18,072 research outputs found

    An investigation of S-band signal transmission through an Apollo earth-entry plasma

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    Investigation of S band signal transmission through Apollo earth entry plasm

    Self-organization, scaling and collapse in a coupled automaton model of foragers and vegetation resources with seed dispersal

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    We introduce a model of traveling agents ({\it e.g.} frugivorous animals) who feed on randomly located vegetation patches and disperse their seeds, thus modifying the spatial distribution of resources in the long term. It is assumed that the survival probability of a seed increases with the distance to the parent patch and decreases with the size of the colonized patch. In turn, the foraging agents use a deterministic strategy with memory, that makes them visit the largest possible patches accessible within minimal travelling distances. The combination of these interactions produce complex spatio-temporal patterns. If the patches have a small initial size, the vegetation total mass (biomass) increases with time and reaches a maximum corresponding to a self-organized critical state with power-law distributed patch sizes and L\'evy-like movement patterns for the foragers. However, this state collapses as the biomass sharply decreases to reach a noisy stationary regime characterized by corrections to scaling. In systems with low plant competition, the efficiency of the foraging rules leads to the formation of heterogeneous vegetation patterns with 1/fα1/f^{\alpha} frequency spectra, and contributes, rather counter-intuitively, to lower the biomass levels.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Deoxygenation of organic nitrites

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    Organic nitrites deoxygenated in presence of tervalent phosphorus reagent

    The water-cryogen heat exchanger

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    Heat exchanger, using water as heat medium, converts liquid hydrogen to gaseous hydrogen at a very high rate. Possible applications include treatment of liquified natural gas in cities to bring the gas on-line quickly, conversion of liquid oxygen and liquid nitrogen for steel mills, and high volume inert purging

    Relative intensity squeezing by four-wave mixing with loss: an analytic model and experimental diagnostic

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    Four-wave mixing near resonance in an atomic vapor can produce relative intensity squeezed light suitable for precision measurements beyond the shot-noise limit. We develop an analytic distributed gain/loss model to describe the competition of mixing and absorption through the non-linear medium. Using a novel matrix calculus, we present closed-form expressions for the degree of relative intensity squeezing produced by this system. We use these theoretical results to analyze experimentally measured squeezing from a 85^{85}Rb vapor and demonstrate the analytic model's utility as an experimental diagnostic.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Federalism and Corporation Law: Drawing the Line in State Takeover Regulation

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    Catalytic site forms and controls in ATP synthase catalysis

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    AbstractA suggested minimal scheme for substrate binding by and interconversion of three forms of the catalytic sites of the ATP synthase is presented. Each binding change, that drives simultaneous interchange of the three catalytic site forms, requires a 120° rotation of the γ with respect to the β subunits. The binding of substrate(s) at two catalytic sites is regarded as sufficing for near maximal catalytic rates to be attained. Although three sites do not need to be filled for rapid catalysis, during rapid bisite catalysis some enzyme may be transiently present with three sites filled. Forms with preferential binding for ADP and Pi or for ATP are considered to arise from the transition state and participate in other steps of the catalysis. Intermediate forms and steps that may be involved are evaluated. Experimental evidence for energy-dependent steps and for control of coupling to proton translocation and transition state forms are reviewed. Impact of relevant past data on present understanding of catalytic events is considered. In synthesis a key step is suggested in which proton translocation begins to deform an open site so as to increase the affinity for ADP and Pi, that then bind and pass through the transition state, and yield tightly bound ATP in one binding change. ADP binding appears to be a key parameter controlling rotation during synthesis. In hydrolysis ATP binding to a loose site likely precedes any proton translocation, with proton movement occurring as the tight site form develops. Aspects needing further study are noted. Characteristics of the related MgADP inhibition of the F1 ATPases that have undermined many observations are summarized, and relations of three-site filling to catalysis are assessed

    CIXL2: A Crossover Operator for Evolutionary Algorithms Based on Population Features

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    In this paper we propose a crossover operator for evolutionary algorithms with real values that is based on the statistical theory of population distributions. The operator is based on the theoretical distribution of the values of the genes of the best individuals in the population. The proposed operator takes into account the localization and dispersion features of the best individuals of the population with the objective that these features would be inherited by the offspring. Our aim is the optimization of the balance between exploration and exploitation in the search process. In order to test the efficiency and robustness of this crossover, we have used a set of functions to be optimized with regard to different criteria, such as, multimodality, separability, regularity and epistasis. With this set of functions we can extract conclusions in function of the problem at hand. We analyze the results using ANOVA and multiple comparison statistical tests. As an example of how our crossover can be used to solve artificial intelligence problems, we have applied the proposed model to the problem of obtaining the weight of each network in a ensemble of neural networks. The results obtained are above the performance of standard methods

    Elements of Design for Containers and Solutions in the LinBox Library

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    We describe in this paper new design techniques used in the \cpp exact linear algebra library \linbox, intended to make the library safer and easier to use, while keeping it generic and efficient. First, we review the new simplified structure for containers, based on our \emph{founding scope allocation} model. We explain design choices and their impact on coding: unification of our matrix classes, clearer model for matrices and submatrices, \etc Then we present a variation of the \emph{strategy} design pattern that is comprised of a controller--plugin system: the controller (solution) chooses among plug-ins (algorithms) that always call back the controllers for subtasks. We give examples using the solution \mul. Finally we present a benchmark architecture that serves two purposes: Providing the user with easier ways to produce graphs; Creating a framework for automatically tuning the library and supporting regression testing.Comment: 8 pages, 4th International Congress on Mathematical Software, Seoul : Korea, Republic Of (2014
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