4,506 research outputs found

    Application of clayless drilling fluids under conditions of high reservoir pressures and temperatures

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    The paper considers the application clayless drilling fluids under conditions of great depths, high reservoir pressures and temperatures. It was determined that increasing the density of clayless drilling fluids by conventional weighting agents is accompanied by increasing rate of bottomhole filtering. It is shown that the solution of this problem is possible through the use of water-soluble salts. The results of laboratory and field tests for clayless drilling fluids weighted with water-soluble salts are presented

    SU(2) Gluodynamics and HP1 sigma-model embedding: Scaling, Topology and Confinement

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    We investigate recently proposed HP1 sigma-model embedding method aimed to study the topology of SU(2) gauge fields. The HP1 based topological charge is shown to be fairly compatible with various known definitions. We study the corresponding topological susceptibility and estimate its value in the continuum limit. The geometrical clarity of HP1 approach allows to investigate non-perturbative aspects of SU(2) gauge theory on qualitatively new level. In particular, we obtain numerically precise estimation of gluon condensate and its leading quadratic correction. Furthermore, we present clear evidences that the string tension is to be associated with global (percolating) regions of sign-coherent topological charge. As a byproduct of our analysis we estimate the continuum value of quenched chiral condensate and the dimensionality of regions, which localize the lowest eigenmodes of overlap Dirac operator.Comment: 22 pages, 18 ps figures, revtex4. Replaced to match published version (PRD, to appear


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    С 2010 по 2016 г. в клинике оперированы 72 больных по поводу холангиокарциномы различной локализации. Радикальное (R-0) вмешательство выполнено у 33 (45,8%) больных, условно-радикальное (R-1) – у 39 (54,2%). Больным выполняли изолированную резекцию общего печеночного протока (ОПП), сегментарную, долевую и расширенную резекцию печени. Резекция воротной вены  выполнена у 8 (11,1%) больных. После операции 25 (34,7%) больным проведена внутриартериальная химиотерапия. Показатели общей 5-летней выживаемости больных после R-0 резекции составили 20%, медиана выживаемости 29 мес, после R-1 резекции - 12 мес. Радикальная операция (R-0) по поводу холангиокарциномы имеет преимущества по сравнению с условно-радикальной (R-1) резекцией

    Why the paper CERN-PH-EP-2009-015 (arXiv:0903.4762) is scientifically unacceptable

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    The paper CERN-PH-EP-2009-015 (arXiv:0903.4762) by A. Bagulya et al. violates standards of quality of work and scientific ethics on several counts. The paper contains assertions that contradict established detector physics. The paper falls short of proving the correctness of the authors' concepts and results. The paper ignores or quotes misleadingly pertinent published work. The paper ignores the fact that the authors' concepts and results have already been shown wrong in the published literature. The authors seem unaware that cross-section results from the 'HARP Collaboration' that are based on the paper's concepts and algorithms are in gross disagreement with the results of a second analysis of the same data, and with the results of other experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure