36 research outputs found

    Mass-Induced Crystalline Color Superconductivity

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    We demonstrate that crystalline color superconductivity may arise as a result of pairing between massless quarks and quarks with nonzero mass m_s. Previous analyses of this phase of cold dense quark matter have all utilized a chemical potential difference \delta\mu to favor crystalline color superconductivity over ordinary BCS pairing. In any context in which crystalline color superconductivity occurs in nature, however, it will be m_s-induced. The effect of m_s is qualitatively different from that of \delta\mu in one crucial respect: m_s depresses the value of the BCS gap \Delta_0 whereas \delta\mu leaves \Delta_0 unchanged. This effect in the BCS phase must be taken into account before m_s-induced and \delta\mu-induced crystalline color superconductivity can sensibly be compared.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures. v2: very small change onl

    Breaking rotational symmetry in two-flavor color superconductors

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    The color superconductivity under flavor asymmetric conditions relevant to the compact star phenomenology is studied within the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. We focus on the effect of the deformation of the Fermi surfaces on the pairing properties and the energy budget of the superconducting state. We find that at finite flavor asymmetries the color superconducting BCS state is unstable towards spontaneous quadrupole deformation of the Fermi surfaces of the dd and uu quarks into ellipsoidal form. The ground state of the phase with deformed Fermi surfaces corresponds to a superposition of prolate and oblate deformed Fermi ellipsoids of dd and uu quarks.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. Parameter changes, references added, conclusions unchange

    Breached Pairing Superfluidity at Finite Temperature and Density

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    A general analysis on Fermion pairing at finite temperature and density between different species with mismatched Fermi surfaces is presented. Very different from the temperature effect of BCS phase, the recently found breached pairing phase resulted from density difference of the two species lies in a region with calabash-like shape in the TμT-\mu plane, and the most probable temperature for the new phase's creation is finite but not zero.Comment: 5 papes, 5 figures. Comments are welcome to [email protected]

    Color-Neutral Superconducting Quark Matter

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    We investigate the consequences of enforcing local color neutrality on the color superconducting phases of quark matter by utilizing the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model supplemented by diquark and the t'Hooft six-fermion interactions. In neutrino free matter at zero temperature, color neutrality guarantees that the number densities of u, d, and s quarks in the Color-Flavor-Locked (CFL) phase will be equal even with physical current quark masses. Electric charge neutrality follows as a consequence and without the presence of electrons. In contrast, electric charge neutrality in the less symmetric 2-flavor superconducting (2SC) phase with ud pairing requires more electrons than the normal quark phase. The free energy density cost of enforcing color and electric charge neutrality in the CFL phase is lower than that in the 2SC phase, which favors the formation of the CFL phase. With increasing temperature and neutrino content, an unlocking transition occurs from the CFL phase to the 2SC phase with the order of the transition depending on the temperature, the quark and lepton number chemical potentials. The astrophysical implications of this rich structure in the phase diagram, including estimates of the effects from Goldstone bosons in the CFL phase, are discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures; version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Drum vortons in high density QCD

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    Recently it was shown that high density QCD supports of number of topological defects. In particular, there are U(1)_Y strings that arise due to K^0 condensation that occurs when the strange quark mass is relatively large. The unique feature of these strings is that they possess a nonzero K^+ condensate that is trapped on the core. In the following we will show that these strings (with nontrivial core structure) can form closed loops with conserved charge and currents trapped on the string worldsheet. The presence of conserved charges allows these topological defects, called vortons, to carry angular momentum, which makes them classically stable objects. We also give arguments demonstrating that vortons carry angular momentum very efficiently (in terms of energy per unit angular momentum) such that they might be the important degrees of freedom in the cores of neutron stars.Comment: 11 pages, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    The Crystallography of Color Superconductivity

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    We develop the Ginzburg-Landau approach to comparing different possible crystal structures for the crystalline color superconducting phase of QCD, the QCD incarnation of the Larkin-Ovchinnikov-Fulde-Ferrell phase. In this phase, quarks of different flavor with differing Fermi momenta form Cooper pairs with nonzero total momentum, yielding a condensate that varies in space like a sum of plane waves. We work at zero temperature, as is relevant for compact star physics. The Ginzburg-Landau approach predicts a strong first-order phase transition (as a function of the chemical potential difference between quarks) and for this reason is not under quantitative control. Nevertheless, by organizing the comparison between different possible arrangements of plane waves (i.e. different crystal structures) it provides considerable qualitative insight into what makes a crystal structure favorable. Together, the qualitative insights and the quantitative, but not controlled, calculations make a compelling case that the favored pairing pattern yields a condensate which is a sum of eight plane waves forming a face-centered cubic structure. They also predict that the phase is quite robust, with gaps comparable in magnitude to the BCS gap that would form if the Fermi momenta were degenerate. These predictions may be tested in ultracold gases made of fermionic atoms. In a QCD context, our results lay the foundation for a calculation of vortex pinning in a crystalline color superconductor, and thus for the analysis of pulsar glitches that may originate within the core of a compact star.Comment: 41 pages, 13 figures, 1 tabl

    Numerical Portrait of a Relativistic BCS Gapped Superfluid

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    We present results of numerical simulations of the 3+1 dimensional Nambu - Jona-Lasinio (NJL) model with a non-zero baryon density enforced via the introduction of a chemical potential mu not equal to 0. The triviality of the model with a number of dimensions d>=4 is dealt with by fitting low energy constants, calculated analytically in the large number of colors (Hartree) limit, to phenomenological values. Non-perturbative measurements of local order parameters for superfluidity and their related susceptibilities show that, in contrast to the 2+1 dimensional model, the ground-state at high chemical potential and low temperature is that of a traditional BCS superfluid. This conclusion is supported by the direct observation of a gap in the dispersion relation for 0.5<=(mu a)<=0.85, which at (mu a)=0.8 is found to be roughly 15% the size of the vacuum fermion mass. We also present results of an initial investigation of the stability of the BCS phase against thermal fluctuations. Finally, we discuss the effect of splitting the Fermi surfaces of the pairing partners by the introduction of a non-zero isospin chemical potential.Comment: 41 pages, 19 figures, uses axodraw.sty, v2: minor typographical correction

    A new search for H I in the Southern Coalsack

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    A new search for H I in the Southern Coalsack

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    Wetensch. publicatieFaculteit der Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappe