44 research outputs found

    Using the Internet of Things in a Production Planning context

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    [EN] One of the most novel concepts that have been applied to companies in recent years is ¿Sensing Enterprises¿. This concept implies a drastic change in the way companies operate. Within the framework of this concept, another necessary and complementary concept arises, the so-called ¿Internet of Things¿ concept. It seems evident that the Internet of Things can generally help to improve the functioning of the processes undertaken in companies, particularly one of the key processes; the production planning process. Despite being able to find abundant information on both themes, and the apparent relevance that using the Internet of Things could have for the production planning process, no works that have jointly studied these matters were found. To bridge this gap, the present work intends to reflect on how the characteristics and advantages of the Internet of Things can be put to good use in the production planning process.Alarcón Valero, F.; Pérez Perales, D.; Boza, A. (2016). Using the Internet of Things in a Production Planning context. Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management. 13(1):72-76. doi:10.14488/BJOPM.2016.v13.n1.a8S727613

    Project based learning for information systems students. An implementation proposal

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    [EN] This paper presents a proposal for the implementation of the project-based learning technique for students of Computer Engineering in the Information Systems specialization. The project involves three subjects of that specialization. The design of the proposal has required coordination between the participating subjects, among other things such as the coordination of the calendar that each subject addresses, the establishment of joint teams of students or the design of deliverables. As a result, the coordinated project gives prominence to the students and focuses on the work process with an interdisciplinary perspective between subjects. An important change Is a new evaluation method in agreement with the combination of competences from the different subjects and their integration.This work has been carried out within the framework of the Educational Innovation and Improvement Project ref. ETSINF-1 " Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos en Ingeniería Informática " of the Universitat Politècnica de València.Boza, A.; Ruiz Font, L.; Mota Herranz, L. (2020). Project based learning for information systems students. An implementation proposal. INTED proceedings (Online). 6234-6238. https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2020.1686S6234623

    Public funding in R&D projects: opportunities for companies

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    The IDEA project (InterDisciplinary Education Agenda, an essential driver for innovation) emerges, handling the Knowledge Triangle: Education-Research-Innovation and promoting the development of industry-academia partnerships. This aim of this paper is to describe one of the aspects tackled in the project, the opportunities in public Funding in R&D projects for the companies. The proposed regulatory framework for Horizon 2020 allows far reaching types of engagement between the Union and the private sector, including Joint Technology Initiatives. These must address the objectives of Horizon 2020, including the integration of research and innovation activities.This research has been carried out under the project of innovation and educational improvement (A21/14) funded by the Universitat Politècnica de València and the School of Computer Engineering.Cuenca, L.; Boza, A. (2015). Public funding in R&D projects: opportunities for companies. En INTED2015 Proceedings. International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED). 2194-2199. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/62226S2194219

    Towards the development of the framework for inter sensing enterprise architecture

