400 research outputs found

    Penetration of Air Jets Issuing from Circular, Square, and Elliptical Orifices Directed Perpendicularly to an Air Stream

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    An experimental investigation was conducted to determine the penetration of air jets d.irected perpendicularlY to an air stream. Jets Issuing from circular, square, and. elliptical orifices were investigated. and. the jet penetration at a position downstream of the orifice was determined- as a function of jet density, jet velocity, air-stream d.enaity, air-stream velocity, effective jet diameter, and. orifice flow coeffIcient. The jet penetrations were determined for nearly constant values of air-stream density at three tunnel-air velocities arid for a large range of Jet velocities and. densities. The results were correlated in terms of dimensionless parameters and the penetrations of the various shapes were compared. Greater penetration was obtained. with the square orifices and the elliptical orifices having an axis ratio of 4:1 at low tunnel-air velocities and low jet pressures than for the other orifices investigated. The square orifices gave the best penetrations at the higher values of tunnel-air velocity and jet total pressure

    Management of Wintering Short-eared Owls at Airports in the Lower Great Lakes Region

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    USDA Wildlife Services airport wildlife biologists have been tasked with reducing the hazards that raptors (including owls) pose to safe aircraft operations at airports and military airfields throughout the USA. A review of available wildlife strike information suggests short-eared owls (Asio flammeus) are frequently struck by aircraft during the winter months at numerous airports within the Lower Great Lakes Region of the United States. Further, this species is listed as ‘endangered’ by state fish and wildlife agencies in many states, although not at the federal level. Consequently, there is particular interest in developing non-lethal management tools for reducing the hazards posed by this species. In an effort to gain a better understanding of the efficacy of managing the hazards to aviation posed by short-eared owls, we developed methods to live-capture, mark with USGS aluminum leg bands, and translocate short-eared owls from airport environments (i.e., airfield areas) as part of the overall programs to reduce wildlife hazards to safe aircraft operations at airports. During 2012−2015, a total of 32 short-eared owls was live-captured, banded, and translocated to release sites approximately 64 to 80 km (40 to 50 miles) away from the airports. Only 1 short-eared owl (3%) was resighted and this bird was found on a different airport from where it had been translocated from. Future research in needed to evaluate the efficacy of translocating wintering short-eared owls from airport environments

    Management of Wintering Short-eared Owls at Airports in the Lower Great Lakes Region

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    USDA Wildlife Services airport wildlife biologists have been tasked with reducing the hazards that raptors (including owls) pose to safe aircraft operations at airports and military airfields throughout the USA. A review of available wildlife strike information suggests short-eared owls (Asio flammeus) are frequently struck by aircraft during the winter months at numerous airports within the Lower Great Lakes Region of the United States. Further, this species is listed as ‘endangered’ by state fish and wildlife agencies in many states, although not at the federal level. Consequently, there is particular interest in developing non-lethal management tools for reducing the hazards posed by this species. In an effort to gain a better understanding of the efficacy of managing the hazards to aviation posed by short-eared owls, we developed methods to live-capture, mark with USGS aluminum leg bands, and translocate short-eared owls from airport environments (i.e., airfield areas) as part of the overall programs to reduce wildlife hazards to safe aircraft operations at airports. During 2012−2015, a total of 32 short-eared owls was live-captured, banded, and translocated to release sites approximately 64 to 80 km (40 to 50 miles) away from the airports. Only 1 short-eared owl (3%) was resighted and this bird was found on a different airport from where it had been translocated from. Future research in needed to evaluate the efficacy of translocating wintering short-eared owls from airport environments

    Management of Wintering Short-eared Owls at Airports in the Lower Great Lakes Region

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    USDA Wildlife Services airport wildlife biologists have been tasked with reducing the hazards that raptors (including owls) pose to safe aircraft operations at airports and military airfields throughout the USA. A review of available wildlife strike information suggests short-eared owls (Asio flammeus) are frequently struck by aircraft during the winter months at numerous airports within the Lower Great Lakes Region of the United States. Further, this species is listed as ‘endangered’ by state fish and wildlife agencies in many states, although not at the federal level. Consequently, there is particular interest in developing non-lethal management tools for reducing the hazards posed by this species. In an effort to gain a better understanding of the efficacy of managing the hazards to aviation posed by short-eared owls, we developed methods to live-capture, mark with USGS aluminum leg bands, and translocate short-eared owls from airport environments (i.e., airfield areas) as part of the overall programs to reduce wildlife hazards to safe aircraft operations at airports. During 2012−2015, a total of 32 short-eared owls was live-captured, banded, and translocated to release sites approximately 64 to 80 km (40 to 50 miles) away from the airports. Only 1 short-eared owl (3%) was resighted and this bird was found on a different airport from where it had been translocated from. Future research in needed to evaluate the efficacy of translocating wintering short-eared owls from airport environments

    Management of Wintering Short-eared Owls at Airports in the Lower Great Lakes Region

