In this study, induced trench installation (ITI) and embedded trench installation (ETI) of large-diameter thermoplastic pipes subjected to high fill stresses were investigated by numerical analysis. The numerical model has been verified by considering the field experiments, and a series of analyses were carried out by placing Expanded Polystyrene Foam (EPS Geofoam) in ITI and ETI models. Pipe stresses and deflections were evaluated by considering the pipe diameter, stiffness, and backfill properties. The ITI and ETI models in thermoplastic pipes reduced the stresses acting on the pipes and increased the positive arching regardless of the deflection of the pipe. For pipes with an inner diameter of 0.762 to 1.524 m under 30 m of fill stress, approximately 1.5 to 3.0% deflection occurred. In the ETI model, the horizontal earth pressure in the spring line of the pipe decreased from 65 to 40% depending on the backfill type, and an approximately uniform stress distribution was formed around the pipe

    Reduction of stresses on buried flexible pipes by using compressible material

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    Gömülü borular ve menfezler gibi yapıların tasarımında zemin – yapı etkileşiminin anlaşılması gereklidir. Gömülü borulara etkiyen yükler zemin kemerlenmesi dolayısıyla etkiyen yükten farklı olarak ölçülmektedir. Esnek borularda borunun düşeyde yaptığı esnemeden dolayı boru üzerindeki zemin prizmasının yaptığı oturma, borunun yanlarında yer alan zemin prizmasının yaptığı oturmadan fazladır. Bundan dolayı gelişen pozitif zemin kemerlenmesi ile boru üzerine gelecek yükün bir kısmı yan zemin prizmalarına aktarılarak boru üzerine etkiyen yük azalmaktadır. Rijit borularda ise negatif zemin kemerlenmesi ile boru üzerine etkiyen yüklerde artış meydana gelmektedir. Rijit borulara etkiyen yükleri azaltmak için yapay hendek yöntemi geliştirilmiştir. Bu yöntemle boru üzerine sıkışabilir malzeme yerleştirilerek yapay olarak pozitif kemerlenme sağlanmış olur. Yapay hendek yönteminin esnek borularda uygulanması ile var olan kemerlenme etkisinin artması sağlanır. Bu tez çalışmasında kalın dolgu yükleri altında yer alan geniş çaplı HDPE ve PVC boruların davranışlarını incelemek amaçlı projelendirilen Derin Gömü Projesi kapsamında gerçekleştirilen arazi deneyleri Plaxis 2D programında modellenmiştir. Oluşturulan bu modellerde borular üzerine sıkışabilir malzeme olarak EPS geofoam malzeme kullanılmıştır. EPS malzemenin kalınlık, genişlik ve yoğunluk parametreleri değiştirilerek bunların boru davranışları üzerindeki etkileri incelenmiştir. EPS geofoam malzeme ile birlikte daha kalın dolgu yüklerinin kullanımı, geri dolgu malzemesi olarak kil malzemenin kullanılması ve küçük çaplı boruların kullanımı incelenen diğer durumlardır. Ayrıca EPS malzemenin boru üstünde kullanılmasının dışında boru etrafında da kullanılarak analizler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Gerçekleştirilen analizler sonucunda borulara etkiyen gerilme değerleri ve borularda meydana gelen şekil değiştirme oranları belirlenmiştir. 30 m'lik dolgu yükü altında boru üstünde EPS kullanımı ile boru davranışını en fazla iyileşmenin sağlandığı durumda boru tacına etki eden gerilmelerde %60 oranında, boru yan duvarına etki eden gerilmelerde %70 oranında iyileşme sağlanmıştır.The design of structures such as buried pipes and culverts requires an understanding of soil - structures interaction. The loads acting on the buried pipes are measured differently from the load acting due to the soil arching. In flexible pipes, due to the vertical deflection of the pipe, the soil prism on the pipe is more settlement than the soil prism on the sides of the pipe. Therefore, with the positive soil arching that develops, some of the load that will come on the pipe is transferred to the side soil prisms and the load on the pipe decreases. In rigid pipes, the acting loads on the pipes increases with the negative soil arching. Imperfecth trench method has been developed to reduce the loads on rigid pipes. With this method, compressible material is placed on the pipe and artificially positive arching is achieved. By applying the imperfecth trench method in flexible pipes, the existing arching effect is increased. In this thesis study, field experiments carried out within the scope of the Deep Burial Project, which was designed to examine the behavior of large-scale HDPE and PVC pipes under thick filling loads, were modeled in Plaxis 2D program. In these created models, EPS geofoam material was used as a compressible material on the pipes. The thickness, width and density parameters of the EPS material were changed and their effects on pipe behaviors were examined. The use of thicker filling loads, the use of clay material as back filler material and the use of small diameter pipes are other cases examined with EPS geofoam material. In addition, apart from the use of EPS material on the pipe, analyzes were carried out by using it around the pipe. As a result of the performed analyses, the stress values that effected on the pipes and the deformation rates occuring in the pipes were determined. In the case of maximum improvement of pipe behavior by using EPS on pipes under 30 m filling load, 60% improvement in stresses acting on the pipe crown, 70% improvement in stresses acting on the pipe sidewall was achieved

