7 research outputs found

    Pinning and trapped field in MgB2- and MT-YBaCuO bulk superconductors manufactured under pressure

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    The relevant pinning centers of Abrikosov vortices in MgB2_{2}–based materials are oxygen-enriched Mg-B-O inclusions or nanolayers and inclusions of MgBx_{x} (x>4) phases. The high critical current densities, jc_{c}, of 106^{6} and 103^{3}A/cm2^{2} at 1 and 8.5 T, respectively, at 20 K can be achieved in polycrystalline materials (prepared at 2 GPa) containing a large amount of admixed oxygen. Besides, oxygen can be incorporated into the MgB2_{2} structure in small amounts (MgB1.5_{1.5}O0.5_{0.5}), which is supported by Auger studies and calculations of the DOS and the binding energy. The jc_{c} of melt textured YBa2_{2}Cu3_{3}O7δ_{7-δ } (or Y123)-based superconductors (MT-YBaCuO) depends not only on the perfectness of texture and the amount of oxygen in the Y123 structure, but also on the density of twins and micro-cracks formed during the oxygenation (due to shrinking of the c-lattice parameter). The density of twins and microcracks increases with the reduction of the distance between Y2_{2}BaCuO5_{5} (Y211) inclusions in Y123. At 77 K jc_{c}=8⋅104^{4} A/cm2^{2} in self-field and jc_{c}=103^{3} A/cm2^{2} at 10 Т were found in materials oxygenated at 16 MPa for 3 days with a density of twins of 22–35 per μm (thickness of the lamellae: 45-30 nm) and a density of micro-cracks of 200–280 per mm. Pinning can occur at the points of intersection between the Y123 twin planes and the Y211 inclusions. MTYBaCuO at 77 K can trap 1.4 T (38×38×17 mm, oxygenated at 0.1 MPa for 20 days) and 0.8 T (16 mm in diameter and 10 mm thick with 0.45 mm holes oxygenated at 10 MPa for 53 h). The sensitivity of MgB2_{2} to magnetic field variations (flux jumps) complicates estimates of the trapped field. At 20 K 1.8 T was found for a block of 30 mm in diameter and a thickness of 7.5 mm and 1.5 T (if the magnetic field was increased at a rate of 0.1 T) for a ring with dimensions 24×18 mm and a thickness of 8 mm

    Structure and properties of oxygen-containing thin films and bulk MgB₂

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    A structural Auger spectroscopy study of MgB2 thin (~140 nm) oxygen-containing polycrystalline films produced by magnetron sputtering and 99% dense MgB2 bulks synthesized at 2 GPa allows us to conclude that jc of MgB2 depends to a high extent on the amount and distribution of oxygen in the material matrix. jc reached 7.8-2.7 MA/cm2 below 1T at 20 K in the films and 0.3-0.9 MA/cm2 (depending on the boron used) in the bulks. The higher jc in MgB2 thin films can be associated with finer oxygen-enriched Mg-B-O inclusions and their higher density in the film structure compared to the bulk. Calculations of the total electron density of states (DOS) in MgB2, MgB1.75O0.25, MgB1.5O0.5 and MgBO showed that all the compounds are conductors with metal-like behaviour. The DOS is even higher in MgB1.5O0 5 than in MgB2 and the binding energy is similar. So, the experimentally found presence of some dissolved oxygen in MgB2 does not contradict its high SC performance. The introduction of a high amount of oxygen into the MgB2 structure does not dramatically reduce the material\u27s Tc and allows obtaining highjc as observed in our MgB2 films and bulks