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    USDA Wildlife Services airport wildlife biologists have been tasked with reducing the hazards that raptors (including owls) pose to safe aircraft operations at airports and military airfields throughout the USA. A review of available wildlife strike information suggests short-eared owls (Asio flammeus) are frequently struck by aircraft during the winter months at numerous airports within the Lower Great Lakes Region of the United States. Further, this species is listed as ‘endangered’ by state fish and wildlife agencies in many states, although not at the federal level. Consequently, there is particular interest in developing non-lethal management tools for reducing the hazards posed by this species. In an effort to gain a better understanding of the efficacy of managing the hazards to aviation posed by short-eared owls, we developed methods to live-capture, mark with USGS aluminum leg bands, and translocate short-eared owls from airport environments (i.e., airfield areas) as part of the overall programs to reduce wildlife hazards to safe aircraft operations at airports. During 2012−2015, a total of 32 short-eared owls was live-captured, banded, and translocated to release sites approximately 64 to 80 km (40 to 50 miles) away from the airports. Only 1 short-eared owl (3%) was resighted and this bird was found on a different airport from where it had been translocated from. Future research in needed to evaluate the efficacy of translocating wintering short-eared owls from airport environments

    Management of Wintering Short-eared Owls at Airports in the Lower Great Lakes Region

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    USDA Wildlife Services airport wildlife biologists have been tasked with reducing the hazards that raptors (including owls) pose to safe aircraft operations at airports and military airfields throughout the USA. A review of available wildlife strike information suggests short-eared owls (Asio flammeus) are frequently struck by aircraft during the winter months at numerous airports within the Lower Great Lakes Region of the United States. Further, this species is listed as ‘endangered’ by state fish and wildlife agencies in many states, although not at the federal level. Consequently, there is particular interest in developing non-lethal management tools for reducing the hazards posed by this species. In an effort to gain a better understanding of the efficacy of managing the hazards to aviation posed by short-eared owls, we developed methods to live-capture, mark with USGS aluminum leg bands, and translocate short-eared owls from airport environments (i.e., airfield areas) as part of the overall programs to reduce wildlife hazards to safe aircraft operations at airports. During 2012−2015, a total of 32 short-eared owls was live-captured, banded, and translocated to release sites approximately 64 to 80 km (40 to 50 miles) away from the airports. Only 1 short-eared owl (3%) was resighted and this bird was found on a different airport from where it had been translocated from. Future research in needed to evaluate the efficacy of translocating wintering short-eared owls from airport environments

    Management of Wintering Short-eared Owls at Airports in the Lower Great Lakes Region

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    USDA Wildlife Services airport wildlife biologists have been tasked with reducing the hazards that raptors (including owls) pose to safe aircraft operations at airports and military airfields throughout the USA. A review of available wildlife strike information suggests short-eared owls (Asio flammeus) are frequently struck by aircraft during the winter months at numerous airports within the Lower Great Lakes Region of the United States. Further, this species is listed as ‘endangered’ by state fish and wildlife agencies in many states, although not at the federal level. Consequently, there is particular interest in developing non-lethal management tools for reducing the hazards posed by this species. In an effort to gain a better understanding of the efficacy of managing the hazards to aviation posed by short-eared owls, we developed methods to live-capture, mark with USGS aluminum leg bands, and translocate short-eared owls from airport environments (i.e., airfield areas) as part of the overall programs to reduce wildlife hazards to safe aircraft operations at airports. During 2012−2015, a total of 32 short-eared owls was live-captured, banded, and translocated to release sites approximately 64 to 80 km (40 to 50 miles) away from the airports. Only 1 short-eared owl (3%) was resighted and this bird was found on a different airport from where it had been translocated from. Future research in needed to evaluate the efficacy of translocating wintering short-eared owls from airport environments

    Management of Wintering Short-eared Owls at Airports in the Lower Great Lakes Region

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    USDA Wildlife Services airport wildlife biologists have been tasked with reducing the hazards that raptors (including owls) pose to safe aircraft operations at airports and military airfields throughout the USA. A review of available wildlife strike information suggests short-eared owls (Asio flammeus) are frequently struck by aircraft during the winter months at numerous airports within the Lower Great Lakes Region of the United States. Further, this species is listed as ‘endangered’ by state fish and wildlife agencies in many states, although not at the federal level. Consequently, there is particular interest in developing non-lethal management tools for reducing the hazards posed by this species. In an effort to gain a better understanding of the efficacy of managing the hazards to aviation posed by short-eared owls, we developed methods to live-capture, mark with USGS aluminum leg bands, and translocate short-eared owls from airport environments (i.e., airfield areas) as part of the overall programs to reduce wildlife hazards to safe aircraft operations at airports. During 2012−2015, a total of 32 short-eared owls was live-captured, banded, and translocated to release sites approximately 64 to 80 km (40 to 50 miles) away from the airports. Only 1 short-eared owl (3%) was resighted and this bird was found on a different airport from where it had been translocated from. Future research in needed to evaluate the efficacy of translocating wintering short-eared owls from airport environments