    A method for tonic frequency identification of Turkish Makam music recordings

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    Comunicació presentada al 5th International Workshop on Folk Music Analysis, celebrat a Paris (França) els dies 10 a 12 de juny de 2015.Karar is the final tone in the Turkish makam music performances. The karar frequency, hence the concert pitch varies among performances due to the existence of many diapasons in Turkish makam music, instead of a single standard one. Correct estimation of the karar frequency is critical for many computational tasks such as tuning analysis, audo-score alignment and automatic trascription. We present a new karar frequency identification method that is based on detecting the last note in the recording and estimating its frequency. The method is applied on two large datasets of Turkish makam music recordings and shown to outperform the state-of-the-art.This work is supported by the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Program, as part of the CompMusic project (ERC grant agreement 26758)

    A method for tonic frequency identification of Turkish Makam music recordings

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    Comunicació presentada al 5th International Workshop on Folk Music Analysis, celebrat a Paris (França) els dies 10 a 12 de juny de 2015.Karar is the final tone in the Turkish makam music performances. The karar frequency, hence the concert pitch varies among performances due to the existence of many diapasons in Turkish makam music, instead of a single standard one. Correct estimation of the karar frequency is critical for many computational tasks such as tuning analysis, audo-score alignment and automatic trascription. We present a new karar frequency identification method that is based on detecting the last note in the recording and estimating its frequency. The method is applied on two large datasets of Turkish makam music recordings and shown to outperform the state-of-the-art.This work is supported by the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Program, as part of the CompMusic project (ERC grant agreement 26758)

    Synthesis of Turkish Makam music scores using an adaptive tuning approach

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    Comunicació presentada al International Workshop on Folk Music Analysis, celebrat del 14 al 16 de juny a Màlaga, Espanya.Music synthesis is one of the most essential features of music notation software and applications aimed at navigating digital music score libraries. Currently, the majority of music synthesis tools are designed for Eurogenetic musics, and they are not able to address the culture-specific aspects (such as tuning, intonation and timbre) of many music cultures. In this paper, we focus on the tuning dimension in musical score playback for Turkish Makam Music (TMM). Based on existing computational tuning analysis methodologies, we propose an automatic synthesis methodology, which allows the user to listen to a music score synthesized according to the tuning extracted from an audio recording. As a proof-of-concept, we also present a desktop application, which allows the users to listen to playback of TMM music scores according to the theoretical temperament or a user specified reference recording. The playback of the synthesis using the tuning extracted from the recordings may provide a better user experience, and it may be used to assist music education, enhance music score editors and complement research in computational musicology.This work is partially supported by the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program, as part of the CompMusic project (ERC grant agreement 267583)

    Audio feature extraction for exploring Turkish makam music

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    Comunicació presentada a: ATMM 2014 The 3rd International Conference on Audio Technologies for Music and Media, celebrat del 12 al 14 de Novembre de 2014 a Ankara i Istanbul, Turquia.For Turkish makam music, there exist several analysis tools which generally use only the audio as the input to extract the features of the audio. This study aims at extending such approach by using additional features such as scores, editorial metadata and the knowledge about the music. In this paper, the existing algorithms for similar research, the improvements we apply to the existing audio feature extraction tools and some potential topics for audio feature extraction of Turkish makam music are explained. For the improvements, we make use of the Turkish makam music corpus and the culture specific knowledge. We also present a web-based platform, Dunya, where the output of our research, such as pitch histograms, melodic progressions and segmentation information will be used to explore a collection of audio recordings of Turkish makam music.This work is partly supported by the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program, as part of the CompMusic project (ERC grant agreement 267583)

