19 research outputs found


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    The article proposes a comparative analysis of language constructs representing the framework of speech strategies and tactics, the totality of which determines the arrangement of political communication in different lingual cultures. The relevance of the article is determined by the very object of research. The political field, being an integral part of the ethnic culture in any society, represents a complex conglomerate of ideas, where the goals and interests of the state and its elite groups are indicated. Evolving on the basis of linguistic material accumulated by society, the policy is implemented primarily in the process of verbal interaction which aims at forming a certain picture of the world in the society. Accordingly, a person’s linguistic activity in the sphere of politics is an acquisition, exercise and preservation of political power mediated in signs.In this regard, the entire formal organization of political discourse is subject to the need for an effective implementation of the impact function, which is instrumented by a variety of communication strategies and tactics. Intentional “message” of political discursive practice inevitably changes in the act of individual language situation. Therefore, the most “significant” figures of political interaction (in our case, the heads of foreign affairs agencies) are of scientific interest, as they largely determine the ideological position of various social groups. Accordingly, the feature characteristics of their speeches can be regarded as the dominant characteristics of national political practice and considered as basis for creating a typed communicative portrait of a political figure. Moreover, the derivative meanings generated as a result of the use of certain speech strategies and tactics by political actors, on the basis of semantic-semiotic associations, develop further and gradually pass into adjacent discursive fields establishing new semantic links. The highly complicated language (text/discursive) units structured in this way are characterized not only by the high expressive and emotional potential and the “multi-layered” semantic “message”, but also by some typification, which causes their wide distribution in the acts of political communication. Thus, the political logosphere is not so much a product of society activity as its modifier. Penetrating all layers of universal logosphere, it actively forms the speech practice of the subjects included in it, their hierarchical structure as well as the linguistic ethnic universe as a whole


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    Modern sociocultural interaction tools and technologies bring forth multiple information transmission forms and methods, which in its turn leads to the emergence of new mono- and multi-code communication systems that intrinsically differ from verbal or creolized texts. Among the category features of the communication field are, on one hand, its universality resulting from the global nature of Internet resources and, on the other, its diffuseness determined by the simultaneous incorporation and synergy of the real and virtual language environment, which exert a special impact on the language personality. The authors understand the successful development of the secondary language personality as the development of the learner’s multilinguistic and multicultural personality, i.e. the combination of linguistic and cultural fluency and professional speaking skills. It is directly and closely dependent, in terms of methodology, on the awareness of the existing relationship between the “natural” language order and various semiotic ways of explaining the totality of national distinctions and values and the methodological interpretation of the present-day integrative communicative space. A competent organization of the language learning process, based on the integrated communication environment, will blur the boundary between in-class and natural communication, will provide foreign learners with the opportunity to acquire, through various channels of communication, the necessary communication experience to be effectively engaged in sociocultural, academic and professional activities in the Russian language. It will also contribute a deeper understanding of the Russian linguistic culture as an integral part of the global value paradigm.Keywords: real and virtual language environment, information and communication resources, online space, secondary language personality, language learning strategy

    Ring Opening Metathesis Polymerization

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    In recent years, the olefins metathesis has established itself as a powerful tool for carbon-carbon bonds forming and has found numerous applications in polymer chemistry. One of the important directions of metathesis is the polymerization with cycle opening. A study of new ruthenium catalysts, resistant to the many functional groups effects, has showed the possibility of synthesizing functionalized polymers with unique properties. In this chapter, reactivity and activation parameters of eight different norbornene dicarboxylic acid alkyl esters in the presence of a Hoveyda-Grubbs II catalyst for the ring opening metathesis polymerization were determined by 1H NMR analysis in-situ. The molecules of esters differ in the aliphatic radical structure and the location of the substituent groups. Kinetic studies have shown that effective polymerization constants and activation parameters strongly depend on the monomer structure. It is shown that the elongation of the aliphatic radical does not significantly affect the reactivity, but significantly changes the activation parameters. The branching of the aliphatic radical significantly affects both the reactivity of the corresponding ester and the activation parameters of the polymerization. The position of the substituents in the norbornene ring of the ester also has a significant effect on the activation parameters of metathesis polymerization

