3,736 research outputs found

    Firm quality or market sentiment : what matters more for IPO investors?

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    This paper investigates the investment decisions of IPO investors when equipped with information on both the quality of the firm and the market sentiment. Unique regulatory provisions allow IPO investors in India to have access to the independent assessment of firm quality and information on the participation of other investors, including institutional investors. At the same time, an active grey market reveals market sentiment before the application for subscription is closed. The results, which are robust to alternative model specifications, suggest that the institutional investors' decision is guided almost exclusively by firm quality while the retail investors' decision to participate in IPOs is strongly influenced by market sentiment, even in a highly transparent market where both sets of information are freely available

    Digital technologies in bronchiectasis physiotherapy services: a survey of patients and physiotherapists in a UK centre

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    \ua9 The authors 2024. Introduction We aimed to explore how digital technology is currently used, could be used and how services could be improved in order to optimise bronchiectasis physiotherapy care. Methods Online surveys were designed and distributed amongst people with bronchiectasis and physiotherapists in Northern Ireland. Responses to closed and open question formats were collected and analysed. Results The survey was completed by 48 out of 100 physiotherapists (48%) between January 2020 and January 2021 and by 205 out of 398 people with bronchiectasis (52%) between October 2020 and October 2021. 56% of physiotherapists (27 out of 48) reporting using some type of digital technology to facilitate services, whereas 44% (21 out of 48) reported that they had never used a digital technology in this patient group. When physiotherapists were asked whether they would be likely to use certain remote and/or digital options to deliver follow-up care for airway clearance techniques, most (31–38 out of 48; 65–79%) indicated that they would. Regarding patient responses, most reported that they would use telephone consultation (145 out of 199, 73%) and a smaller proportion were likely to use video consultation (64 out of 199, 32%). The most commonly mentioned theme for improvement amongst patients was follow-ups, while improved access, quality of services and treatments were the most commonly mentioned amongst physiotherapists. Conclusion Despite a large proportion of physiotherapists in this survey reporting no current use of digital technology in bronchiectasis physiotherapy care, there was significant interest and willingness to do so, amongst both physiotherapists and patients. This survey highlighted a range of care areas, specifically follow-up visits, where digital methods could be further explored

    Affordances-in-practice:an ethnographic critique of social media logic and context collapse

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    Drawing on data gathered during ethnographic fieldwork in Mardin, a medium-sized town in southeast Turkey, this article shows that social media users actively appropriate online platforms and change privacy settings in order to keep different social spheres and social groups apart. Keeping different online social contexts distinct from each other is taken for granted as a way of using social media in Mardin. By contrast, social media scholars have extensively discussed the effects of social media in terms of context collapse. The article highlights how context collapse is the result of patterns of usage within Anglo-American contexts and not the consequence of a platform's architecture or social media logic. It then suggests a theoretical refinement of affordances, and proposes the concept of affordances-in-practice

    Acoustic Nonlinearities in Adhesive Joints

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    Ultrasonic techniques have been used successfully to measure important bond parameters and to detect various defects in adhesive joints for about twenty years. Recent reviews of nondestructive testing of adhesively bonded structures can be found in the literature [1–3]. For direct strength assessment, the reliability of these techniques leaves much to be desired. Linear acoustic parameters are only indirectly correlated to material and bond strength, therefore we must rely on dubious empirical relations between the measured parameter (e.g., velocity or attenuation) and the sought strength parameter on a case-to-case basis. On the other hand, it is well known that failure of most materials and bonds is usually preceded by some kind of nonlinear mechanical behavior, well before appreciable plastic deformation occurs, i.e. within the range of nondestructive testing. This macroscopic nonlinearity is due to a number of different causes such as weakening of covalent bonds with increased atomic spacing, reduction in the number of these bonds, etc. It seems to be reasonable to assume that nonlinear parameters measured at approximately 10–20% of the ultimate stress level are more directly correlated to mechanical strength than linear ones measured at negligibly low ultrasonic amplitudes:</p

    Cooperative secretions facilitate host range expansion in bacteria

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    The majority of emergent human pathogens are zoonotic in origin, that is, they can transmit to humans from other animals. Understanding the factors underlying the evolution of pathogen host range is therefore of critical importance in protecting human health. There are two main evolutionary routes to generalism: organisms can tolerate multiple environments or they can modify their environments to forms to which they are adapted. Here we use a combination of theory and a phylogenetic comparative analysis of 191 pathogenic bacterial species to show that bacteria use cooperative secretions that modify their environment to extend their host range and infect multiple host species. Our results suggest that cooperative secretions are key determinants of host range in bacteria, and that monitoring for the acquisition of secreted proteins by horizontal gene transfer can help predict emerging zoonoses

    Health care's response to climate change: a carbon footprint assessment of the NHS in England