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    [EN] Inter-enterprise architecture (IEA) is a new concept that seeks to apply the tools and methodologies of enterprise architecture (EA) in a collaborative context, in order to model collaborative organizations in an inclusive manner. According to the main enterprise architectures proposed to this point, an EA should be conformed at least for a framework, a methodology and a modelling language. Sensing enterprise (SE) is an attribute of an enterprise or a network that allows it to react to business stimuli originating on the Internet. These fields have come into focus recently, and there is not evidence of the use of IEA for modelling a SE, while finding an interesting gap to work on. Thus, this paper proposes an initial framework for inter sensing enterprise architecture (FISEA), which seeks to classify, organize, store and communicate, at the conceptual level, all the elements for inter-sensing enterprise architectures and their relationships, ensuring their consistency and integrity. This FISEA provides a clear idea about the elements and views that create collaborative network and their inter-relationships, based on the support of Future Internet.This work was supported by the European Commission FP7 UNITE Project, through its Secondment Programme and the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia ADENPRO-PJP project (ref. SP20120703).Vargas, A.; Cuenca, L.; Boza, A.; Sacala, I.; Moisescu, M. (2016). Towards the development of the framework for inter sensing enterprise architecture. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. 27(1):55-72. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10845-014-0901-zS5572271Adaba, G., Rusu, L., & Mekawy, M. (2010). Business-IT alignment in trade facilitation: A case study. In organizational, business, and technological aspects of the knowledge society. Communications in Computer and Information. Science, 44(112), 146–154.Afsarmanesh, H., & Msanjila, S. (2008). Inter-organizational trust in VBEs. In L. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, & M. Ollus (Eds.), Methods and tools for collaborative networked organizations (pp. 91–118). New York: Springer.Afsarmanesh, H., Camarinha-Matos, L., & Ermilova, E. (2008). VBE reference framework. In L. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, & M. Ollus (Eds.), Methods and tools for collaborative networked organizations (pp. 35–68). New York: Springer.Arango, M., Londoño, J., & Zapata, J. (2010). Arquitectura empresarial- Una visión general. Revista Ingenierías Universidad de Medellín, 9(16), 101–111.Audy, J., Lehoux, N., & D’Amours, S. (2012). A framework for an efficient implementation of logistics collaborations. International Transactions in Operational Research, 19(5), 633–657.Boza, A., Cuenca, L., Poler, R., Michaelides, Z., & Systems, Enterprise Information. (2014). The interoperability force in the ERP field. Enterprise Information Systems,. doi: 10.1080/17517575.2013.866697Camarinha-Matos, L., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2005). Collaborative networks: A new scientific discipline. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 16(4–5), 439–452.Camarinha-Matos, L., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2008). Collaborative networks: Reference modeling. New York: Springer.Camarinha-Matos, L., Afsarmanesh, H., & Ollus, M. (2008). ECOLEAD and CNO base concepts. In L. M. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, & M. Ollus (Eds.), Methods and tools for collaborative networked organizations (pp. 35–68). New York: Springer.Chalmeta, R., & Grangel, R. (2003). ARDIN extension for virtual enterprise integration. The Journal of Systems and Software, 67(3), 141–152.Chen, D., Vallespir, B., & Doumeingts, G. (1997). GRAI integrated methodology and its mapping onto generic enterprise reference architecture and methodology. Computers in Industry, 33(2), 387–394.Choi, Y., Kang, D., Chae, H., & Kim, K. (2008). An enterprise architecture framework for collaboration of virtual enterprise chains. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 35(11–12), 1065–1078.CIMOSA Asociation. (1996). CIMOSA Primer on key concepts, purpose and business value.Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals CSCMP. (2010). CSCMP. Glosary of terms. from http://cscmp.org/resources-research/glossary-terms . Accessed 9 February 2013Coutinho, C., Cretan, A., Ferreira, C., Ghodous, P., & Jardim-Goncalves, R. (2014). Service-based negotiation for advanced collaboration in enterprise networks. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing,. doi: 10.1007/s10845-013-0857-4Cuenca, L. (2009). Marco arquitectónico para la propuesta IE-GIP. Extensión de la arquitectura CIMOSA. Aplicación a una empresa del sector cerámico. Tesis Doctoral Universidad Politecnica de Valencia.Cuenca, L., Boza, A., & Ortiz, A. (2011). An enterprise engineering approach for the alignment of business and information technology strategy. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 24(11), 974–992.Cuenca, L., Ortiz, A., & Boza, A. (2005). Arquitectura de Empresa. Visión General. Gijón: IX Congreso de Ingeniería de Organización.Dong, X., Liu, Q., & Yin, D. (2008). Business performance, business strategy, and information system strategic alignment: An empirical study on Chinese firms. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 13(3), 348–354.Ermilova, E., & Afsarmanesh, H. (2007). Modeling and management of profiles and competencies in VBEs. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 18(5), 561–586.Estimali, H., Gardesh, H., & Sikari, S. (2010). Validating ITIL maturity to strategic business-IT alignment. In 2nd International conference on computer technology and development (ICCTD 2010).European Commission European Society and Media. (2007). Dygital Business Ecosystems. In F. Nachira, P. Dini, A. Nicolai, M. Le Louarn, & L. Rivera (Eds.). http://www.digital-ecosystems.org/book/ . Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. Accessed 15 October 2012Executive Branch of the U.S. Federal Government. (2012). A Common Approach to Federal Enterprise Architecture. The White House. http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/omb/assets/egov_docs/common_approach_to_federal_ea.pdf . Accessed 13 August 2013Franco, R., Gomez, P., Ortiz, A., & Navarro, R. (2012). Integrated approach for interoperability in collaborative networs and service-based ecosystems. In R. Poler, G. Doumeingts, B. Katzy, & R. Chalmeta (Eds.), Enterpise interoperability V (pp. 329–339). London: Springer.Force, I. F. I. P.-I. F. A. C. Task. (1998). GERAM: Generalised enterprise reference architecture and methodology. International Federation for Information Processing, 1(2), 30.Future Internet Enterprise Systems (FInES) Cluster. (2012). FInES Research Roadmap 2025. From http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/enet/documents/fines-research-roadmap-v30_en.pdf . Accessed 13 October 2013Henderson, J., & Venkatraman, N. (1993). Strategic alignment: Leveraging information technology for transforming organizations. IBM Systems Journal, 32(1), 472–484.Hu, Q., & Huang, D. (2006). Using the balanced scorecard to achieve sustained IT-business alignment: A case study. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 17, 181–204.ISO 15704. (2000). Industrial automation systems–Requirements for enterprise-reference architectures and methodologies.ISO/CEN 19439. (2006). Enterprise integration–Framework for enterprise modelling.Kilger, C., Reuter, B., & Stadtler, H. (2008). Collaborative planning. In H. Stadtler & C. Kilger (Eds.), Supply chain management and advanced planning-concepts, models software and case studies (pp. 263–284). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.Kosanke, K., Vernadat, F., & Zelm, M. (1999). CIMOSA: Enterprise engineering and integration. Computers in Industry, 40(2), 83– 97.Lankhorst, M. (2009). Enterprise architecture at work: Modelling, communication and analysis. New York: Springer.Luftman, J. (2004). Assessing business-IT alignment maturity. Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 4, 99.Maes, R. (1999). Reconsidering information management through a generic framework. Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam, Department of Accountancy & Information Management.Mehandjiev, N., & Grefen, P. (2010). Dynamic business process formation for instant virtual enterprises. London.Mekawy, M., Rusu, L., & Ahmed, N. (2009). Business and IT alignment: An evaluation of strategic alignment models. In best practices for the knowledge society. Knowledge, Learning, Development and Technology for All, 49, 447–455.Moisescu, M., Sacala, I., Stanescu, A., & Serbanescu, C. (2012). Towards integration of knowledge extraction form process interoperability in future internet enterprise systems. Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, 14(1), 1458–1463.Ortiz, A. (1998). Propuesta para el Desarrollo de Programas de Integración Empresarial en Empresas Industriales. Aplicación a una Empresa del Sector Cerámico: Tesis Doctoral Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.Palmer, C., Harding, J., Swarnkar, R., Das, B., & Young, R. (2013). Generating rules from data mining for collaboration moderator services. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 24, 313–330.Pijpers, V., Gordijn, J., & Akkermans, H. (2009). Aligning information system design and business strategy–A starting internet company. In the practice of enterprise modeling. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 15, 47–61.Plaza, J., Burgos, J., & Carmona, E. (2010). Measuring stakeholder integration: Knowledge, interaction and adaptational behavior dimensions. Journal of Business Ethics, 93, 419–442.Romero, D., Galeano, N., & Molina, A. (2010). Virtual organisation breeding environments value system and its elements. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 21(3), 267–286.Sacala, I., Moisescu, M., & Repta, D. (2013). Towards the development of the future internet based enterprise in the context of cyber-physical systems. In 2013 19th International conference on control systems and computer science (CSCS), (pp. 405–412).Santana, R., Daneva, M., van Eck, P., & Wieringa, R. (2008). Towards a business-IT aligned maturity model for collaborative networked organizations. In 12th International conference on advanced information systems engineering.Schekkerman, J. (2004). Enterprise architecture validation. Achieving business-aligned and validated entreprise architectures. 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Towards a framework for inter-enterprise architecture to boost collaborative networks. In On the move to meaningful internet systems: OTM 2013 workshops. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8186, 179–188.Vargas, A., Boza, A., Cuenca, L., & Ortiz, A. (2014). The importance of strategic alignment in enterprise collaboration. In J. C. Prado-Prado & J. García-Arca (Eds.), Annals of industrial engineering 2012 (pp. 71–78). London: Springer.Vernadat, F. (2003). Enterprise modelling and integration: From fact modelling to enterprise interoperability. Enterprise inter- and intra-organizational integration: Building international consensus. Series: IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 108.Vesterager, J., Tølle, M., & Bernus, P. (2002). VERA: Virtual enterprise reference. GLOBEMEN final plenary: In GMNBook.Wang, X., Zhou, X., & Jiang, L. (2008). A method of business and IT alignment based on enterprise architecture. 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    Redesigning a case study for the assessment of ethical responsibility

