711 research outputs found

    Addition theorems for spin spherical harmonics. II Results

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    Based on the results of part I, we obtain the general form of the addition theorem for spin spherical harmonics and give explicit results in the cases involving one spin-ss' and one spin-ss spherical harmonics with s,s=1/2s',s=1/2, 1, 3/2, and ss=0|s'-s|=0, 1. We obtain also a fully general addition theorem for one scalar and one tensor spherical harmonic of arbitrary rank. A variety of bilocal sums of ordinary and spin spherical harmonics are given in explicit form, including a general explicit expression for bilocal spherical harmonics

    Addition theorems for spin spherical harmonics. I Preliminaries

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    We develop a systematic approach to deriving addition theorems for, and some other bilocal sums of, spin spherical harmonics. In this first part we establish some necessary technical results. We discuss the factorization of orbital and spin degrees of freedom in certain products of Clebsch-Gordan coefficients, and obtain general explicit results for the matrix elements in configuration space of tensor products of arbitrary rank of the position and angular-momentum operators. These results are the basis of the addition theorems for spin spherical harmonics obtained in part II

    Opiniones, prácticas, barreras y predisposición al cambio, a la hora de dar consejo para dejar de fumar

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    ObjetivoConocer las opiniones, las prácticas actuales, las barreras percibidas y la predisposición al cambio con respecto al consejo para dejar de fumar (CF) ofertado a los pacientes por los diferentes profesionales sanitarios (PS) de atención primaria.DiseñoEstudio descriptivo, transversal.EmplazamientoCentros de salud del Área Sanitaria 9, de Madrid.ParticipantesParticiparon 480 PS, entre médicos de familia, pediatras, residentes de medicina familiar y comunitaria, y enfermería.MedicionesMediante cuestionario autocumplimentado y anónimo se recogen variables sociodemográficas, sobre actitudes, creencias y utilización de estrategias en CF y sobre barreras percibidas para darlo, así como la predisposición al cambio.ResultadosContestó al cuestionario el 75,2% (el 94,2, 61,1, 51,6 y 88% de los médicos, enfermeros, pediatras y residentes, respectivamente). El 72% pregunta de manera habitual, con un incremento hasta el 92,4% en las enfermedades relacionadas con el tabaquismo, sin diferencias respecto al sexo, el PS, el hábito tabáquico y la formación previa. El 85,8% ofrece realizar un seguimiento y el 63,5% proporciona consejos escritos. El 75% de los no fumadores se considera modelo social, frente al 40% de los fumadores. Las principales barreras son la falta de tiempo y la baja motivación en los pacientes. El 93,5% cree que es necesaria una formación específica para proporcionar CF.ConclusionesSe pregunta y se ofrece CF, independientemente del hábito tabáquico del PS. A pesar de las barreras, hay una adecuada utilización de las estrategias para proporcionar CF. Hay buena predisposición al cambio para optimizar el CF.ObjectiveTo get to know the opinions, current practices, perceived barriers and stage of change in respect to the smoking cessation advice (SCA) offered to patients by the different health professionals (HP) from primary care.DesignDescriptive cross-sectional study.LocationÁrea Sanitaria 9’s Health Centers, inMadrid, Spain.Participants480 HPs, including primary care doctors, pediatricians, primary care residents, and nursery staff.MeasurementsUsing a self-filled and anonymous questionnaire, we will gather sociodemographic variables and from the HP’s office, regarding the attitudes towards tobacco, efficiency beliefs and use of strategies in the advice, and the perceived barriers to give it, as well as the state of change.Results75.2% of the HPs filled the questionnaire (94.2%, 61.1%, 51.6%, and 88% by doctors, nurses, pediatricians, and residents respectively). 72% ask regularly, this rate increasing to 92.4% over tobacco-related diseases. No differences were made between sexes, professional types, tobacco habits, or previous attendance to courses. 85.8% offers tracing and 63.5% give written advices. Nearly 75% of non-smokers are considered social role models, that against only 40% of smokers. The main barriers found were lack of time and low motivation from the patients. 93.5% consider an specific education necessary to give efficient SCA.ConclusionsInquiries are made and SCA is given, independently of the smoking habits of the SCA. Likewise, there is a good state of change by the HPs to optimize the treatment of tobacco dependency

    Debate sobre la Ley Federal del Trabajo

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    Se recuerda con preocupación la forma como la política laboral instrumentada en el sexenio de Carlos Salinas impuso "soluciones" a cada uno de los conflictos obrero patronales, soluciones adoptadas al margen y por sobre la normatividad laboral de esos días. Se abre boca a la discusión sin pensar que los avances tengan alguna significación, ya que muy pronto se llegó a ciertas conclusiones colectivas, de definición y proposición de temáticas tales como la libertad sindical, las condiciones de trabajo y la efectividad de las nuevas normas. Estas propuestas y reflexiones hechas en un contexto en el que la productividad en el trabajo y la capacitación para su realización, son preocupaciones de los trabajadores y sus sindicatos, en que la búsqueda de una salida a la crisis económica que padecemos puede ser encontrada sin mayores sacrificios que los que ya padece la clase trabajadora y en función a un interés nacional y popular

    Intermittency in Branching Processes

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    We study the intermittency properties of two branching processes, one with a uniform and another with a singular splitting kernel. The asymptotic intermittency indices, as well as the leading corrections to the asymptotic linear regime are explicitly computed in an analytic framework. Both models are found to possess a monofractal spectrum with φq=q1\varphi_{q}=q-1. Relations with previous results are discussed.Comment: 20 pages, UCLA93/TEP/2