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    Background: Climate change threatens to undermine the past 50 years of gains in public health. In response, the National Health Service (NHS) in England has been working since 2008 to quantify and reduce its carbon footprint. This Article presents the latest update to its greenhouse gas accounting, identifying interventions for mitigation efforts and describing an approach applicable to other health systems across the world. Methods: A hybrid model was used to quantify emissions within Scopes 1, 2, and 3 of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, as well as patient and visitor travel emissions, from 1990 to 2019. This approach complements the broad coverage of top-down economic modelling with the high accuracy of bottom-up data wherever available. Available data were backcasted or forecasted to cover all years. To enable the identification of measures to reduce carbon emissions, results were disaggregated by organisation type. Findings: In 2019, the health service's emissions totalled 25 megatonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent, a reduction of 26% since 1990, and a decrease of 64% in the emissions per inpatient finished admission episode. Of the 2019 footprint, 62% came from the supply chain, 24% from the direct delivery of care, 10% from staff commute and patient and visitor travel, and 4% from private health and care services commissioned by the NHS. Interpretation: This work represents the longest and most comprehensive accounting of national health-care emissions globally, and underscores the importance of incorporating bottom-up data to improve the accuracy of top-down modelling and enabling detailed monitoring of progress as health systems act to reduce emissions. Funding: Wellcome Trust

    The dynamics of apparent horizons in Robinson-Trautman spacetimes

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    We present an alternative scheme of finding apparent horizons based on spectral methods applied to Robinson-Trautman spacetimes. We have considered distinct initial data such as representing the spheroids of matter and the head-on collision of two non-rotating black holes. The evolution of the apparent horizon is presented. We have obtained in some cases a mass gap between the final Bondi and apparent horizon masses, whose implications were briefly commented in the light of the thermodynamics of black holes.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Observation of Spontaneous Brillouin Cooling

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    While radiation-pressure cooling is well known, the Brillouin scattering of light from sound is considered an acousto-optical amplification-only process. It was suggested that cooling could be possible in multi-resonance Brillouin systems when phonons experience lower damping than light. However, this regime was not accessible in traditional Brillouin systems since backscattering enforces high acoustical frequencies associated with high mechanical damping. Recently, forward Brillouin scattering in microcavities has allowed access to low-frequency acoustical modes where mechanical dissipation is lower than optical dissipation, in accordance with the requirements for cooling. Here we experimentally demonstrate cooling via such a forward Brillouin process in a microresonator. We show two regimes of operation for the Brillouin process: acoustical amplification as is traditional, but also for the first time, a Brillouin cooling regime. Cooling is mediated by an optical pump, and scattered light, that beat and electrostrictively attenuate the Brownian motion of the mechanical mode.Comment: Supplementary material include

    Anisotropic Structure of the Order Parameter in FeSe0.45Te0.55 Revealed by Angle Resolved Specific Heat

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    The symmetry and structure of the superconducting gap in the Fe-based superconductors are the central issue for understanding these novel materials. So far the experimental data and theoretical models have been highly controversial. Some experiments favor two or more constant or nearly-constant gaps, others indicate strong anisotropy and yet others suggest gap zeros ("nodes"). Theoretical models also vary, suggesting that the absence or presence of the nodes depends quantitatively on the model parameters. An opinion that has gained substantial currency is that the gap structure, unlike all other known superconductors, including cuprates, may be different in different compounds within the same family. A unique method for addressing this issue, one of the very few methods that are bulk and angle-resolved, calls for measuring the electronic specific heat in a rotating magnetic field, as a function of field orientation with respect to the crystallographic axes. In this Communication we present the first such measurement for an Fe-based high-Tc superconductor (FeBSC). We observed a fourfold oscillation of the specific heat as a function of the in-plane magnetic field direction, which allowed us to identify the locations of the gap minima (or nodes) on the Fermi surface. Our results are consistent with the expectations of an extended s-wave model with a significant gap anisotropy on the electron pockets and the gap minima along the \Gamma M (or Fe-Fe bond) direction.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figure

    Quantum Acoustics with Surface Acoustic Waves

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    It has recently been demonstrated that surface acoustic waves (SAWs) can interact with superconducting qubits at the quantum level. SAW resonators in the GHz frequency range have also been found to have low loss at temperatures compatible with superconducting quantum circuits. These advances open up new possibilities to use the phonon degree of freedom to carry quantum information. In this paper, we give a description of the basic SAW components needed to develop quantum circuits, where propagating or localized SAW-phonons are used both to study basic physics and to manipulate quantum information. Using phonons instead of photons offers new possibilities which make these quantum acoustic circuits very interesting. We discuss general considerations for SAW experiments at the quantum level and describe experiments both with SAW resonators and with interaction between SAWs and a qubit. We also discuss several potential future developments.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figure