329 research outputs found
Symplectic 4-manifolds with fixed point free circle actions
We show that recent results of Friedl-Vidussi and Chen imply that a
symplectic manifold admits a fixed point free circle action if and only if it
admits a symplectic circle action and we give a complete description of the
symplectic cone in this case. This then completes the characterisation of
symplectic 4-manifolds that admit non-trivial circle actions.Comment: 5 pages (to appear in Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
The topology of Stein fillable manifolds in high dimensions II
We continue our study of contact structures on manifolds of dimension at
least five using complex surgery theory. We show that in each dimension 2q+1 >
3 there are 'maximal' almost contact manifolds to which there is a Stein
cobordism from any other (2q+1)-dimensional contact manifold. We show that the
product M x S^2 admits a weakly fillable contact structure provided M admits a
weak symplectic filling. We also study the connection between Stein fillability
and connected sums: we give examples of almost contact manifolds for which the
connected sum is Stein fillable, while the components are not.
Concerning obstructions to Stein fillings, we show that the
(8k-1)-dimensional sphere has an almost contact structure which is not Stein
fillable once k > 1. As a consequence we deduce that any highly connected
almost contact (8k-1)-manifold (with k > 1) admits an almost contact structure
which is not Stein fillable. The proofs rely on a new number-theoretic result
about Bernoulli numbers.Comment: We corrected mistakes in the proofs of Lemma 2.9 and Corollary 2.10.
This lead to an assumption being removed from the statement of Theorem 1.3.
The paper is now published in Geometry and Topology. The appendix was written
by Bernd C. Kellne
Contact open books with flexible pages
We give an elementary topological obstruction for a -manifold
to admit a contact open book with flexible Weinstein pages: if the torsion
subgroup of the -th integral homology group is non-zero, then no such
contact open book exists. We achieve this by proving that a symplectomorphism
of a flexible Weinstein manifold acts trivially on cohomology. We also produce
examples of non-trivial loops of flexible contact structures using related
ideas.Comment: 9 page
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