153 research outputs found

    Introductory Chapter: Swirling Flows and Flames

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    Effects of hydrogen and steam addition on laminar burning velocity of methane–air premixed flame: Experimental and numerical analysis

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    Effects of hydrogen enrichment and steam addition on laminar burning velocity of methaneeair premixed flame were studied both experimentally and numerically. Measurements were carried out using the slot burner method at 1 bar for fresh gases temperatures of 27 °C and 57 °C and for variable equivalence ratios going from 0.8 to 1.2. The hydrogen content in the fuel was varied from 0% to 30% in volume and the steam content in the air was varied from 0 to 112 g/kg (0e100% of relative humidity). Numerical calculations were performed using the COSILAB code with the GRI-Mech 3.0 mechanism for one-dimensional premixed flames. The calculations were implemented first at room temperature and pressure and then extended to higher temperatures (up to 917 K) and pressures (up to 50 bar). Measurements of laminar burning velocities of methanee hydrogeneair and methaneeairesteam agree with the GRI-Mech calculations and previous measurements from literature obtained by different methods. Results show that enrich- ment by hydrogen increases of the laminar burning velocity and the adiabatic flame temperature. The addition of steam to a methaneeair mixture noticeably decreases the burning velocity and the adiabatic flame temperature. Modeling shows that isentropic compression of fresh gases leads to the increase of laminar burning velocity

    PIV Measurements on Oxy-Fuel Burners

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    Effects of CO2-H2O dilution on the characteristics of CH4-air-O2 flames

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    International audience Study of non-premixed turbulent flames stabilized by a swirler Control of pollutant emissions / emissions standards Improve performances of combustion plants Investigations on flame characteristics Effects of oxygen enrichment Effects of steam and CO2 dilution Effects of swirl intensit

    Numerical analysis of characteristics of biogas and syngas combustion

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    International audienceDevelopment of modular adapted energy concept- Gasifier - multi-fuel burner - boilerCharacterization of syngas and biogas flames - Experimentally: stability, pollutant emissions, temperature - Numerically: Calculations of laminar burning velocity, flame temperature, pollutants (NOx, CO)
This poster: some results of calculation

    A New Combustion Method in a Burner with Three Separate Jets

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    Oxy-flames from burners with separated jets present attractive perspectives because the separation of reactants generates a better thermal efficiency and reduction of pollutant emissions. The principal idea is to confine the fuel jet by oxygen jets to favor the mixing in order to improve the flame stability. This chapter concerns the effect of equivalence ratio on characteristics of a non-premixed oxy-methane flame from a burner with separated jets. The burner of 25 kW power is composed with three aligned jets, one central methane jet surrounded by two oxygen jets. The numerical simulation is carried out using Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes (RANS) technique with k-Δ as a turbulence closure model. The eddy dissipation model is applied to take into account the turbulence-reaction interactions. The study is performed with different global equivalence ratios (0.7, 0.8 and 1). The validation of the numerical tools is done by comparison with experimental data of the stoichiometric regime (Ѐ = 1). The two lean regimes of Ѐ = 0.7 and 0.8 are investigated only by calculations. The velocity fields with different equivalence ratio are presented. It yields to increase of longitudinal and transverse velocity, promotes the fluctuation in interaction zone between fuel and oxygen also a better mixing quality and a decrease of the size of the recirculation zone

    Dark Energy and Modified Gravity

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    Despite two decades of tremendous experimental and theoretical progress, the riddle of the accelerated expansion of the Universe remains to be solved. On the experimental side, our understanding of the possibilities and limitations of the major dark energy probes has evolved; here we summarize the major probes and their crucial challenges. On the theoretical side, the taxonomy of explanations for the accelerated expansion rate is better understood, providing clear guidance to the relevant observables. We argue that: i) improving statistical precision and systematic control by taking more data, supporting research efforts to address crucial challenges for each probe, using complementary methods, and relying on cross-correlations is well motivated; ii) blinding of analyses is difficult but ever more important; iii) studies of dark energy and modified gravity are related; and iv) it is crucial that R&D for a vibrant dark energy program in the 2030s be started now by supporting studies and technical R&D that will allow embryonic proposals to mature. Understanding dark energy, arguably the biggest unsolved mystery in both fundamental particle physics and cosmology, will remain one of the focal points of cosmology in the forthcoming decade.Comment: 5 pages + references; science white paper submitted to the Astro2020 decadal surve

    Effets de l'enrichissement en oxygÚne sur une flamme turbulente non-prémélangée, méthane-air, stabilisée par un swirl

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    Ce travail prĂ©sente les effets de l’enrichissement en oxygĂšne sur le comportement d’une flamme non-prĂ©mĂ©langĂ©e mĂ©thane air dans un brĂ»leur co-axial Ă  swirl. L’étude porte plus particuliĂšrement sur la stabilitĂ© de la flamme et les Ă©missions polluantes telles que les NOx, CO2, CO et CH4. Les expĂ©riences sont menĂ©es dans une chambre de combustion cylindrique de 25 kW refroidie par une circulation d’eau. Le brĂ»leur est constituĂ© de deux tubes concentriques avec un swirl placĂ© dans la partie annulaire afin de mettre en rotation l’oxydant. Le tube central achemine le mĂ©thane jusqu’à un injecteur radial qui comporte huit trous uniformĂ©ment rĂ©partis situĂ©s juste en dessous du plan de sortie du brĂ»leur. Les mesures des gaz brĂ»lĂ©s sont effectuĂ©es par des analyseurs multi-gaz Ă  l’aide d’une sonde de prĂ©lĂšvement en sortie de la chambre de combustion. Des expĂ©riences de chimiluminescence du radical OH* sont menĂ©es pour dĂ©crire la structure et la stabilitĂ© de la flamme dans les cas air et air enrichi en oxygĂšne. Les hauteurs d’accrochage, les fluctuations de la base de la flamme, et les longueurs de flamme sont dĂ©terminĂ©es. Les mesures sont effectuĂ©es pour une concentration en oxygĂšne qui varie de 0 Ă  40 % en volume, un nombre de swirl de 0,8 Ă  1,4 et une richesse globale de 0,7 Ă  1. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que l’ajout de l’oxygĂšne Ă  l’air amĂ©liorent la stabilitĂ© de la flamme en Ă©tendant les limites de soufflage. L’augmentation de la concentration en oxygĂšne conduit Ă  une diminution des hauteurs de dĂ©crochage et une rĂ©duction des fluctuations de la base de la flamme. Les mesures ont montrĂ© que l’augmentation du nombre de swirl amĂ©liore significativement la stabilitĂ© de la flamme. L’analyse des gaz brĂ»lĂ©s a rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© que les Ă©missions de CO2 augmentent linĂ©airement avec la concentration en oxygĂšne. Les Ă©missions de CO dĂ©croissent exponentiellement tandis que les Ă©missions de NOx, augmentent exponentiellement avec l’enrichissement en oxygĂšne
