24 research outputs found

    Studies in homosexual patients with and without lymphadenopathy - Relationships to the acquired immune deficiency syndrome

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    We studied the immunologic function of 19 sexually active homosexual men, ten of whom had persistent lymphadenopathy. Analysis of mononuclear cell populations distinguished homosexuals from heterosexual controls since, as a group, homosexuals had increased percentages of natural killer cells (Leu 7+), decreased helper-inducer T lymphocytes (OKT-4+), increased suppressor/cytotoxic (OKT-8+) T lymphocytes, low OKT-4:OKT-8 ratios, and depressed mitogenic responses. Homosexuals without lymphadenopathy were distinguishable from controls by increased percentages of la+ cells, decreased OKT-4+ cells, and decreased OKT-4:OKT-8 ratios. Four had positive findings simultaneously for hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and surface antibody, and five had positive findings for HBsAg alone. Homosexuals with lymphadenopathy were distinguishable from controls by increased percentages of Leu 7+ cells, increased total lymphocyte numbers per cubic millimeter, decreased percentages of both OKT-4+ and OKT-8+ cells, abnormal OKT-4:OKT-8 ratios, and depressed mitogenic responses. Only histories of larger numbers of sexually acquired diseases, higher numbers of OKT-8+ cells per cubic millimeter, and lower mitogenic responses in homosexuals with lymphadenopathy distinguished this group from homosexuals without lymphadenopathy. Furthermore, none of the nine patients tested in this group was HBsAg positive. We conclude that homosexuals without lymphadenopathy are distinguishable from those with lymphadenopathy by both immunologic and serologic abnormalities

    Sequence of bronchoalveolar lavage and histopathologic findings in rat lungs early in inhalation asbestos exposure

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    To assess the early cellular inflammatory response of the lungs, 7 rats per group were exposed nose-only to 13 mg/m3 of chrysotile asbestos, 7 h/day for 2, 4, or 6 wk. Lung histopathology and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) were analyzed. In exposed animals, dose-related bronchiolitis and fibrosis were found that were not seen in control rats (p less than 0.001). In exposed rats, total BAL cells were increased six-to sevenfold over matched controls, and more cells were retrieved with longer exposure (p less than 0.001). In the BAL, counts of macrophages, lymphocytes, and polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs) were each elevated in the exposed rats (each p less than 0.001). PMNs seen histologically and in the BAL may be related to the time period examined. PMNs and lymphocytes observed throughout this 6-wk study support the idea that these cells may have an important role in the early events of asbestos lung injury

    IgE isotype suppression in anti-epsilon-treated mice.

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    Two groups of CBA/J mice received a total of eight intraperitoneal (i.p.) injections of heavy-chain-specific rabbit anti-IgE or rabbit gammaglobulin within 48 hr of birth through day 38. A third group of animals was untreated. All mice were subsequently immunized with four i.p. injections of castor allergen plus aluminum hydroxide. Results indicate that anti-treatments severely suppressed murine serum IgE levels as compared with control mice. In addition anti-epsilon-treated mice were initially unable to produce detectable reaginic antibody upon immunization with castor bean allergens (CA). Upon further CA immunization, these animals did produce an IgE antibody response, but this was still lower than that detected in control immunized mice. Other immunoglobulin levels in the anti-epsilon-treated mice were not suppressed as compared with those in the control mice. These results suggest that neonatally administered anti-epsilon antisera selectively diminished total IgE levels as well as antigen-induced IgE antibodies in mice