969 research outputs found

    Univocity, Duality, and Ideal Genesis: Deleuze and Plato

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    In this essay, we consider the formal and ontological implications of one specific and intensely contested dialectical context from which Deleuze’s thinking about structural ideal genesis visibly arises. This is the formal/ontological dualism between the principles, ἀρχαί, of the One (ἕν) and the Indefinite/Unlimited Dyad (ἀόριστος δυάς), which is arguably the culminating achievement of the later Plato’s development of a mathematical dialectic.3 Following commentators including Lautman, Oskar Becker, and Kenneth M. Sayre, we argue that the duality of the One and the Indefinite Dyad provides, in the later Plato, a unitary theoretical formalism accounting, by means of an iterated mixing without synthesis, for the structural origin and genesis of both supersensible Ideas and the sensible particulars which participate in them. As these commentators also argue, this duality furthermore provides a maximally general answer to the problem of temporal becoming that runs through Plato’s corpus: that of the relationship of the flux of sensory experiences to the fixity and order of what is thinkable in itself. Additionally, it provides a basis for understanding some of the famously puzzling claims about forms, numbers, and the principled genesis of both attributed to Plato by Aristotle in the Metaphysics, and plausibly underlies the late Plato’s deep considerations of the structural paradoxes of temporal change and becoming in the Parmenides, the Sophist, and the Philebus. After extracting this structure of duality and developing some of its formal, ontological, and metalogical features, we consider some of its specific implications for a thinking of time and ideality that follows Deleuze in a formally unitary genetic understanding of structural difference. These implications of Plato’s duality include not only those of the constitution of specific theoretical domains and problematics, but also implicate the reflexive problematic of the ideal determinants of the form of a unitary theory as such. We argue that the consequences of the underlying duality on the level of content are ultimately such as to raise, on the level of form, the broader reflexive problem of the basis for its own formal or meta-theoretical employment. We conclude by arguing for the decisive and substantive presence of a proper “Platonism” of the Idea in Deleuze, and weighing the potential for a substantive recuperation of Plato’s duality in the context of a dialectical affirmation of what Deleuze recognizes as the “only” ontological proposition that has ever been uttered. This is the proposition of the univocity of Being, whereby “being is said in the same sense, everywhere and always,” but is said (both problematically and decisively) of difference itself

    A three-dimensional parametric biomechanical rider model for multibody applications

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    Bicycles and motorcycles are characterized by large rider-to-vehicle mass ratios, thus making estimation of the rider's inertia especially relevant. The total inertia can be derived from the body segment inertial properties (BSIP) which, in turn, can be obtained from the prediction/regression formulas available in the literature. Therefore, a parametric multibody three-dimensional rider model is devised, where the four most-used BSIP formulas (herein named Dempster, Reynolds-NASA, Zatsiorsky-DeLeva, and McConville-Young-Dumas, after their authors) are implemented. After an experimental comparison, the effects of the main posture parameters (i.e., torso inclination, knee distance, elbow distance, and rider height) are analyzed in three riding conditions (sport, touring, and scooter). It is found that the elbow distance has a minor effect on the location of the center of mass and moments of inertia, while the effect of the knee distance is on the same order magnitude as changing the BSIP data set. Torso inclination and rider height are the most relevant parameters. Tables with the coefficients necessary to populate the three-dimensional rider model with the four data sets considered are given. Typical inertial parameters of the whole rider are also given, as a reference for those not willing to implement the full multibody model

    A Model Predictive Controller for the Cooling System of Internal Combustion Engines