    Polymers based on norbornene derivatives

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    This study presents the influence of exo,exo-N,N'- hexylene-di(5-norbornene-2,3-dicarboximide) on the degree of cross-linking and glass transition temperature of the polymers obtained from a mixture of dimethyl esters of exo,exo- and endo,endo-5-norbornene-2,3-dicarboxylic acid. It was found that exo,exo-N,N'- hexylene-di(5-norbornene-2,3-dicarboximide) can be used as a cross-linking agent in ROMP. Addition of the cross-linking agent leads to an increase in the degree of cross-linking polymers. The glass transition temperature of polymers increases with concentration increasing of the crosslinking agent

    “Polycode” irony as a sign of modern media-political discourse

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    The purpose of this research is to conduct a comprehensive linguoculturological analysis of verbal and non-verbal means of expressing “polycode” irony in modern Russian political discursive practices. In the process of problem-solving research uses different methods and approaches of discourse analysis: a functional analysis of corpora of political texts of the Russian language; pragmatic analysis of speech acts and communicative; stylistic analysis revealing the specifics of genre specific political practices; the linguistic and cultural interpretation; the descriptive-logical methods of categorical mapping units and their subsequent economicaly. The article deals with the main functions and roles of “polycode” irony in political media space. In the study, the authors identify the key functions, high significance and abundance of “polycode” irony in media-political discourse. The article contains a linguistic analysis that has contributed to identifying main rhetorical devices most commonly used to create “polycode” irony


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    The paper deals with an interpersonal approach to the study of mediated political communication, that is aimed at the description of text impact capacity considered as tool of influence on group characteristic of an engaged object through the acceptance of the involving person’s attitudes. The goal of the study was reached through rhetorical analysis, the methodology of critical discourse analysis and sociolinguistic theory of membership categorization. The concept of “engagement stance” is introduced and considered as metadiscourse characteristics of a communicative artefact reflecting the initiative of the subject (an initiator of engagement) whose purpose is to involve the audience to the ideology and practice of a terrorist organization. The study takes into account linguistic- parametric signs, significant for law enforcement practice, which make it possible to externalize the mindset to involve others in committing the crimes of an extremist (terrorist) orientation and to identify its verbal indicators. Rhetorical analysis of the engagement stance proves, that adaptation of the text type depends on the communicative intentions of the corporate author and shows text capacity for genre transformations caused by public circumstances, it is presented in the following characteristics: a) asymmetry as an interactional feature of the corporate subject and the object of an engagement action; b) perception of the corporate subject as an absolute truth holder, whose views acceptance is positioned as the only right decision for the object; c) the regulatory nature of the message aimed at receiving responses controlled by the sender (the corporate subject of an engagement)


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    The article examines the mechanisms of organizing verbal constructs that manifest the linguopragmatic structure of texts in modern Russian political communication. A special class of figurative means of political language stands out – tropofigures. Tropofigures include irony and parcelling, which are characterized, on the one hand, by formal-semantic ambivalence and, on the other hand, by an apparent idiostylistic touch. The proposed methodological framework of the study aimed at the identification and systematic characterization of the categorical features of these synergetic linguistic signs, facilitated the description of the ways of their exemplification in political interactions. The authors established that the tropofigures of irony and parcelling ornamentally form the antinomy of the identity / non-identity of the sign and the object (semasiological discrepancy between the logical and grammatical organization of the syntagma). The tropofigures not only organize the expressive-pragmatic center of political discursive practice but also fulfill the function of a verbal marker of the cognitive mechanisms of text formation, which allow the participant to present their communicative goal setting in a certain way. The authors emphasized that the tropofigures of irony and parcelling are transformed from means of enhancing expressiveness into markers of the idiomental process and set a different social perception. The results of the linguistic rhetorical research indicate new mechanisms of convergence / divergence of semantic constructs in various political interactions and, as a result, linguocultural “reaccentuation” of sign-symbolic and axiological constituents of the political institution in the modern Russian-speaking space