4,277 research outputs found

    Kepler-91b: a planet at the end of its life. Planet and giant host star properties via light-curve variations

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    The evolution of planetary systems is intimately linked to the evolution of their host star. Our understanding of the whole planetary evolution process is based on the large planet diversity observed so far. To date, only few tens of planets have been discovered orbiting stars ascending the Red Giant Branch. Although several theories have been proposed, the question of how planets die remains open due to the small number statistics. In this work we study the giant star Kepler-91 (KOI-2133) in order to determine the nature of a transiting companion. This system was detected by the Kepler Space Telescope. However, its planetary confirmation is needed. We confirm the planetary nature of the object transiting the star Kepler-91 by deriving a mass of Mp=0.880.33+0.17 MJup M_p=0.88^{+0.17}_{-0.33} ~M_{\rm Jup} and a planetary radius of Rp=1.3840.054+0.011 RJupR_p=1.384^{+0.011}_{-0.054} ~R_{\rm Jup}. Asteroseismic analysis produces a stellar radius of R=6.30±0.16 RR_{\star}=6.30\pm 0.16 ~R_{\odot} and a mass of M=1.31±0.10 MM_{\star}=1.31\pm 0.10 ~ M_{\odot} . We find that its eccentric orbit (e=0.0660.017+0.013e=0.066^{+0.013}_{-0.017}) is just 1.320.22+0.07 R1.32^{+0.07}_{-0.22} ~ R_{\star} away from the stellar atmosphere at the pericenter. Kepler-91b could be the previous stage of the planet engulfment, recently detected for BD+48 740. Our estimations show that Kepler-91b will be swallowed by its host star in less than 55 Myr. Among the confirmed planets around giant stars, this is the planetary-mass body closest to its host star. At pericenter passage, the star subtends an angle of 4848^{\circ}, covering around 10% of the sky as seen from the planet. The planetary atmosphere seems to be inflated probably due to the high stellar irradiation.Comment: 21 pages, 8 tables and 11 figure

    The equivalence of fluctuation scale dependence and autocorrelations

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    We define optimal per-particle fluctuation and correlation measures, relate fluctuations and correlations through an integral equation and show how to invert that equation to obtain precise autocorrelations from fluctuation scale dependence. We test the precision of the inversion with Monte Carlo data and compare autocorrelations to conditional distributions conventionally used to study high-ptp_t jet structure.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, proceedings, MIT workshop on correlations and fluctuations in relativistic nuclear collision

    Towards virtual machine energy-aware cost prediction in clouds

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    Pricing mechanisms employed by different service providers significantly influence the role of cloud computing within the IT industry. With the increasing cost of electricity, Cloud providers consider power consumption as one of the major cost factors to be maintained within their infrastructures. Consequently, modelling a new pricing mechanism that allow Cloud providers to determine the potential cost of resource usage and power consumption has attracted the attention of many researchers. Furthermore, predicting the future cost of Cloud services can help the service providers to offer the suitable services to the customers that meet their requirements. This paper introduces an Energy-Aware Cost Prediction Framework to estimate the total cost of Virtual Machines (VMs) by considering the resource usage and power consumption. The VMs’ workload is firstly predicted based on an Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model. The power consumption is then predicted using regression models. The comparison between the predicted and actual results obtained in a real Cloud testbed shows that this framework is capable of predicting the workload, power consumption and total cost for different VMs with good prediction accuracy, e.g. with 0.06 absolute percentage error for the predicted total cost of the VM

    The Kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect from Radiative Transfer Simulations of Patchy Reionization

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    We present the first calculation of the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (kSZ) effect due to the inhomogeneous reionization of the universe based on detailed large-scale radiative transfer simulations of reionization. The resulting sky power spectra peak at l=2000-8000 with maximum values of l^2C_l~1\times10^{-12}. The peak scale is determined by the typical size of the ionized regions and roughly corresponds to the ionized bubble sizes observed in our simulations, ~5-20 Mpc. The kSZ anisotropy signal from reionization dominates the primary CMB signal above l=3000. This predicted kSZ signal at arcminute scales is sufficiently strong to be detectable by upcoming experiments, like the Atacama Cosmology Telescope and South Pole Telescope which are expected to have ~1' resolution and ~muK sensitivity. The extended and patchy nature of the reionization process results in a boost of the peak signal in power by approximately one order of magnitude compared to a uniform reionization scenario, while roughly tripling the signal compared with that based upon the assumption of gradual but spatially uniform reionization. At large scales the patchy kSZ signal depends largely on the ionizing source efficiencies and the large-scale velocity fields: sources which produce photons more efficiently yield correspondingly higher signals. The introduction of sub-grid gas clumping in the radiative transfer simulations produces significantly more power at small scales, and more non-Gaussian features, but has little effect at large scales. The patchy nature of the reionization process roughly doubles the total observed kSZ signal for l~3000-10^4 compared to non-patchy scenarios with the same total electron-scattering optical depth.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures (some in color), submitted to Ap

    Analyzing the House Fly's Exploratory Behavior with Autoregression Methods

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    This paper presents a detailed characterization of the trajectory of a single housefly with free range of a square cage. The trajectory of the fly was recorded and transformed into a time series, which was fully analyzed using an autoregressive model, which describes a stationary time series by a linear regression of prior state values with the white noise. The main discovery was that the fly switched styles of motion from a low dimensional regular pattern to a higher dimensional disordered pattern. This discovered exploratory behavior is, irrespective of the presence of food, characterized by anomalous diffusion.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, 1 table, full pape

    Frequency Tracking and Parameter Estimation for Robust Quantum State-Estimation

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    In this paper we consider the problem of tracking the state of a quantum system via a continuous measurement. If the system Hamiltonian is known precisely, this merely requires integrating the appropriate stochastic master equation. However, even a small error in the assumed Hamiltonian can render this approach useless. The natural answer to this problem is to include the parameters of the Hamiltonian as part of the estimation problem, and the full Bayesian solution to this task provides a state-estimate that is robust against uncertainties. However, this approach requires considerable computational overhead. Here we consider a single qubit in which the Hamiltonian contains a single unknown parameter. We show that classical frequency estimation techniques greatly reduce the computational overhead associated with Bayesian estimation and provide accurate estimates for the qubit frequencyComment: 6 figures, 13 page

    Effect of malting on antioxidant capacity and vitamin E content in different barley genotypes

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    Abstract not available.Thi Thu Dung Do, Daniel Cozzolino, Beverly Muhlhausler, Amanda Box and Amanda J. Abl

    Antioxidant capacity and vitamin E in barley: Effect of genotype and storage

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    Abstract not availableThu Dung T. Do, Daniel Cozzolino, Beverly Muhlhausler, Amanda Box, Amanda J. Abl