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    Abstract The paper presents some results of the Model Predictive Controller (MPC) methodology applied to the case of the cooling system of an Internal Combustion Engine. To this end, a small spark ignition engine, about 1.2 dm3 displacement volume, is equipped with an electric pump, which is actuated by the controller, independently of engine speed. The goal of the proposed control is to achieve a faster engine warm-up and an effective engine cooling with a much lower coolant flow rate than the one usually adopted, by bringing the cooling system to operate around the onset of nucleate boiling. The developed Model Predictive Control application makes use of a lumped-parameter model, which predicts the heat transfer both in the case of a single-phase forced convection condition and in the presence of nucleate boiling. The performance of the proposed controller is evaluated during the city driving part of the NEDC homologation cycle, which was replicated at the engine test rig. The results show that the proposed controller is robust in terms of disturbance rejection and is effective in reducing warm-up time

    A Novel Approach to the Thermal Management of Internal Combustion Engines

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    Abstract The paper presents a novel control architecture developed with the aim to satisfy the requirements of the cooling system of an ICE, by means of an electric pump and of an ad-hoc developed control module. The developed controller is based on the Robust Model Predictive Control and is designed with the purpose to satisfy the input and output constraints and to reject the external disturbances, by adopting a lumped parameter model of the engine cooling system, which predicts the coolant temperature, the average wall temperature and the heat transfer regime including nucleate boiling. Given that the proposed methodology is valid for each condition, in the present paper the focus is on the engine operating under fully warmed conditions, with the aim to keep the wall temperature into the prescribed limits, with the lowest possible coolant flow rates. This goal is achieved by properly defining the controller parameters. Different control strategies are proposed and their effectiveness is evaluated in terms of engine wall temperature, coolant temperature, coolant flow rate and heat transfer regime in response to step-wise variations in fuel flow rate. The region of stability of the controller is also discussed. Results show that the control algorithm is robust in terms of disturbance rejections and ensures effective and safe cooling with much lower coolant flow rates if compared to the ones provided by the use of the standard crankshaft driven pump

    A note on drastic product logic

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    The drastic product D*_D is known to be the smallest tt-norm, since xDy=0x *_D y = 0 whenever x,y<1x, y < 1. This tt-norm is not left-continuous, and hence it does not admit a residuum. So, there are no drastic product tt-norm based many-valued logics, in the sense of [EG01]. However, if we renounce standard completeness, we can study the logic whose semantics is provided by those MTL chains whose monoidal operation is the drastic product. This logic is called S3MTL{\rm S}_{3}{\rm MTL} in [NOG06]. In this note we justify the study of this logic, which we rechristen DP (for drastic product), by means of some interesting properties relating DP and its algebraic semantics to a weakened law of excluded middle, to the Δ\Delta projection operator and to discriminator varieties. We shall show that the category of finite DP-algebras is dually equivalent to a category whose objects are multisets of finite chains. This duality allows us to classify all axiomatic extensions of DP, and to compute the free finitely generated DP-algebras.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    dynamic simulation of the temperature inlet turbine control system for an unfired micro gas turbine in a concentrating solar tower

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    Abstract In this work, the dynamic performance of a mass flow regulation system, in a concentrating solar tower plant, with unfired closed micro gas turbine, during clouds transient will be presented. The adjustment system operates with the heliostats field control system, in order to control the temperature inlet turbine. To choose the best configuration, the performance of three heliostats sizes, for four Solar Multiple, has been evaluated. The design of the solar field was carried out by means of Solar Pilot, while the numerical models have been developed in Matlab/Simulink. The results show that a particular configuration is suitable for this purpose

    Parameterized Compilation Lower Bounds for Restricted CNF-formulas

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    We show unconditional parameterized lower bounds in the area of knowledge compilation, more specifically on the size of circuits in decomposable negation normal form (DNNF) that encode CNF-formulas restricted by several graph width measures. In particular, we show that - there are CNF formulas of size nn and modular incidence treewidth kk whose smallest DNNF-encoding has size nΩ(k)n^{\Omega(k)}, and - there are CNF formulas of size nn and incidence neighborhood diversity kk whose smallest DNNF-encoding has size nΩ(k)n^{\Omega(\sqrt{k})}. These results complement recent upper bounds for compiling CNF into DNNF and strengthen---quantitatively and qualitatively---known conditional low\-er bounds for cliquewidth. Moreover, they show that, unlike for many graph problems, the parameters considered here behave significantly differently from treewidth

