6,954 research outputs found

    Separation of biological materials in microgravity

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    Partition in aqueous two phase polymer systems is a potentially useful procedure in downstream processing of both molecular and particulate biomaterials. The potential efficiency of the process for particle and cell isolations is much higher than the useful levels already achieved. Space provides a unique environment in which to test the hypothesis that convection and settling phenomena degrade the performance of the partition process. The initial space experiment in a series of tests of this hypothesis is described

    Scavenging of an Elk, Cervus elaphus, Carcass by Multiple Cougars, Puma concolor, in Southeastern Alberta

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    We report the confirmed or suspected scavenging by six different Cougars, Puma concolor, on an Elk (Cervus elaphus) carcass, from January to April 2009, near Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park in southeastern Alberta, Canada. Visitations by Cougars were captured by a camera trap focused on the carcass; we were able to tentatively identify 6 individual Cougars by the presence of radio-collars, ear sizes and tail characteristics. Our photos are the first published event of >2 Cougars feeding on the same carcass

    Visual Marking of Ground Nests Might Attract Corvids

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    For ground-nesting birds such as waterfowl, estimating nest survival is a crucial step in assessing population dynamics, and marking nests facilitates continuous monitoring. A conventional method for marking ground nests is to use an inconspicuous rod at the nest bowl and a wooden lathe 10 m away. Nests are visually marked to allow for greater efficiency when revisiting nests and to facilitate subsequent nest searching sessions. Anecdotal evidence suggests that common ravens (Corvus corax) and American crows (C. brachyrhynchos) might learn to recognize these nest markers, resulting in artificially inflated rates of nest predation. In 2017 in central Alberta, Canada, we compared fates of nests marked with the conventional lathe-rod combination versus only a rod. We also tested the prevalence of corvid predation of marked nests in areas with and without high observations of corvid activity, using data from a study of dabbling duck (Anas spp.) nest survival. Our results suggest that marking nests with a lathe can increase predation by corvids and that nests marked with a rod only were more likely to hatch. Evaluation and use of alternate nest-marking methods would be beneficial for future studies of ground-nesting birds in areas where corvids are common. Our work highlights the importance of re-evaluating the efficacy of well-established field methods

    Demixing of aqueous polymer two-phase systems in low gravity

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    When polymers such as dextran and poly(ethylene glycol) are mixed in aqueous solution biphasic systems often form. On Earth the emulsion formed by mixing the phases rapidly demixes because of phase density differences. Biological materials can be purified by selective partitioning between the phases. In the case of cells and other particulates the efficiency of these separations appears to be somewhat compromised by the demixing process. To modify this process and to evaluate the potential of two-phase partitioning in space, experiments on the effects of gravity on phase emulsion demixing were undertaken. The behavior of phase systems with essentially identical phase densities was studied at one-g and during low-g parabolic aircraft maneuvers. The results indicate the demixing can occur rather rapidly in space, although more slowly than on Earth. The demixing process was examined from a theoretical standpoint by applying the theory of Ostwald ripening. This theory predicts demizing rates many orders of magnitude lower than observed. Other possible demixing mechanisms are considered

    A multi-beam HI survey of the Virgo Cluster - two isolated HI clouds ?

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    We have carried out a fully sampled large area (4∘×8∘4^{\circ} \times 8^{\circ}) 21cm \HI line survey of part of the Virgo cluster using the Jodrell Bank multi-beam instrument. The survey has a sensitivity some 3 times better than the standard HIJASS and HIPASS surveys. We detect 31 galaxies, 27 of which are well known cluster members. The four new detections have been confirmed in the HIPASS data and by follow up Jodrell Bank pointed observations. One object lies behind M86, but the other 3 have no obvious optical counter parts upon inspection of the digital sky survey fields. These 3 objects were mapped at Arecibo with a smaller \am{3}{6} HPBW and a 4 times better sensitivity than the Jodrell Bank data, which allow an improved determination of the dimensions and location of two of the objects, but surprisingly failed to detect the third. The two objects are resolved by the Arecibo beam giving them a size far larger than any optical images in the nearby field. To our mass limit of 5×1075 \times 10^{7} Δv50kms−1\frac{\Delta v}{50 km s^{-1}} M⊙M_{\odot} and column density limit of 3×10183 \times 10^{18} Δv50kms−1\frac{\Delta v}{50 km s^{-1}} atoms cm−2^{-2} these new detections represent only about 2% of the cluster atomic hydrogen mass. Our observations indicate that the \HI mass function of the cluster turns down at the low mass end making it very different to the field galaxy \HI mass function. This is quite different to the Virgo cluster optical luminosity function which is much steeper than that in the general field. Many of the sample galaxies are relatively gas poor compared to \HI selected samples of field galaxies, confirming the 'anaemic spirals' view of Virgo cluster late type galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Willow on yellowstone's northern range: Evidence for a trophic cascade?

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    Reintroduction of wolves (Canis lupus) to Yellowstone National Park in 1995-1996 has been argued to promote a trophic cascade by altering elk (Cervus elaphus) density, habitat-selection patterns, and behavior that, in turn, could lead to changes within the plant communities used by elk. We sampled two species of willow (Salix boothii and S. geyeriana) on the northern winter range to determine whether (1) there was quantitative evidence of increased willow growth following wolf reintroduction, (2) browsing by elk affected willow growth, and (3) any increase in growth observed was greater than that expected by climatic and hydrological factors alone, thereby indicating a trophic cascade caused by wolves. Using stem sectioning techniques to quantify historical growth patterns we found an approximately twofold increase in stem growth-ring area following wolf reintroduction for both species of willow. This increase could not be explained by climate and hydrological factors alone; the presence of wolves on the landscape was a significant predictor of stem growth above and beyond these abiotic factors. Growth-ring area was positively correlated with the previous year's ring area and negatively correlated with the percentage of twigs browsed from the stem during the winter preceding growth, indicating that elk browse impeded stem growth. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis of a behaviorally mediated trophic cascade on Yellowstone's northern winter range following wolf reintroduction. We suggest that the community-altering effects of wolf restoration are an endorsement of ecological-process management in Yellowstone National Park
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