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    [EN] This work presents the redesign of an activity (case study) that has been carried out over the last three years in the course Deontology and Professionalism for 2nd year students of the Informatics Engineering Degree at the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV) -Spain-. The aim of the activity is to encourage students to face ethical dilemmas that they may encounter in the exercise of their profession. Specifically, the case is about autonomous cars where decisions that must be taken imply a challenge, and even more when the programmers of the car deal with situations where human lives are endangered. The UPV has defined some general scoring rubrics in order to assess transversal competences of students. One of these rubrics deals with Ethics. Indicators included in this rubric are: The student: Becomes aware of other ways of seeing and perceiving things Critically accepts new perspectives, although this requires questioning your own perspective Differentiates facts from opinions in the arguments of other people Reflects on the consequences and effects (practical implications) that decisions and proposals have on people Recognizes the ethical and deontological aspects of the profession The case is introduced in a progressive way facilitating the development of the ethical competence and includes the required elements to assess the indicators established in the rubric. Thus, all the indicators proposed in the rubric can be evaluated by means of this activity. As a conclusion, the high degree of participation of the students in the activity is remarkable, which is on the one hand due to the transcendence of the theme and on the other hand because it is a very current topic closely linked to the computer science. Furthermore, the redesign of the case guided by the rubric allows an adequate evaluation.This research has been carried out under the project of innovation and educational improvement (PIME/A15) 'DAICE - Design of activities for the Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship Competence' funded by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, and the Escola Tecnica Superior d'Enginyeria Informatica.Boza, A.; Fernández-Diego, M.; Cuenca, L.; Ruiz Font, L. (2017). Redesigning a case study for the assessment of ethical responsibility. INTED proceedings (Online). 6677-6682. doi:10.21125/inted.2017.1545S6677668