    Experimental Investigation and Lumped-parameter Model of the Cooling System of an ICE under Nucleate Boiling Conditions

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    Abstract The work presents the results of experimental tests, which were carried out on a small-displacement spark ignition engine, where a low flow rate electric pump was used to substitute the standard crankshaft-driven one. The engine was then operated both under usual single-phase heat transfer regime and under nucleate boiling conditions. The engine was properly instrumented in order to record coolant pressure, temperature and flow rate as well as metal temperatures. The experimental investigation was coupled with the development of a dynamic lump-parameter model of the engine cooling system. The model calculates the spatial averaged metal temperature, the engine-out coolant temperature and the fraction of metal heat transfer area which is involved in nucleate boiling as a function of engine-in coolant flow rate, pressure and temperature, fuel mass flow rate and engine speed. The experimental data and the model results show a good agreement and the model is suitable to develop a coolant flow rate control system. This facilitates faster engine warm-up, lower fuel consumption and lower CO 2 emissions, which can be significant under low-load and cold-start conditions

    The central role of endothelium in hereditary angioedema due to C1 inhibitor deficiency

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    An impairment of the endothelial barrier function underlies a wide spectrum of pathological conditions. Hereditary angioedema due to C1-inhibitor deficiency (C1-INH-HAE) can be considered the \u201cpathophysiological and clinical paradigm\u201d of Paroxysmal Permeability Diseases (PPDs), conditions characterized by recurrent transient primitively functional alteration of the endothelial sieving properties, not due to inflammatory-ischemic-degenerative injury and completely reversible after the acute flare. It is a rare yet probably still underdiagnosed disease which presents with localized, non-pitting swelling of the skin and submucosal tissues of the upper respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts, without significant wheals or pruritus. The present review addresses the pathophysiology of C1-INH-HAE with a focus on the crucial role of the endothelium during contact and kallikrein/kinin system (CAS and KKS) activation, currently available and emerging biomarkers, methods applied to get new insights into the mechanisms underlying the disease (2D, 3D and in vivo systems), new promising investigation techniques (autonomic nervous system analysis, capillaroscopy, flow-mediated dilation method, non-invasive finger plethysmography). Hints are given to the binding of C1-INH to endothelial cells. Finally, crucial issues as the local vs systemic nature of CAS/KKS activation, the episodic nature of attacks vs constant C1-INH deficiency, pros and cons as well as future perspectives of available methodologies are briefly discussed

    Psychology and hereditary angioedema: A systematic review

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    Background: Hereditary angioedema (HAE) is caused by mutations in the C1 inhibitor (C1-INH) gene Serpin Family G Member 1(SERPING1), which results in either the decreased synthesis of normal C1-INH (C1-INH–HAE type I) or expression of unfunctional C1-INH (C1-INH–HAE type II). In recent studies, emotional stress was reported by patients as the most common trigger factor for C1-INH–HAE attacks. Moreover, patients reported considerable distress over the significant variability and uncertainty with which the disease manifests, in addition to the impact of physical symptoms on their overall quality of life. Objective: We did a systematic review of the literature to shed light on the advancements made in the study of how stress and psychological processes impact C1-INH–HAE. Methods: All of the articles on C1-INH–HAE were analyzed up to December 2019. Both medical data bases and psychological data bases were examined. The keywords (KWs) used for searching the medical and psychological data bases were the following: “hereditary angioedema,” “psychology,” “stress,” “anxiety,” and “depression.” Results: Of a total of 2549 articles on C1-INH–HAE, 113 articles were retrieved from the literature search by using the related KWs. Twenty-one of these articles were retrieved, examined, and classified. Conclusion: Although the literature confirmed that stress may induce various physical diseases, it also warned against making simplistic statements about its incidence that did not take into account the complexity and multicausality of factors that contribute to C1-INH–HAE expression