61 research outputs found

    Contributory factors of well-being in new mothers: An exploratory study

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    The focus of maternal postpartum care has shifted in the past fifty years. Initially, medical doctors analyzed the physical well-being of the infant, and little attention was paid to the mother\u27s recovery outside of physical wellness. Although knowledge of postpartum ailments, both psychological and physical are now pervasive, there are few measures that directly assess the factors that contribute to a mother\u27s well-being and/or speak to her approach to parenting from the initial stages. Specific links from childhood, psychosocial factors, current relationship with spouses, and pain experienced as a result of childbirth are just a few examples of the elements having contributory influence on a mother\u27s general wellness. However, it remains that during the immediate postpartum period that well-being is often under-discussed or not discussed with the mother by her physician. A specific well-being tool was created to assess well-being in a way that addresses the specific needs and experiences of new mothers after giving birth, and provide a straightforward basis for conversation with medical professionals. This tool, the Maternal Well-Being Measure (MaWM) was designed in the present study to assess mothers\u27 well-being across domains: physical, emotional, relationship with self, relationship with others, access to resources, and meaning of parenthood. Paired with the Intrex, an assessment measure developed to analyze early relationships and how they impact adult functioning, the goal of this study was to develop what factors may contribute to maternal well-being on a global level in primiparous mothers. Initial psychometric properties, concurrent validity, and utility of the measure are explored in a small sample of N = 21 postpartum mothers

    Brands Crossing Borders: Cross-cultural Issues in Brand Localization in and from China

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    As China continues to play a more integral role in the global economy, the ability to do business in, with, and from China is of the utmost importance. With the country\u27s nascent transformation from a manufacturing economy to a value-added hub of innovation, Chinese companies face new challenges in communicating their brands and values abroad, and their Western counterparts face equal if not greater challenges in maintaining their market share on a global scale. Communication will be the key to success in this dynamic environment. This paper will explore some of the unique China stories of prominent global organizations-- how they have succeeded in localizing both their products and brands in and from China, what factors play a critical role in cross-culture consumer behaviors, and what the future may hold for the evolving international business marketplace

    Ouachita Concert Choir to perform spring concert April 24

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    The 100-voice Concert Choir of Ouachita Baptist University will present its spring concert on Thursday, April 24, at 7:30 p.m. in Mabee Fine Art Center\u27s McBeth Recital Hall. The concert is free and open to the public

    Ouachita Symphonic Band concert set for March 13

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    Ouachita Baptist University\u27s Symphonic Band will perform in concert on Thursday, March 13, 7:30 p.m. in Jones Performing Arts Center. The concert is free of charge and open to the public

    OBU Jazz Band to perform in concert on April 14

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    Ouachita Baptist University\u27s Jazz Band will perform a concert at Jones Performing Arts Center on Monday, April 14, at 7:30 p.m. The concert is free and open to the public

    Ouachita Composers Symposium to feature student compostitions April 21

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    Several students at Ouachita Baptist University will present their original music compositions on Monday, April 21, at 7:30 p.m. in Mabee Fine Art Center\u27s Francis McBeth Recital Hall. The event is free and open to the public

    Harrington and Turner senior art exhibit, Divergence, to open in Verser Gallery April 4

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    Ouachita Baptist University will host Libby Harrington and Molly Ann turner\u27s senior art exhibit, Divergence, in Verser Gallery from April 4 to 15. The exhibit is free and open to the public

    Ouachita biology team discovers rare beetle in Clark County

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    Dr. Jess Kelly, assistant professor of biology at Ouachita Baptist University, made a recent presentation to the Arkansas Academy of Science, making public Ouachita\u27s discovery in Clark County of the American Burying Beetle, Nicrophorus americanus, a rare insect bordering on global extinction

    Agnes McDonald’s Letter to Dan Tompkins

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    The following transcription is of a three-page letter from “Agnes” to “Dan” on May 7, 1939. While it is known that “Dan” refers to Dan Tompkins it can only be hypothesized through census work that “Agnes” refers to Agnes M. McDonald. Within the letter, Agnes requests a summer job as either a reporter for the Jackson County Journal, of which Tomkins was the then editor, or as a teacher at Western Carolina University. 1 While Tompkins did not work at Western Carolina University, it can be inferred from this letter that he was a link between Agnes and then president of the college, Dr. Hunter. Unfortunately, though Agnes was extremely qualified for both positions according to her qualifications laid out within her letter, local directories show her staying in Greensboro, North Carolina, presumably not receiving and/or not accepting a job offer from Dan Tompkins. Agnes’s qualifications included Master’s work at Duke University as well as teaching for ten years by 1939. Agnes M McDonald would remain in Greensboro, North Carolina until at least 1943, keeping her position at Greensboro Senior High School
