289 research outputs found

    Institution Matter for Economic Development. A Survey

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    Managing and Leveraging Workplace Use of Social Media at a South African Supply Chain Company

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    The rapid growth of social media has drastically changed the way people communicate in their private lives and at work. Social media has become a part of our daily lives in both environments and serve as an emotional outlet on various topics. Due to this, there are legal risks associated with the use of social media in the workplace and proper management of this risk is required. Alternatively, this rapid growth also brings about numerous advantages which may be leveraged by organisations. Social media is expected to continue to evolve and expand. In the process, it will become more integrated into both business and personal lives. A qualitative approach was adopted and primary data gathered by means of interviews with the supply chain’s employees. Content analysis methodology was chosen for the analysis of the qualitative data and themes were developed. These themes were also compared to theory and conclusions were made. The main finding of the study was that social media interaction is inevitable, whether the organisation denies access to this technology. Employees will find a way to communicate via social media.  The recommendations resulting from this study will enable the company to implement a proper social media policy whereby the employee will know the legalities of using social media and both the employee and the organisation covered against any probable legal risk. The company may also leverage the advantages of social media to the benefit of the organisation

    A proposed media channel framework for integrated brand communication planning

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    Integrated brand communication depends on the development of a fully integrated media channel plan and ultimately, the implementation of a seamless consumer media contact journey in order for brand communication to be effective. The development of an omni-media channel strategy is guided by a media planning framework. A review of literature revealed a continued emphasis of traditional mass media channels and at best, references to new media channel perspectives. The study of literature was unable to uncover an integrated media channel framework in the public domain. In addition, media agency planning frameworks tend to be held confidential. An exploration of the perspectives and frameworks of media planning to achieve integrated brand communication was undertaken by conducting indepth interviews with eight senior media channel planners from global leading media agencies identified through the Forrester Institute Report. The qualitative study delivered key strategic principles to develop an integrated media channel plan and a seamless consumer media contact experience, based on which an integrative media channel planning framework is put forward for industry and academe to consider, assess and test through application and further research

    La conception de l'histoire chez Nietzsche

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    Mesenteric desmoid tumor developing on the site of an excised gastrointestinal stromal tumor

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    We present a case of a rare and unusual occurrence of a desmoid tumor at the site of a resected gastrointestinal stromal tumor and mimicking a recurrence, with a brief discussion of the management of desmoid tumors

    Guided Imagery And Progressive Muscle Relaxation as a Cluster of Symptoms Management Intervention in Patients Receiving Chemotherapy: A Randomized Control Trial.

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    Patients receiving chemotherapy often experience many different symptoms that can be difficult to alleviate and ultimately negatively influence their quality of life. Such symptoms include pain, fatigue, nausea, vomiting and retching, anxiety and depression. There is a gap in the relevant literature on the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioural and relaxation techniques in symptom clusters. The study reflects this gap in the literature and aimed to test the effectiveness of Guided Imagery (GI) and Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) on a cluster of symptoms experienced by patients undergoing chemotherapy. This was a randomized control trial with 208 patients equally assigned either in the intervention or the control group. Measurements in both groups were collected at baseline and at completion of intervention (4 weeks). Patients were assessed for pain, fatigue, nausea, vomiting and retching, anxiety and depression. The overall management of the cluster was also assessed based on the patients' self-reported health related quality of life-HRQoL. Chi-square tests (X2), independent T-tests and Linear Mixed Models were calculated. Patients in the intervention group experienced lower levels of Fatigue (p<0.0.0225), and Pain (p = 0.0003) compared to those in the control group and experienced better HRQoL (p<0.0001) [PRE-POST: Pain 4.2(2.5) - 2.5(1.6), Fatigue 27.6(4.1) - 19.3(4.1), HRQoL 54.9(22.7) - 64.5(23), CONTROL: Pain 3.5(1.7) - 4.8(1.5), Fatigue 28.7(4.1) - 32.5(3.8), HRQoL 51.9(22.3)- 41.2(24.1)]. Nausea, vomiting and retching occurred significantly less often in the intervention group [pre-post: 25.4(5.9)- 20.6(5.6) compared to the control group (17.8(6.5)- 22.7(5.3) (F = 58.50 p<0.0001). More patients in the control group (pre:n = 33-post:n = 47) were found to be moderately depressed compared to those in the intervention group (pre:n = 35-post:n = 15) (X2 = 5.93; p = 0.02). This study provided evidence that the combination of GI and PMR can be effective in the management of a cluster of symptoms in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. These techniques can complement existing management measures to achieve a comprehensive management of this symptom cluster and increase patients HRQoL. ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01275872. OBJECTIVE METHODS RESULTS INTERVENTION CONCLUSION TRIAL REGISTRATIO