    A case of mediastinitis causing massive hemothorax

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    Acute mediastinitis is an infection of the mediastinal tissue, which is a rare condition with high mortality and morbidity usually requiring intensive care follow-up. The most common reported causes of this condition are postoperative mediastinitis and descending necrotizing mediastinitis. The patients of the condition usually present with nonspecific symptoms such as fever, dysphagia, and chest pain. Laboratory findings observed are nonspecific, and also leukocytosis and high C reactive protein (CRP) values are encountered. Heterogeneity in the mediastinal tissues, air densities in the mediastinum and loculated fluid collections are radiologically observed. The treatment of the condition is antibiotherapy and surgery. Hemothorax is not reported as an expected complication in the follow-up of mediastinitis. In this case report, we present a patient with hemothorax hospitalized with the diagnosis of mediastinitis and empyema after an extraction of a tooth

    A corpus for computational research of Turkish Makam music

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    Comunicació presentada al 1st International workshop on Digial Libraries for Musicology, que va tenir lloc el 12 de setembre de 2014 a Longres, Regne Unit.Each music tradition has its own characteristics in terms of melodic, rhythmic and timbral properties as well as semantic understandings. To analyse, discover and explore these culture-specific characteristics, we need music collections which are representative of the studied aspects of the music tradition. For Turkish makam music, there are various resources available such as audio recordings, music scores, lyrics and editorial metadata. However, most of these resources are not typically suited for computational analysis, are hard to access, do not have sufficient quality or do not include adequate descriptive information. In this paper we present a corpus of Turkish makam music created within the scope of the CompMusic project. The corpus is intended for computational research and the primary considerations during the creation of the corpus reflect some criteria, namely, purpose, coverage, completeness, quality and re-usability. So far, we have gathered approximately 6000 audio recordings, 2200 music scores with lyrics and 27000 instances of editorial metadata related to Turkish makam music. The metadata include information about makams, recordings, scores, compositions, artists etc. as well as the interrelations between them. In this paper, we also present several test datasets of Turkish makam music. Test datasets contain manual annotations by experts and they provide ground truth for specific computational tasks to test, calibrate and improve the research tools. We hope that this research corpus and the test datasets will facilitate academic studies in several fields such as music information retrieval and computational musicology.This work is partly supported by the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program, as part of the CompMusic project (ERC grant agreement 267583)

    A corpus for computational research of Turkish Makam music

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    Comunicació presentada al 1st International workshop on Digial Libraries for Musicology, que va tenir lloc el 12 de setembre de 2014 a Longres, Regne Unit.Each music tradition has its own characteristics in terms of melodic, rhythmic and timbral properties as well as semantic understandings. To analyse, discover and explore these culture-specific characteristics, we need music collections which are representative of the studied aspects of the music tradition. For Turkish makam music, there are various resources available such as audio recordings, music scores, lyrics and editorial metadata. However, most of these resources are not typically suited for computational analysis, are hard to access, do not have sufficient quality or do not include adequate descriptive information. In this paper we present a corpus of Turkish makam music created within the scope of the CompMusic project. The corpus is intended for computational research and the primary considerations during the creation of the corpus reflect some criteria, namely, purpose, coverage, completeness, quality and re-usability. So far, we have gathered approximately 6000 audio recordings, 2200 music scores with lyrics and 27000 instances of editorial metadata related to Turkish makam music. The metadata include information about makams, recordings, scores, compositions, artists etc. as well as the interrelations between them. In this paper, we also present several test datasets of Turkish makam music. Test datasets contain manual annotations by experts and they provide ground truth for specific computational tasks to test, calibrate and improve the research tools. We hope that this research corpus and the test datasets will facilitate academic studies in several fields such as music information retrieval and computational musicology.This work is partly supported by the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program, as part of the CompMusic project (ERC grant agreement 267583)

    Audio feature extraction for exploring Turkish makam music

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    Comunicació presentada a: ATMM 2014 The 3rd International Conference on Audio Technologies for Music and Media, celebrat del 12 al 14 de Novembre de 2014 a Ankara i Istanbul, Turquia.For Turkish makam music, there exist several analysis tools which generally use only the audio as the input to extract the features of the audio. This study aims at extending such approach by using additional features such as scores, editorial metadata and the knowledge about the music. In this paper, the existing algorithms for similar research, the improvements we apply to the existing audio feature extraction tools and some potential topics for audio feature extraction of Turkish makam music are explained. For the improvements, we make use of the Turkish makam music corpus and the culture specific knowledge. We also present a web-based platform, Dunya, where the output of our research, such as pitch histograms, melodic progressions and segmentation information will be used to explore a collection of audio recordings of Turkish makam music.This work is partly supported by the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program, as part of the CompMusic project (ERC grant agreement 267583)