    Effect of indomethacin and adrenocorticotrophic hormone on renal function in man: An experimental model of inappropriate antidiuresis

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    Effect of indomethacin and adrenocorticotrophic hormone on renal function in man: An experimental model of inappropriate antidiuresis. The effect of prostaglandin synthesis inhibition on basal and ACTH-stimulated adrenal and renal function was investigated in normai volunteers. Data were collected during control and experimental study periods (13 days each). Adrenocorticotrophic hormone (Cosyntropin, 80 U/day) was administered i.v. on days 8 and 9 of each period. Indomethacin (150 mg/day) was given on days 5 through 13 of the experimental period. The subjects ate a constant diet containing 9 mEq of sodium, 100 mEq of potassium, and 2,500 ml of fluid daily. Indomethacin markedly inhibited urinary PGE excretion and plasma PGE concentration. The effect of ACTH alone as compared to the effect of ACTH and indomethacin showed: plasma sodium concentration, 139 ± 1 vs. 131 ± 3 mEg/liter (P < 0.01, mean ± SEM); plasma osmolality, 287 ± 3 vs. 270 ± 3 mOsm/liter (P < 0.01); free water clearance, 97 ± 66 vs. -1100 ± 380 ml/24hr (P < 0.01); urine volume, 2,000 ± 60 vs. 950 ± 200 ml/day (P < 0.01); and urine osmolality 282 ± 12 vs. 720 ± 144 mOsm/liter (P < 0.01). We conclude that the effects of ACTH and prostaglandin synthesis inhibition interact to result in inappropriate antidiuresis.Effet de l'indométhacine et de l'hormone adrénocorticotrope sur la fonction rénale chez l'homme: Un modèle expérimental d'antidiurèse inappropriée. L'effet de l'inhibition de la synthèse de prostaglandine sur la fonction surrénalienne basale et stimulée par l'ACTH et sur la fonction rénale a été étudié chez des sujets normaux volontaires. Les résultats ont été obtenus au cours de périodes contrôles et expérimentales de 13 jours chacune. De l'hormone adrénocorticotrope (Cosyntropin) a été administrée par voie i.v. les 8ème et 9ème jours de chaque période à raison de 80 U par jour. L'indométhacine, 150 mg/jour, a été donnée du 8ème au 13ème jour de la période expérimentale. Les sujets ont été soumis à un régime constant contenant 9 mEq de sodium, 100 mEq de potassium, et 2,500 ml de liquide par jour. L'indométhacine a fortement inhibé l'excrétion urinaire de PGE et abaissé la concentration plasmatique de PGE. L'effet de l'ACTH seul comparé à l'effet de l'ACTH associé à l'indométhacine a montré: une concentration plasmatique de sodium de 139 ± 1 vs. 131 ± 3 mEq/litre (P < 0,01) moyenne et SEM); une osmolalité plasmatique de 287 ± 3 vs. 270 ± 3 mOsm/litre (P < 0,01); une clearance de l'eau libre de 97 ± 66 vs. - 1100 ± 380 ml/24 hr (P < 0,01); un débit urinaire de 2,000 ± 60 vs. 950 ± 200 ml/jour (P < 0,01); et une osmolalité urinaire de 282 ± 12 vs. 720 ± 144 mOsm/litre (P < 0,01). Nous considérons que les effets de l'ACTH et de l'inhibition de la synthèse de prostaglandine se combinent pour déterminer une antidiurése inappropriée

    Management of Wintering Short-Eared Owls at Airports in the Lower Great Lakes Region

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    USDA Wildlife Services airport wildlife biologists have been tasked with reducing the hazards that raptors (including owls) pose to safe aircraft operations at airports and military airfields throughout the USA. A review of available wildlife strike information suggests short-eared owls (Asio flammeus) are frequently struck by aircraft during the winter months at numerous airports within the Lower Great Lakes Region of the United States. Further, this species is listed as ‘endangered’ by state fish and wildlife agencies in many states, although not at the federal level. Consequently, there is particular interest in developing non-lethal management tools for reducing the hazards posed by this species. In an effort to gain a better understanding of the efficacy of managing the hazards to aviation posed by short-eared owls, we developed methods to live-capture, mark with USGS aluminum leg bands, and translocate short-eared owls from airport environments (i.e., airfield areas) as part of the overall programs to reduce wildlife hazards to safe aircraft operations at airports. During 2012−2015, a total of 32 short-eared owls was live-captured, banded, and translocated to release sites approximately 64 to 80 km (40 to 50 miles) away from the airports. Only 1 short-eared owl (3%) was resighted and this bird was found on a different airport from where it had been translocated from. Future research in needed to evaluate the efficacy of translocating wintering short-eared owls from airport environments
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