2,618 research outputs found
Effects of staggered fermions and mixed actions on the scalar correlator
We provide the analytic predictions for the flavor non-singlet scalar
correlator, which will enable determination of the scalar meson mass from the
lattice scalar correlator. We consider simulations with 2+1 staggered sea
quarks and staggered or chiral valence quarks. At small u/d masses the
correlator is dominated by the bubble contribution, which is the intermediate
state with two pseudoscalar mesons. We determine the bubble contribution within
Staggered and Mixed Chiral Perturbation Theory.
Its effective mass is smaller than the mass M_pi+M_eta, which is the lightest
intermediate state in proper 2+1 QCD. The unphysical effective mass is a
consequence of the taste breaking that makes possible the intermediate state
with mass 2*M_pi. We find that the scalar correlator can be negative in the
simulations with mixed quark actions if the sea and valence quark masses are
tuned by matching the pion masses M_{val,val}=M_{pi_5}.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure
I=2 pi-pi Scattering from Fully-Dynamical Mixed-Action Lattice QCD
We compute the I=2 pi-pi scattering length at pion masses of m_pi ~ 294, 348
and 484 MeV in fully-dynamical lattice QCD using Luscher's finite-volume
method. The calculation is performed with domain-wall valence-quark propagators
on asqtad-improved MILC configurations with staggered sea quarks at a single
lattice spacing, b ~ 0.125 fm. Chiral perturbation theory is used to perform
the extrapolation of the scattering length from lattice quark masses down to
the physical value, and we find m_pi a_2 = -0.0426 +- 0.0006 +- 0.0003 +-
0.0018, in good agreement with experiment. The I=2 pi-pi scattering phase shift
is calculated to be delta = -43 +- 10 +- 5 degrees at |p| ~ 544 MeV for m_pi ~
484 MeV.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure
Extrapolations of Lattice Meson Form Factors
We use chiral perturbation theory to study the extrapolations necessary to
make physical predictions from lattice QCD data for the electromagnetic form
factors of pseudoscalar mesons. We focus on the quark mass, momentum, lattice
spacing, and volume dependence and apply our results to simulations employing
mixed actions of Ginsparg-Wilson valence quarks and staggered sea quarks. To
determine charge radii at quark masses on the lattices currently used, we find
that all extrapolations except the one to infinite volume make significant
contributions to the systematic error.Comment: 14pp, discussion and Ref. added for disconnected diagram
Mixed Meson Masses with Domain-Wall Valence and Staggered Sea Fermions
Mixed action lattice calculations allow for an additive lattice spacing
dependent mass renormalization of mesons composed of one sea and one valence
quark, regardless of the type of fermion discretization methods used in the
valence and sea sectors. The value of the mass renormalization depends upon the
lattice actions used. This mixed meson mass shift is an important lattice
artifact to determine for mixed action calculations; because it modifies the
pion mass, it plays a central role in the low energy dynamics of all hadronic
correlation functions. We determine the leading order, , and
next to leading order, , additive mass shift of
\textit{valence-sea} mesons for a mixed lattice action with domain-wall valence
fermions and rooted staggered sea fermions, relevant to the majority of current
large scale mixed action lattice efforts. We find that on the asqtad improved
coarse MILC lattices, this additive mass shift is well parameterized in lattice
units by , which in physical
units, using fm, corresponds to . In terms of the mixed action effective field
theory parameters, the corresponding mass shift is given by at leading order plus
next-to-leading order corrections including the necessary chiral logarithms for
this mixed action calculation, determined in this work. Within the precision of
our calculation, one can not distinguish between the full next-to-leading order
effective field theory analysis of this additive mixed meson mass shift and the
parameterization given above.Comment: 28 pages, 3 figures, 5 table
B Physics on the Lattice: Present and Future
Recent experimental measurements and lattice QCD calculations are now
reaching the precision (and accuracy) needed to over-constrain the CKM
parameters and . In this brief review, I discuss the
current status of lattice QCD calculations needed to connect the experimental
measurements of meson properties to quark flavor-changing parameters.
Special attention is given to , which is becoming a competitive
way to determine , and to mixings, which now include
reliable extrapolation to the physical light quark mass. The combination of the
recent measurement of the mass difference and current lattice
calculations dramatically reduces the uncertainty in . I present an
outlook for reducing dominant lattice QCD uncertainties entering CKM fits, and
I remark on lattice calculations for other decay channels.Comment: Invited brief review for Mod. Phys. Lett. A. 15 pages. v2: typos
corrected, references adde
The Critical Hopping Parameter in O(a) improved Lattice QCD
We calculate the critical value of the hopping parameter, , in O(a)
improved Lattice QCD, to two loops in perturbation theory. We employ the
Sheikholeslami-Wohlert (clover) improved action for Wilson fermions.
The quantity which we study is a typical case of a vacuum expectation value
resulting in an additive renormalization; as such, it is characterized by a
power (linear) divergence in the lattice spacing, and its calculation lies at
the limits of applicability of perturbation theory.
The dependence of our results on the number of colors , the number of
fermionic flavors , and the clover parameter , is shown
explicitly. We compare our results to non perturbative evaluations of
coming from Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 11 pages, 2 EPS figures. The only change with respect to the original
version is inclusion of the standard formulae for the gauge fixing and ghost
parts of the action. Accepted for publication in Physical Review
Large-scale electronic structure theory for simulating nanostructure process
Fundamental theories and practical methods for large-scale electronic
structure calculations are given, in which the computational cost is
proportional to the system size. Accuracy controlling methods for microscopic
freedoms are focused on two practical solver methods, Krylov-subspace method
and generalized-Wannier-state method. A general theory called the
'multi-solver' scheme is also formulated, as a hybrid between different solver
methods. Practical examples are carried out in several insulating and metallic
systems with 10^3-10^5 atoms. All the theories provide general guiding
principles of constructing an optimal calculation for simulating nanostructure
processes, since a nanostructured system consists of several competitive
regions, such as bulk and surface regions, and the simulation is designed to
reproduce the competition with an optimal computational cost.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures. To appear in J. Phys. Cond. Matt. A preprint PDF
file in better graphics is available at
B meson form factors from HQET simulations
We use simulations of heavy quark effective field theory to calculate the
Isgur-Wise function, and we demonstrate the feasibility of calculating the
matrix element for the B \to \pi + \leptons decay in the lattice heavy quark
effective theory (HQET).Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, talk presented at the lattice 97 conferenc
Two Meson Systems with Ginsparg-Wilson Valence Quarks
Unphysical effects associated with finite lattice spacing and partial
quenching may lead to the presence of unphysical terms in chiral extrapolation
formulae. These unphysical terms must then be removed during data analysis
before physical predictions can be made. In this work, we show that through
next-to-leading order, there are no unphysical counterterms in the
extrapolation formulae, expressed in lattice-physical parameters, for meson
scattering lengths in theories with Ginsparg-Wilson valence quarks. Our work
applies to most sea quark discretization, provided that chiral perturbation
theory is a valid approximation. We demonstrate our results with explicit
computations and show that, in favorable circumstances, the extrapolation
formulae do not depend on the unknown constant C_Mix appearing at lowest order
in the mixed action chiral Lagrangian. We show that the I=1 KK scattering
length does not depend on C_Mix in contrast to the I=3/2 K-pi scattering
length. In addition, we show that these observables combined with f_K / f_pi
and the I=2 pi-pi scattering length share only two linearly independent sets of
counterterms, providing a means to test the mixed action theory at one lattice
spacing. We therefore make a prediction for the I=1 KK scattering length.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables. Version to be published in PRD.
Improved discussion in Sec. III B. Added reference
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