14 research outputs found

    English media discourse of the early 21st Century: Lexical innovations

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    The emergence of a new kind of discourse on the world stage called media discourse or media discourse produces the trends of globalization and the development of communication technologies in the world. The article deals with the phenomenon of English-language media discourse as a relatively new linguistic phenomenon. The aim of this research work is a thorough analysis of the concept of English-language media discourse, reflecting the dynamics of modern language and identifying the features of lexical innovations in English-language media discourse. The comparative analysis method, typological method, method of component analysis, and descriptive method of research were used to study the issue of English-language media discourse. Using the comparative analysis method, the saturation of linguistic innovations and their prevalence were determined. Using the typological method, the common qualities of English and Ukrainian in the projection on their variety of linguistic characteristics were established. The method of component analysis helped in the study of the content part of the newly formed linguistic units. Using the descriptive method, the modern state of English-language media discourse was characterized. As a result of the scientific research trends of modern English-language media discourse in content and form have been studied and analyzed, as well as changes in the potential of modern linguistic means through the mechanism of new word formation, which is a prospect for further scientific research in this direction

    Current trends in english public speech translation (based on TED talks platform)

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    Nowadays, the media is rapidly developing, and messaging processes are inexhaustible thanks to the Internet. Audiovisual content has become a separate form of communication and learning. This document analyzes the popular TED Talks platform, describes its use with interpretation students, and shows the research results of students using TED Talks on translation trends for public speaking. The document uses the potential of TED Talks as an unlimited source of knowledge, information, ideas, and inspiration. The use of speeches as methodologically sound and authentic English material has improved listening skills, as well as pronunciation and spelling through the ability to read active subtitles and scripts, and develop and enrich students' vocabulary

    Melatonin Secretion Pattern in Critically Ill Patients:A Pilot Descriptive Study

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    Critically ill patients have abnormal circadian and sleep homeostasis. This may be associated with higher morbidity and mortality. The aims of this pilot study were (1) to describe melatonin secretion in conscious critically ill mechanically ventilated patients and (2) to describe whether melatonin secretion and sleep patterns differed in these patients with and without remifentanil infusion. Eight patients were included. Blood-melatonin was taken every 4th hour, and polysomnography was carried out continually during a 48-hour period. American Academy of Sleep Medicine criteria were used for sleep scoring if sleep patterns were identified; otherwise, Watson’s classification was applied. As remifentanil was periodically administered during the study, its effect on melatonin and sleep was assessed. Melatonin secretion in these patients followed a phase-delayed diurnal curve. We did not observe any effect of remifentanil on melatonin secretion. We found that the risk of atypical sleep compared to normal sleep was significantly lower (p<0.001) under remifentanil infusion. Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep was only observed during the nonsedation period. We found preserved diurnal pattern of melatonin secretion in these patients. Remifentanil did not affect melatonin secretion but was associated with lower risk of atypical sleep pattern. REM sleep was only registered during the period of nonsedation

    cNTnC and fYTnC2, Genetically Encoded Green Calcium Indicators Based on Troponin C from Fast Animals

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    NTnC-like green fluorescent genetically encoded calcium indicators (GECIs) with two calcium ion binding sites were constructed using the insertion of truncated troponin C (TnC) from Opsanus tau into green fluorescent proteins (GFPs). These GECIs are small proteins containing the N- and C-termini of GFP; they exert a limited effect on the cellular free calcium ion concentration; and in contrast to calmodulin-based calcium indicators they lack undesired interactions with intracellular proteins in neurons. The available TnC-based NTnC or YTnC GECIs had either an inverted response and high brightness but a limited dynamic range or a positive response and fast kinetics in neurons but lower brightness and an enhanced but still limited dF/F dynamic range. Here, we solved the crystal structure of NTnC at 2.5 Å resolution. Based on this structure, we developed positive NTnC2 and inverted iNTnC2 GECIs with a large dF/F dynamic range in vitro but very slow rise and decay kinetics in neurons. To overcome their slow responsiveness, we swapped TnC from O. tau in NTnC2 with truncated troponin C proteins from the muscles of fast animals, namely, the falcon, hummingbird, cheetah, bat, rattlesnake, and ant, and then optimized the resulting constructs using directed molecular evolution. Characterization of the engineered variants using purified proteins, mammalian cells, and neuronal cultures revealed cNTnC GECI with truncated TnC from Calypte anna (hummingbird) to have the largest dF/F fluorescence response and fast dissociation kinetics in neuronal cultures. In addition, based on the insertion of truncated TnCs from fast animals into YTnC2, we developed fYTnC2 GECI with TnC from Falco peregrinus (falcon). The purified proteins cNTnC and fYTnC2 had 8- and 6-fold higher molecular brightness and 7- and 6-fold larger dF/F responses to the increase in Ca2+ ion concentration than YTnC, respectively. cNTnC GECI was also 4-fold more photostable than YTnC and fYTnC2 GECIs. Finally, we assessed the developed GECIs in primary mouse neuronal cultures stimulated with an external electric field; in these conditions, cNTnC had a 2.4-fold higher dF/F fluorescence response than YTnC and fYTnC2 and was the same or slightly slower (1.4-fold) than fYTnC2 and YTnC in the rise and decay half-times, respectively

    Histological changes in the salivary glands of man-made microelementosis

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    Потрапляння комбінації солей важких металів у організм зрілих щурів призводить до пошкодження структури піднижньощелепної слинної залози: відбувається зниження її функціональної активності, зрив компенсаторно-пристосувальних механізмів та реакцій адаптації.Поступление комбинации солей тяжелых металлов в организм зрелых крыс приводит к повреждению структуры поднижнечелюстной слюнной железы. Происходит снижение её функциональной активности, срыв компенсаторно-приспособительных механизмов и реакций адаптации.Introducing combination of heavy metals in the body of mature rats causes damage to the structure of submandibular salivary gland: a decrease in its functional activity, the failure of compensatory-adaptive mechanisms and reactions of adaptation