    Morphodynamic response of open and embayed beaches to winter conditions: two case studies from the North Atlantic Iberian coast

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    The morphological responses of two mesotidal beaches located in different coastal settings (embayed and open sandy beaches) on the northwestern Iberian coast were monitored during the winter of 2018/19. The offshore wave time series analysis is related to high-resolution topo-bathymetric measurements to explore spatial-temporal morphological variability at monthly to seasonal scales. Both locations are subjected to the North Atlantic wave climate which exhibits a pronounced seasonality. Throughout the last decade (2010–2020), significant wave heights reached values of up to Hs~9 m during winters and up to Hs~6 m during summers. On average, approximately 12 storms occurred annually in this region. The results clearly reveal divergent morphological responses and sediment transport behaviors at the upper beach and the intertidal zone during the winter for each location. In the embayed beach (Patos), sediment transport in the nearshore is governed by cross-shore processes between the beach berm and a submerged sandbar. In contrast, the open beach (Mira) showed dynamic sediment exchanges and three-dimensional morphologies alternating between accumulation and erosion zones. Overall, both beaches exhibited an erosional trend after the winter, particularly concerning berm erosion and the subaerial beach volume/shoreline retreat. This study highlights the contrasting morphodynamic response on open and embayed beaches to winter conditions, integrating both the subaerial and submerged zones. Local geological and environmental factors, as well as the coastal management strategies applied, will influence how the beach responds to winter wave events. Monitoring and understanding these responses are essential for effective coastal management and adaptation to changing climate.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481D2019/028Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. UIDP/50017/2020Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. UIDB/50017/2020Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | Ref. LA/P/0094/202

    B --> pi and B --> K transitions in partially quenched chiral perturbation theory

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    We study the properties of the B-->pi and B-->K transition form factors in partially quenched QCD by using the approach of partially quenched chiral perturbation theory combined with the static heavy quark limit. We show that the form factors change almost linearly when varying the value of the sea quark mass, whereas the dependence on the valence quark mass contains both the standard and chirally divergent (quenched) logarithms. A simple strategy for the chiral extrapolations in the lattice studies with Nsea=2 is suggested. It consists of the linear extrapolations from the realistically accessible quark masses, first in the sea and then in the valence quark mass. From the present approach, we estimate the uncertainty induced by such extrapolations to be within 5%.Comment: Published versio

    Dependence of Vub/Vcb|V_{ub}/V_{cb}| on Fermi momentum pFp_{_F} in ACCMM model

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    The Gaussian width of Fermi momentum, pFp_{_F}, is the most important parameter of the ACCMM model, and its value is essential in the determination of Vub/Vcb|V_{ub}/V_{cb}| because the experimental analysis is allowed only at the end-point region of inclusive semileptonic BB-decay spectrum. We extract the value of Vub/Vcb|V_{ub}/V_{cb}| as a function of pFp_{_F}. We also calculate the parameter pFp_{_F} in the relativistic quark model using the variational method, and obtain pF=0.54p_{_F} = 0.54 GeV which is much larger than the commonly used value, 0.3\sim 0.3 GeV, in experimental analyses. When we use pF=0.5p_{_F} = 0.5 GeV instead of 0.3 GeV, the value of Vub/Vcb|V_{ub}/V_{cb}| from ACCMM model is increased by a factor 1.81, and can give a good agreement with Isgur {\it et al.} model.Comment: 1. Section 2 has been revised by considering the fact that in the real experimental situation the only measured quantity is the number of events in the high ElE_l region compared to the total semi- leptonic event number. 2. The article by C. Greub and D. Wyler (Phys. Lett. B295 (1992) 293) has been included in references, which reports a similar conclusion for the value of pFp_{_F} (pFp_{_F}=566 MeV), even though they used the different approach. 3. This article will be published in Z. Phys. C (1995

    Multiplicity Distributions and Rapidity Gaps

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    I examine the phenomenology of particle multiplicity distributions, with special emphasis on the low multiplicities that are a background in the study of rapidity gaps. In particular, I analyze the multiplicity distribution in a rapidity interval between two jets, using the HERWIG QCD simulation with some necessary modifications. The distribution is not of the negative binomial form, and displays an anomalous enhancement at zero multiplicity. Some useful mathematical tools for working with multiplicity distributions are presented. It is demonstrated that ignoring particles with pt<0.2 has theoretical advantages, in addition to being convenient experimentally.Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX, MSUHEP/94071

    Detection of HIV-1 dual infections in highly exposed treated patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genetic characterization of HIV-1 in Argentina has shown that BF recombinants predominate among heterosexuals and injecting drug users, while in men who have sex with men the most prevalent form is subtype B.</p> <p>Objectives</p> <p>The aim of this work was to investigate the presence of HIV dual infections in HIV-infected individuals with high probability of reinfection</p> <p>Study design</p> <p>Blood samples were collected from 23 HIV positive patients with the risk of reinfection from Buenos Aires. A fragment of the HIV gene <it>pol </it>was amplified and phylogenetic analyses were performed. Antiretroviral drug resistance patterns of all the sequences were analyzed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Five dual infections were detected with four patients coinfected with subtype B and BF recombinants and one patient was coinfected with two BF recombinants presenting different recombination patterns. Prolonged infection with a stable clinical condition was observed in the five individuals. Resistance mutation patterns were different between the predominant and the minority strains.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results show that HIV dual infection can occur with closely related subtypes, and even with different variants of the same recombinant form in certain populations. Clinical observations showed neither aggressive disease progression nor impact on the resistance patterns in the dually-infected patients.</p