882 research outputs found

    Physical Fighting and Associated Factors among Adolescents Aged 13-15 Years in Six Western Pacific Countries.

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    Youth violence is an important public health challenge around the world, yet the literature on this problem in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) has been limited. The present study aims to examine the prevalence of adolescent physical fighting (defined as having been involved in at least one physical fight during the past 12 months) in selected LMICs, and its relations with potential risk factors. We included 6377 school-going adolescents aged 13-15 years from six Western Pacific (WP) countries that had recently conducted a Global School-based Student Health Survey. Information was gathered through a self-administered anonymous closed-ended questionnaire. The prevalence of adolescent physical fighting varied across countries, ranging from 34.5% in Kiribati to 63.3% in Samoa. The prevalence was higher in boys than in girls, and lower at age 15 than 13-14 years. Physical fighting was significantly associated (pooled odds ratios (ORs), 95% confidence intervals (CIs)) with smoking (1.78, 1.53-2.06), drinking (1.57, 1.33-1.85), drug use (1.72, 1.33-2.23), and missing school (1.72, 1.51-1.95). The association with physical fighting increased with increasing number of joint adverse behaviors (increased from 1.99 (1.73-2.29) for one risk behavior to 4.95 (4.03-6.07) for at least 3 risk behaviors, versus having none of the 4 risk behaviors). The high prevalence of physical fighting and the associations with risk behaviors emphasize the need for comprehensive prevention programs to reduce youth violence and associated risk behaviors

    Electronic Structure of the YH3 Phase from Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy

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    Yttrium can be loaded with hydrogen up to high concentrations causing dramatic structural and electronic changes of the host lattice. We report on angle-resolved photoemission experiments of the Y trihydride phase. Most importantly, we find the absence of metal d-bands at the Fermi level and a set of flat, H-induced bands located at much higher binding energy than predicted, indicating an increased electron affinity at H sites

    2015 Seychelles global school-based student health survey

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    Introduction : Risky behaviors in school‐aged children, such as unhealthy dietary patterns, lack of physical activity, cigarette smoking, alcohol and substance use, sexual behavior, can impact their health in the short and long terms. This survey aimed to assess the prevalence of selected risk behaviors and protective factors in students aged 13‐15 years. Methods: The Global School‐based Student Health Survey (GSHS) was conducted in September 2015 in Seychelles. Methods followed the standard methodology of GSHS developed by the World Health Organization, the Centers of Disease Prevention and Control (Atlanta, USA) and other international agencies. A two‐stage cluster sample was used to include a random sample of students in grades S1 to S5, i.e. students aged 11 to 17 years. Students completed a self reported questionnaire, which was anonymous, which included questions from several standard modules of GSHS. In addition, weight and height was measured on the day before the survey and students were asked to report their results in their anonymous response forms

    2015 Seychelles Global Youth Tobacco Survey and comparison with GYTS in 2007 and 2002

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    OBJECTIVES: The Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS) is aimed to assess behaviors, knowledge, beliefs, opinions and other variables related to tobacco use among students of secondary schools aged 13‐15 years in countries worldwide using a standard methodology and questionnaire. METHODS: We present the main findings of GYTS performed in Seychelles in 2015 and compare results with results of two previous GYTS surveys done in Seychelles in 2007 and 2002 in order to identify trends over time. In each GYTS, a two‐stage cluster sample design was used to produce a representative sample of all students in grades S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5 from all public and private schools in Seychelles. Participants completed a standard self‐administered questionnaire in schools on an anonymous and voluntary basis

    JAMAP: a Web-Based Management Platform for IP Networks

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    In this paper, we describe JAMAP, a prototype of Web-based management platform for IP networks. It is entirely written in Java. It implements the push model to perform regular management (i.e. permanent network monitoring and data collection) and ad hoc management (i.e. temporary network monitoring and troubleshooting). The communication between agents and managers relies on HTTP transfers between Java applets and servlets over persistent TCP connections. The SNMP MIB data is encapsulated in serialized Java objects that are transmitted as MIME parts via HTTP. The manager consists of two parts: the management server, a static machine that runs the servlets, and the management station, which can be any desktop running a Web browser. The MIB data is transparently compressed with gzip, which saves network bandwidth without increasing latency too significantly

    LHC BPM design

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    Already in 1997, 8 years before the expected commissioning date of the LHC, the design of the detectors for the orbit system has to be completely terminated. The paper describes the BPM design highlighting the chain of arguments that have led to this particular solution

    Potential reach of mHealth versus traditional mass media for prevention of chronic diseases : evidence from a nationally representative survey in a middle-income country in Africa.