    Actividad física en escolares: efecto sobre las funciones ejecutivas, rendimiento académico y calidad de vida

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    Aunque la literatura sobre los efectos de la actividad física en diferentes ámbitos del desarrollo humano es numerosa, todavía no se han obtenido resultados suficientemente concluyentes en algunas cuestiones referidas a sus potenciales beneficios en el plano cognitivo y psicológico. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar si existían diferencias en las funciones ejecutivas, el rendimiento académico y la calidad de vida de alumnado de Educación Primaria según el nivel de actividad física realizado. La muestra se compuso de 333 estudiantes de 3.º a 6.º de Educación Primaria de dos centros educativos públicos. Se administraron los cuestionarios PAQ-C, SENA y KIDSCREEN-27 para evaluar, respectivamente, la actividad física, las funciones ejecutivas (atención, inhibición y regulación emocional) y la calidad de vida. El rendimiento académico se midió a partir de las calificaciones obtenidas por el alumnado. Los resultados mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en función del nivel de actividad física realizado por el alumnado en la calidad de vida (concretamente, en las cinco dimensiones que la componen: bienestar físico, bienestar psicológico, autonomía y relación con padres, relación con amigos y apoyo social, relación y apoyo en el entorno escolar). No se hallaron diferencias significativas en ninguna de las tres funciones ejecutivas estudiadas (atención, inhibición, regulación emocional) ni en el rendimiento académico. Es necesario promover políticas socioeducativas enfocadas a aumentar entre los escolares la práctica de una actividad física de calidad (es decir, que posea aquellas características cuantitativas y cualitativas asociadas en la literatura a una mayor calidad de vida). Intervenir en estas edades es de gran importancia dado que es entonces cuando se están estableciendo los hábitos que perdurarán a lo largo de la vida

    Entrenamiento de las Funciones Ejecutivas en Educación Infantil. Análisis de resultados de un programa de intervención y relación con otras variables: nivel socioeconómico y género.

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    Las funciones ejecutivas constituyen un amplio campo de estudio contemporáneo delas que se ha estudiado y confirmado su relevancia en cuanto al desarrollo integral de laspersonas, ya desde la educación infantil. Es especialmente en esta etapa cuando el controlinhibitorio adquiere su máxima potencialidad de ser desarrollado. Por esta razón, elobjetivo principal de este trabajo es llevar a cabo un programa de intervención enfocadoen la inhibición y analizar si existen diferencias después de haberlo realizado. A partir deeste objetivo, surgen otros como explorar las diferencias de género y de nivelsocioeconómico y su relación con el control inhibitorio. Para llevar a cabo estos objetivos,se ha diseñado y llevado a la práctica una propuesta de intervención de un mes de duracióncon 9 alumnos de último curso de infantil en el colegio de Siétamo ( Losresultados muestran que debido a la escasa muestra no se han encontrado mejorassignificativas en la inhibición después de la intervención, ni tampoco correlación degénero o del nivel socioeconómico con el control inhibitorio. Sin embargo, resultanecesario ahondar en el campo de las funciones ejecutivas con más investigaciones decampo debido a su demostrada importancia.<br /