    Designing a map of classified learning activities for the customised development of transversal competencies

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    [EN] he creation of the European Higher Education Area has brought about many changes. The most important is related to learning activities, which are considered seriously and in depth. In other words, the student will learn some contents at a certain level through a number of actions or tasks. According to Penzo et al. [1], learning-based teaching can be defined as the teaching organisation based on learning activities. The proposal for innovation and educational improvement presented in this paper focuses on identifying and classifying learning activities at different levels that reinforce those aspects required for an appropriate scope of the competence. The experience acquired and the application in the classroom of the work developed in previous projects has shown us that each learning activity covers certain levels of the competence. Even the same activity carried out in different courses should be classified into different levels. The overall aim is to identify the set of learning activities that improve the appropriate scope of the competence. More specifically, the aims to be covered are: 1. Design of the scale to identify levels for the scope of the competence. 2. Identification and classification of activities according to the scale established to build the map of activities. The design of the map of classified learning activities enables: 1. To have a broad vision of the activities carried out for the development of the competence. 2. To identify overlaps of activities at the same level, which raises the question of whether or not to eliminate any of the activities. 3. To identify levels not addressed by any activity, which encourages the development of activities that cover levels not reached by other activities. 4. To offer the students the map of activities as a tool for their training. In this way, the map of activities becomes a tool for the students, where they can identify the activities by level and work to a greater extent on the most suitable ones according to their needs and potential.This research has been carried out within the framework of the project of innovation and educational improvement (PIME 2017-18 Ref. A10) funded by the Universitat Politècnica de València and the School of InformaticsBoza, A.; Fernández-Diego, M.; Gordo, ML.; Ruiz Font, L. (2018). Designing a map of classified learning activities for the customised development of transversal competencies. INTED proceedings (Online). 3081-3086. https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2018.0590S3081308