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    BACKGROUND: Public radio and television announcements have a long tradition in public health education. With the global rise of computer and mobile device ownership, short message service (SMS) and email-based health services (mHealth) are promising new tools for health promotion. OBJECTIVE: Our objectives were to examine 1) self-reported exposure to programs related to noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) on national public television and radio during the 12 months preceding the survey (2013-2014), 2) current ownership of a mobile phone, smartphone, computer, or tablet, and use of the Internet, and 3) willingness of individuals to receive SMS or emails with information on health, with a focus on distribution of these variables across different demographic, socioeconomic status (SES), and NCD risk groups. METHODS: We obtained data in a population survey of 1240 participants aged 25-64 years conducted in 2013-2014 in the Seychelles, a rapidly developing small island state in the African region. We administered a structured questionnaire and measured NCD risk factors. Univariate and multivariate analyses explored the relationships between outcomes and sociodemographic variables. RESULTS: Of 1240 participants, 1037 (83.62%) reported exposure to NCD-related programs on public television, while a lower proportion of 740 adults (59.67%), reported exposure via public radio (P<.001). Exposure to NCD-related programs on public television was associated with older age (P<.001) and female sex (P<.001), but not with SES, while exposure to NCD-related programs on public radio was associated with older age (P<.001) and lower SES (P<.001). A total of 1156 (93.22%) owned a mobile phone and ownership was positively associated with female sex (P<.001), younger age (P<.001), and higher SES (P<.001). Only 396 adults (31.93%) owned a smartphone and 244 adults (19.67%) used their smartphone to access the Internet. A total of 1048 adults (84.51%) reported willingness to receive health-related SMS, which was positively associated with female sex (P<.001), younger age (P<.001), and higher SES (P<.001). Controlling for SES, exposure to NCD-related programs on public television or radio and willingness to receive health-related SMS were not independently associated with a person's NCD risk. CONCLUSIONS: Broadcasting health programs through traditional mass media (national public radio and television) reached the majority of the population under study, including older adults and those in lower socioeconomic groups. With a high penetration of mobile phones and willingness to receive health-related SMS, mHealth presents an opportunity for health programs, especially when targeted SMS messages are intended for younger adults and those in higher socioeconomic groups. By contrast, due to reduced Internet access, email-based programs had a more limited reach for health promotion programs. These findings emphasize the different reach of interventions using SMS or email versus traditional mass media, according to demographic and socioeconomic categories, for health education programs in a developing country

    LHC Beam Instrumentation Conceptual Design Report

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    The instruments and diagnostic systems considered for the LHC are presented and their specifications and expected performance discussed. Their task will be to measure the essential beam properties, establish diagnosis, and give information on beam behaviour. The diagnostic systems will be essential during the running-in period. Precise and reliable information from them are a prerequisite for operational optimization.During the last years, basic design and parameters of the LHC have evolved continuously. The present description of beam instrumentation and diagnostics is based on the most recent set of nominal LHC parameters

    LHC Beam Instrumentation

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    Six years before the scheduled commissioning of the LHC at CERN, the basic list of beam instruments has been established. This early date is needed due to the impact of the mechanical design of some detectors (mainly the beam position detectors) on the cryogenic part of the machine as well as for other projects due to the long R&D period (emittance measurements, tune and chromaticity diagnostics and control). This paper gives a detailed overview of the basic requirements and specifications of all beam instruments foreseen for transfer lines and main rings [1]

    CdTe Photoconductors for LHC Luminosity Monitoring

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    Detectors using CdTe photoconductors are being used with great success in LEP to monitor the vertical beam emittance. They can withstand tremendous irradiation, of up to 10^13 Gy, from hard X-rays. For the LHC, monitors measuring the relative luminosity will be placed inside absorbers located 142 m from the interaction points, where they will receive about 10^8 Gy per year due to gamma radiation and neutrons. Thick-polycristalline-CdTe detectors were recently tested for speed, sensitivity and radiation resistance before and after receiving up to 10^15 neutrons per cm^2. The test results are presented here, along with a comparison of the calculated charge deposition in Silicon, Diamond and GaAs detectors