792 research outputs found

    Dans l'époque effervescente de l'anthropologie naissante, l'Europe revendique, tout en discutant l'évolutionnisme de C. Darwin, le progrès technique comme modèle de vie à adopter. Quelle influence les idées évolutionniste, positiviste, ethnocentrique ont-elles eu sur le jugement émis sur le Mésolithique et ses productions esthétiques?

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    Since 1850, researchers have turned to the most ancient past and the origins of man. Evolutionism is at the heart of reflections. Questions about the unity of the human race and the reasons of cultural differences abound. It is important to know why, if the whole humanity is subject to the same historical movement, some societies have progressed, while others seem to be set rigidly in an irremediable primitivity. In this context, the idea of race develops, as well as the idea of difference (that-is-to say of inegality) that is biologically given- a notion set to account for the cultural stagnation of the non-occidental populations. It is against this background that the Mesolithic periodization was brought to light, at the very moment of the discovery of fossils of primitive humans, comparable to subactual men, who confirmed, by their different ages, the different technical stages of the Paleolitic. According to the theory of progress, the Mesolithic represents a society in technical regression in comparison to the golden age of the magdalenian civilization. It is ranked at the bottom of the evolutionistic scale.Dès 1850 les recherches du monde savant se tournent vers le passé le plus ancien et les origines de l'homme. L'évolutionnisme est au cœur des réflexions. Se multiplient les interrogations sur l'unité de l'espèce humaine, sur les raisons des différences culturelles. Il faut savoir pourquoi, si toute l'humanité est soumise au même mouvement historique, certaines sociétés ont progressé tandis que d'autres paraissent figées dans une irrémédiable primitivité. C'est dans ce contexte que se développe l'idée de race, de différence (c'est à dire d'inégalité) biologiquement donnée, notion appelée à rendre compte de la stagnation culturelle des populations non occidentales. C'est sur cette toile de fond que la périodisation mésolithique a été mise au jour, au moment de la découverte d'hommes fossiles comparables aux hommes sub-actuels qui confirmaient par leurs différents âges, les différents stades techniques du Paléolithique. Suivant la théorie du progrès, le Mésolithique représente une société en régression technique par rapport à l'âge d'or de la civilisation magdalénienne. Il est classé au bas de l'échelle évolutionniste

    Proposition méthodologique pour une étude des Esthétiques du Mésolithique : une analyse sociologique- anthropologique de la fin du Tardiglaciaire et durant le Postglaciaire en Europe

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    International audienceDo the decorated productions cover Esthetics, i.e. the whole of the symbolic systems of a culture of hunters-gatherers? .... How to leave this glance with the aesthetic requirements, that we other Westerners, pose on all things.... and to exceed the debate of the artistic expressions thought from the aesthetic point of view, like objects " works of art " and objects " stylistics "? It is not question " to make a fetish " of the productions decorated " works of art " while placing them at the starting point with our reflexion, (with being known to study them from a point of view functional, technological, typological, art for art, of the direction...) but to associate another of dimensions of the aesthetic experiment it well, i.e. context of the decorated productions.Les productions décorées recouvrent-elles les Esthétiques, c'est-à-dire l'ensemble des systèmes symboliques d'une culture de chasseurs-cueilleurs ? .... Comment quitter ce regard aux exigences esthétiques, que nous autres occidentaux, posons sur toutes choses.... et dépasser le débat des expressions artistiques pensées dans une perspective esthétique, comme objets " œuvres d'art " et objets " stylistiques ? Il n'est pas question de fétichiser les productions décorées (l'œuvre d'art) en les plaçant au point de départ de notre réflexion, (à savoir les étudier d'un point de vue fonctionnel, technologique, typologique, de l'art pour l'art, du sens...) mais bien d'y associer une autre des dimensions de l'expérience esthétique, c'est-à-dire le contexte des productions décorées

    Multi-Objective Scientific-Workflow Scheduling With Data Movement Awareness in Cloud.

