
2015 Seychelles global school-based student health survey


Introduction : Risky behaviors in school‐aged children, such as unhealthy dietary patterns, lack of physical activity, cigarette smoking, alcohol and substance use, sexual behavior, can impact their health in the short and long terms. This survey aimed to assess the prevalence of selected risk behaviors and protective factors in students aged 13‐15 years. Methods: The Global School‐based Student Health Survey (GSHS) was conducted in September 2015 in Seychelles. Methods followed the standard methodology of GSHS developed by the World Health Organization, the Centers of Disease Prevention and Control (Atlanta, USA) and other international agencies. A two‐stage cluster sample was used to include a random sample of students in grades S1 to S5, i.e. students aged 11 to 17 years. Students completed a self reported questionnaire, which was anonymous, which included questions from several standard modules of GSHS. In addition, weight and height was measured on the day before the survey and students were asked to report their results in their anonymous response forms

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