14,880 research outputs found

    Distribution of periodic points of polynomial diffeomorphisms of C^2

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    This paper deals with the dynamics of a simple family of holomorphic diffeomorphisms of \C^2: the polynomial automorphisms. This family of maps has been studied by a number of authors. We refer to [BLS] for a general introduction to this class of dynamical systems. An interesting object from the point of view of potential theory is the equilibrium measure μ\mu of the set KK of points with bounded orbits. In [BLS] μ\mu is also characterized dynamically as the unique measure of maximal entropy. Thus μ\mu is also an equilibrium measure from the point of view of the thermodynamical formalism. In the present paper we give another dynamical interpretation of μ\mu as the limit distribution of the periodic points of ff

    Non-linear optomechanical measurement of mechanical motion

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    Precision measurement of non-linear observables is an important goal in all facets of quantum optics. This allows measurement-based non-classical state preparation, which has been applied to great success in various physical systems, and provides a route for quantum information processing with otherwise linear interactions. In cavity optomechanics much progress has been made using linear interactions and measurement, but observation of non-linear mechanical degrees-of-freedom remains outstanding. Here we report the observation of displacement-squared thermal motion of a micro-mechanical resonator by exploiting the intrinsic non-linearity of the radiation pressure interaction. Using this measurement we generate bimodal mechanical states of motion with separations and feature sizes well below 100~pm. Future improvements to this approach will allow the preparation of quantum superposition states, which can be used to experimentally explore collapse models of the wavefunction and the potential for mechanical-resonator-based quantum information and metrology applications.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, extensive supplementary material available with published versio

    Dephasing representation of quantum fidelity for general pure and mixed states

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    General semiclassical expression for quantum fidelity (Loschmidt echo) of arbitrary pure and mixed states is derived. It expresses fidelity as an interference sum of dephasing trajectories weighed by the Wigner function of the initial state, and does not require that the initial state be localized in position or momentum. This general dephasing representation is special in that, counterintuitively, all of fidelity decay is due to dephasing and none due to the decay of classical overlaps. Surprising accuracy of the approximation is justified by invoking the shadowing theorem: twice--both for physical perturbations and for numerical errors. It is shown how the general expression reduces to the special forms for position and momentum states and for wave packets localized in position or momentum. The superiority of the general over the specialized forms is explained and supported by numerical tests for wave packets, non-local pure states, and for simple and random mixed states. The tests are done in non-universal regimes in mixed phase space where detailed features of fidelity are important. Although semiclassically motivated, present approach is valid for abstract systems with a finite Hilbert basis provided that the discrete Wigner transform is used. This makes the method applicable, via a phase space approach, e. g., to problems of quantum computation.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Spin-polarized tunneling spectroscopy in tunnel junctions with half-metallic electrodes

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    We have studied the magnetoresistance (TMR) of tunnel junctions with electrodes of La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 and we show how the variation of the conductance and TMR with the bias voltage can be exploited to obtain a precise information on the spin and energy dependence of the density of states. Our analysis leads to a quantitative description of the band structure of La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 and allows the determination of the gap delta between the Fermi level and the bottom of the t2g minority spin band, in good agreement with data from spin-polarized inverse photoemission experiments. This shows the potential of magnetic tunnel junctions with half-metallic electrodes for spin-resolved spectroscopic studies.Comment: To appear in Physical Review Letter

    Crystal truncation rods in kinematical and dynamical x-ray diffraction theories

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    Crystal truncation rods calculated in the kinematical approximation are shown to quantitatively agree with the sum of the diffracted waves obtained in the two-beam dynamical calculations for different reflections along the rod. The choice and the number of these reflections are specified. The agreement extends down to at least 107\sim 10^{-7} of the peak intensity. For lower intensities, the accuracy of dynamical calculations is limited by truncation of the electron density at a mathematically planar surface, arising from the Fourier series expansion of the crystal polarizability

    Primary osteoblast-like cells from patients with end-stage kidney disease reflect gene expression, proliferation, and mineralization characteristics ex vivo.

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    Osteocytes regulate bone turnover and mineralization in chronic kidney disease. As osteocytes are derived from osteoblasts, alterations in osteoblast function may regulate osteoblast maturation, osteocytic transition, bone turnover, and skeletal mineralization. Thus, primary osteoblast-like cells were cultured from bone chips obtained from 24 pediatric ESKD patients. RNA expression in cultured cells was compared with RNA expression in cells from healthy individuals, to RNA expression in the bone core itself, and to parameters of bone histomorphometry. Proliferation and mineralization rates of patient cells were compared with rates in healthy control cells. Associations were observed between bone osteoid accumulation, as assessed by bone histomorphometry, and bone core RNA expression of osterix, matrix gla protein, parathyroid hormone receptor 1, and RANKL. Gene expression of osteoblast markers was increased in cells from ESKD patients and signaling genes including Cyp24A1, Cyp27B1, VDR, and NHERF1 correlated between cells and bone cores. Cells from patients with high turnover renal osteodystrophy proliferated more rapidly and mineralized more slowly than did cells from healthy controls. Thus, primary osteoblasts obtained from patients with ESKD retain changes in gene expression ex vivo that are also observed in bone core specimens. Evaluation of these cells in vitro may provide further insights into the abnormal bone biology that persists, despite current therapies, in patients with ESKD

    Finite type approximations of Gibbs measures on sofic subshifts

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    Consider a H\"older continuous potential ϕ\phi defined on the full shift A^\nn, where AA is a finite alphabet. Let X\subset A^\nn be a specified sofic subshift. It is well-known that there is a unique Gibbs measure μϕ\mu_\phi on XX associated to ϕ\phi. Besides, there is a natural nested sequence of subshifts of finite type (Xm)(X_m) converging to the sofic subshift XX. To this sequence we can associate a sequence of Gibbs measures (μϕm)(\mu_{\phi}^m). In this paper, we prove that these measures weakly converge at exponential speed to μϕ\mu_\phi (in the classical distance metrizing weak topology). We also establish a strong mixing property (ensuring weak Bernoullicity) of μϕ\mu_\phi. Finally, we prove that the measure-theoretic entropy of μϕm\mu_\phi^m converges to the one of μϕ\mu_\phi exponentially fast. We indicate how to extend our results to more general subshifts and potentials. We stress that we use basic algebraic tools (contractive properties of iterated matrices) and symbolic dynamics.Comment: 18 pages, no figure

    Thermodynamic phase transitions for Pomeau-Manneville maps

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    We study phase transitions in the thermodynamic description of Pomeau-Manneville intermittent maps from the point of view of infinite ergodic theory, which deals with diverging measure dynamical systems. For such systems, we use a distributional limit theorem to provide both a powerful tool for calculating thermodynamic potentials as also an understanding of the dynamic characteristics at each instability phase. In particular, topological pressure and Renyi entropy are calculated exactly for such systems. Finally, we show the connection of the distributional limit theorem with non-Gaussian fluctuations of the algorithmic complexity proposed by Gaspard and Wang [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 85, 4591 (1988)].Comment: 5 page