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    Due to serving several purposes simultaneously, running scientific workflows on dynamic environments such as cloud computing, has become multi-objective scheduling. Among these purposes, Cost and Makespan are probably the most two primitive objectives. Another critical factor in a large-scale scientific workflow is tremendous amount of data during execution. Therefore, this work also includes Data Movement as an additional objective as it has a major impact on network utilization and energy consumption in network equipment in cloud data center. In considering these three objectives, this work proposes a framework for scheduling solutions which combines a new nodes clustering technique in Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) model known as Multilevel Dependent Node Clustering (MDNC) and the multiobjective optimization, Extreme Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-III (E-NSGA-III). E-NSGAIII is the recent extension of Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-III). Five well-known scientific workflows, CyberShake, Epigenomics, LIGO, Montage, and SIPHT are selected as testbeds, while the commonly known Hypervolume is chosen as the performance metric. In this work, MDNC is also experimented with both NSGA-III. Comparison among three approaches, E-NAGA-III alone, E-NAGA-III with Peer-to-Peer clustering and E-NAGA-III with MDNC are carried out. The superiority of the proposed framework among them and its limitation are discussed

    The Survey, Taxonomy, and Future Directions of Trustworthy AI: A Meta Decision of Strategic Decisions

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    When making strategic decisions, we are often confronted with overwhelming information to process. The situation can be further complicated when some pieces of evidence are contradicted each other or paradoxical. The challenge then becomes how to determine which information is useful and which ones should be eliminated. This process is known as meta-decision. Likewise, when it comes to using Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems for strategic decision-making, placing trust in the AI itself becomes a meta-decision, given that many AI systems are viewed as opaque "black boxes" that process large amounts of data. Trusting an opaque system involves deciding on the level of Trustworthy AI (TAI). We propose a new approach to address this issue by introducing a novel taxonomy or framework of TAI, which encompasses three crucial domains: articulate, authentic, and basic for different levels of trust. To underpin these domains, we create ten dimensions to measure trust: explainability/transparency, fairness/diversity, generalizability, privacy, data governance, safety/robustness, accountability, reproducibility, reliability, and sustainability. We aim to use this taxonomy to conduct a comprehensive survey and explore different TAI approaches from a strategic decision-making perspective


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    Sarcoidosis is a multisystemic disorder of unknown cause characterized by the formation of immune granulomas in involved organs. It is an ubiquitous disease with incidence (varying according to age, sex, race and geographic origin) estimated at around 16.5/100,000 in men and 19/100,000 in women. The lung and the lymphatic system are predominantly affected but virtually every organ may be involved. Other severe manifestations result from cardiac, neurological, ocular, kidney or laryngeal localizations. In most cases, sarcoidosis is revealed by persistent dry cough, eye or skin manifestations, peripheral lymph nodes, fatigue, weight loss, fever or night sweats, and erythema nodosum. Abnormal metabolism of vitamin D3 within granulomatous lesions and hypercalcemia are possible. Chest radiography is abnormal in about 90% of cases and shows lymphadenopathy and/or pulmonary infiltrates (without or with fibrosis), defining sarcoidosis stages from I to IV. The etiology remains unknown but the prevailing hypothesis is that various unidentified, likely poorly degradable antigens of either infectious or environmental origin could trigger an exaggerated immune reaction in genetically susceptible hosts. Diagnosis relies on compatible clinical and radiographic manifestations, evidence of non-caseating granulomas obtained by biopsy through tracheobronchial endoscopy or at other sites, and exclusion of all other granulomatous diseases. The evolution and severity of sarcoidosis are highly variable. Mortality is estimated at between 0.5–5%. In most benign cases (spontaneous resolution within 24–36 months), no treatment is required but a regular follow-up until recovery is necessary. In more serious cases, a medical treatment has to be prescribed either initially or at some point during follow-up according to clinical manifestations and their evolution. Systemic corticosteroids are the mainstay of treatment of sarcoidosis. The minimal duration of treatment is 12 months. Some patients experience repeated relapses and may require long-term low-dose corticosteroid therapy during years. Other treatments (immunosuppressive drugs and aminoquinolins) may be useful in case of unsatisfactory response to corticosteroids, poor tolerance and as sparing agents when high doses of corticosteroids are needed for a long time. In some strictly selected cases refractory to standard therapy, specific antiTNF-α agents may offer precious improvement. Some patients benefit from topical corticosteroids
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