    Event Management for Sensing Enterprises with Decision Support Systems

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s40745-015-0034-z[EN] Sensing enterprises make use of new technologies to capture real-time information and fed constantly the decision making process. Decision support systems (DSS) are exposed to these real-time events and it is possible to start the decision process from scratch in case any unexpected internal and external events take place. Thus, an event monitoring and management system should interact with the DSS to manage events that might affect their decisions. It should act as a supra-system to identify when decisions made are still valid or need to be reanalysed. The traditional configuration of DSS (where they collect internal and external information of the organization and the decision-maker is involved in the decision-making process) should be extended to treat event management using a monitoring and management system, which monitors internal and external information and facilitate the introduction of no monitored events. This monitor and manager systems become more and more necessary due to the incessant incorporation of new technologies that enables the companies to be more context-sensitive. Furthermore, this new and/or more accurate information, which is obtained for the organization, requires a proper management.This research has been carried out in the framework of the project PAID-06-21Universitat Politècnica de València (Sistema de ayuda a la toma de decisiones ante decisiones no programadas en la planificación jerárquica de la producción) and GV/2014/010 Generalitat Valenciana (Identificación de la información proporcionada por los nuevos sistemas de detección accesibles mediante internet en el ámbito de las “sensing enterprises” para la mejora de la toma de decisiones en la planificación de la producción).Boza, A.; Alemany Díaz, MDM.; Cuenca, L.; Ortiz Bas, Á. (2015). Event Management for Sensing Enterprises with Decision Support Systems. Annals of Data Science. 2(1):103-109. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40745-015-0034-zS10310921Estupinyà P (2010) El ladrón de cerebros: Compartiendo el conocimiento científico de las mentes más brillantes. Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial EspañaVicens E, Alemany ME, Andrés C, Guarch JJ (2001) A design and application methodology for hierarchical production planning decision support systems in an enterprise integration context. Int J Prod Econ 74:5–20. doi: 10.1016/S0925-5273(01)00103-7Van Wezel W, Van Donk DP, Gaalman G (2006) The planning flexibility bottleneck in food processing industries. J Oper Manag 24:287–300. doi: 10.1016/j.jom.2004.11.001Winter R (1994) Multi-stage production controlling based on continuous, flexible abstraction hierarchies. IEPMÖzdamar L, Bozyel MA, Birbil SI (1998) A hierarchical decision support system for production planning (with case study). Eur J Oper Res 104:403–422. doi: 10.1016/S0377-2217(97)00016-7FInES FIESC (2012) FInES Research Roadmap 2025Shamsuzzoha Ah, Rintala S, Cunha PF, Ferreira PS, Kankaanpää T, Maia Carneiro L (2013) Event monitoring and management process in a non-hierarchical business network. In: Poler R, Carneiro L, Jasinski T, Zolghadri rc, Pedrazzoli P (eds) Intelligent non-hierarchical manufacturing networks. Wiley, New York, pp 349–374Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (2004) COSO enterprise risk management-integrated framework: application techniques. Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway CommissionSantucci G, Martinez C, Vlad-Câlcic D (2012) The sensing enterprise. FInES workshop at FIA 2012Vargas A, Cuenca L, Boza A, Sacala I, Moisescu M (2014) Towards the development of the framework for inter sensing enterprise architecture, J Intell Manuf, 1–18Anthony RN (1965) Planning and control systems: a framework for analysis. Harvard University, CambridgeSimon HA (1960) The new science of management decision. Harper & Brothers, New YorkShim JP, Warkentin M, Courtney JF, Power DJ, Sharda R, Carlsson C (2002) Past, present, and future of decision support technology. Decis Support Syst 33:111–126. doi: 10.1016/S0167-9236(01)00139-7Peng Y, Kou G, Shi Y, Chen ZA (2008) Descriptive framework for the field of data mining and knowledge discovery. Int J Inf Technol Decis Mak 7:639–682. doi: 10.1142/S0219622008003204Alarcón F, Alemany MME, Lario FC, Oltra RF (2011) La falta de homogeneidad del producto (FHP) en las empresas cerámicas y su impacto en la reasignación del inventario. Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio 50:49–58. doi: 10.3989/cyv.072011Cegarra J, van Wezel W (2011) A comparison of task analysis methods for planning and scheduling. In: Fransoo JC, Waefler T, Wilson JR (eds) Behavioral operations in planning and scheduling. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp 323–338FP7-ICT (2012) ICT: Information and Communication Technologies: work programme 2013Barash G, Bartolini C, Wu L (2007) Measuring and improving the performance of an IT support organization in managing service incidents. In: 2nd IEEE/IFIP international workshop on business-driven IT management, BDIM ’07, pp 11–18Bartolini C, Stefanelli C, Tortonesi M (2010) SYMIAN: analysis and performance improvement of the IT incident management process. IEEE Trans Netw Serv Manag 7:132–144. doi: 10.1109/TNSM.2010.1009.I9P0321Boza A, Alemany MME, Alarcón F, Cuenca L (2013) A model-driven DSS architecture for delivery management in collaborative supply chains with lack of homogeneity in products. Prod Plan Control 25:650–661. doi: 10.1080/09537287.2013.798085Boza A, Ortiz A, Vicens E, Poler R (2009) A framework for a decision support system in a hierarchical extended enterprise decision context. In: Poler R, van Sinderen M, Sanchis R (eds) Enterprise interoperability. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp 113–124Grefen P, Dijkman R (2013) Hybrid control of supply chains: a structured exploration from a systems perspective. Int J Prod Manag Eng 1:39–5

    The use of timelines as a strategy for teaching legislation issues to IT engineering degree students

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    [EN] A timeline is a graph showing a sequence of events on a particular topic. Among other things, it allows to visualize a space-time relationship of the most relevant periods of the topic to be addressed. These timelines have always been valuable teaching strategies. However, with the use of multimedia resources linked to the timeline such as images or videos, there is a greater possibility that students will relate the contents to specific objects that will help them in the understanding and memorization of dates or events. The course Deontology and Professionalism in the degree of IT engineering at the Universitat Politècnica de València incorporates contents that enable students to be exposed to issues of professional practice, ethical conduct and computer legislation. When working on the legislation aspects, we suggest the use of timelines as a teaching-learning strategy. Specifically, the Spanish and European chronologies of data protection and intellectual property legislation are presented as an example. But if we really want to take advantage of this tool, there is nothing better than involving students in the creation of such timelines. In this way they will be much more involved and motivated.Fernández-Diego, M.; González-Ladrón-De-Guevara, F.; Ruiz Font, L.; Boza, A. (2021). The use of timelines as a strategy for teaching legislation issues to IT engineering degree students. IATED. 8678-8683. https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2021.1798S8678868

    Analysis of digital teaching tools in the new educational paradigm

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    [EN] Nowadays most high education professors use several digital tools to support teaching, such as education platforms and other sources like digital slides or digital documents. Most universities rely on their own educational platforms, which has been mainly used to share documents between professors and students. These platforms reinforce the master classes, but do not replace the typical face-to-face classes. For instance, the platform used by the Universitat Politècnica de València in 2006 is called PoliformaT and is an adaptation of Sakai. On this digital platform, professors and students can share and manage information and documents from their degree or master subjects, such as tasks, exams, content repository, etc. Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the high education professors forced to replace face-to-face classes by virtual classes, to confront the new educational paradigm that has emerged. Furthermore, they have had to deepen into the functionalities offered by existing platforms and to adapt their teaching to other types of platforms that allow virtual teaching such as Microsoft Teams, Google Classroom or Blackboard Learn. Therefore, because of the current situation and the potential that e-learning platforms and tools have in university teaching, it has led to the emergence of numerous software related to teaching. However, due to the short reaction time to adapt face-to-face to virtual teaching, no comparisons have been made between existing digital tools to define which of them is most appropriate for each university and its teaching style. Hence, a deep analysis of existing digital tools to support teaching is required. This paper aims to analyse and compare several teaching software tools. For that, the functionalities of the most used teaching tools are compared, and their main advantages and disadvantages are analysed in order to obtain the best tools to be used in high education.This work has been developed within the framework of the projects Coordinación metodológica a través de webs de apoyo en títulos ETSII para diferentes Competencias Trasversales of the call for Educational Innovation and Improvement Projects (PIME) with code PIME/19-20 Ref. 150, Ref. 151 and Ref. 152, in its institutional modality, promoted by the Vice-Rectorate for Studies, Quality and Accreditation and the Institute of Education Sciences of the Universitat Politècnica de València. The first author was supported by the Generalitat Valenciana (Conselleria de Educación, Investigación, Cultura y Deporte) under Grant ACIF/2019/021.Rodríguez-Sánchez, MDLÁ.; Esteso, A.; Alemany Díaz, MDM.; Boza, A. (2021). Analysis of digital teaching tools in the new educational paradigm. IATED Academy. 9564-9570. https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2021.20009564957

    Early identification of the student's level in the transversal competence "creativity, innovation and entrepeneurship".

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    [EN] The initial level of a competence in our students is in many cases unknown for the teacher, when we talk about transversal competences. In addition, in some cases, they assume some skills to the students that can be wrong. The proposal developed in this paper focuses on identifying the student¿s initial level in the competence to adapt the teaching-learning process to the different levels found in our classroom. The proposal has been developed in the competence of creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship.This research has been carried out under the project of innovation and educational improvement (PIME 2017-18 Ref. A10) funded by the Universitat Politècnica de València and the School of InformaticsBoza, A.; Cuenca, L.; Alemany Díaz, MDM.; Alarcón Valero, F.; Prats-Montalbán, JM. (2018). Early identification of the student's level in the transversal competence "creativity, innovation and entrepeneurship". INTED proceedings (Online). 3091-3096. https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2018.0592S3091309