911 research outputs found

    Neutron-Diffraction Measurements of an Antiferromagnetic Semiconducting Phase in the Vicinity of the High-Temperature Superconducting State of Kx_xFe2−y_{2-y}Se2_2

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    The recently discovered K-Fe-Se high temperature superconductor has caused heated debate regarding the nature of its parent compound. Transport, angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, and STM measurements have suggested that its parent compound could be insulating, semiconducting or even metallic [M. H. Fang, H.-D. Wang, C.-H. Dong, Z.-J. Li, C.-M. Feng, J. Chen, and H. Q. Yuan, Europhys. Lett. 94, 27009 (2011); F. Chen et al. Phys. Rev. X 1, 021020 (2011); and W. Li et al.,Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 057003 (2012)]. Because the magnetic ground states associated with these different phases have not yet been identified and the relationship between magnetism and superconductivity is not fully understood, the real parent compound of this system remains elusive. Here, we report neutron-diffraction experiments that reveal a semiconducting antiferromagnetic (AFM) phase with rhombus iron vacancy order. The magnetic order of the semiconducting phase is the same as the stripe AFM order of the iron pnictide parent compounds. Moreover, while the root5*root5 block AFM phase coexists with superconductivity, the stripe AFM order is suppressed by it. This leads us to conjecture that the new semiconducting magnetic ordered phase is the true parent phase of this superconductor.Comment: 1 table, 4 figures,5 page

    Gas Transport in Porous Media: Simulations and Experiments on Partially Densified Aerogels

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    The experimental density dependence of gas (argon and nitrogen) permeability of partially densified silica aerogels in the Knudsen regime is quantitatively accounted for by a computer model. The model simulates both the structure of the sintered material and the random ballistic motion of a point particle inside its voids. The same model is also able to account for the densit y dependence of the specific pore surface as measured from nitrogen adsorption experiments.Comment: RevTex, 11 pages + 5 postscript figures appended using "uufiles". Published in Europhys. Lett. 29, p. 567 (1995

    Linear systems with adiabatic fluctuations

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    We consider a dynamical system subjected to weak but adiabatically slow fluctuations of external origin. Based on the ``adiabatic following'' approximation we carry out an expansion in \alpha/|\mu|, where \alpha is the strength of fluctuations and 1/|\mu| refers to the time scale of evolution of the unperturbed system to obtain a linear differential equation for the average solution. The theory is applied to the problems of a damped harmonic oscillator and diffusion in a turbulent fluid. The result is the realization of `renormalized' diffusion constant or damping constant for the respective problems. The applicability of the method has been critically analyzed.Comment: Plain Latex, no figure, 21 page

    Universal magnetic and structural behaviors in the iron arsenides

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    Commonalities among the order parameters of the ubiquitous antiferromagnetism present in the parent compounds of the iron arsenide high temperature superconductors are explored. Additionally, comparison is made between the well established two-dimensional Heisenberg-Ising magnet, K2_2NiF4_4 and iron arsenide systems residing at a critical point whose structural and magnetic phase transitions coincide. In particular, analysis is presented regarding two distinct classes of phase transition behavior reflected in the development of antiferromagnetic and structural order in the three main classes of iron arsenide superconductors. Two distinct universality classes are mirrored in their magnetic phase transitions which empirically are determined by the proximity of the coupled structural and magnetic phase transitions in these materials.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Probability Distributions of Random Electromagnetic Fields in the Presence of a Semi-Infinite Isotropic Medium

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    Using a TE/TM decomposition for an angular plane-wave spectrum of free random electromagnetic waves and matched boundary conditions, we derive the probability density function for the energy density of the vector electric field in the presence of a semi-infinite isotropic medium. The theoretical analysis is illustrated with calculations and results for good electric conductors and for a lossless dielectric half-space. The influence of the permittivity and conductivity on the intensity, random polarization, statistical distribution and standard deviation of the field is investigated, both for incident plus reflected fields and for refracted fields. External refraction is found to result in compression of the fluctuations of the random field.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Radio Scienc

    Two spatially separated phases in semiconducting Rb0.8_{0.8}Fe1.5_{1.5}S2_2

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    We report neutron scattering and transport measurements on semiconducting Rb0.8_{0.8}Fe1.5_{1.5}S2_2, a compound isostructural and isoelectronic to the well-studied A0.8A_{0.8}Fey_{y}Se2(A=_2 (A= K, Rb, Cs, Tl/K) superconducting systems. Both resistivity and DC susceptibility measurements reveal a magnetic phase transition at T=275T=275 K. Neutron diffraction studies show that the 275 K transition originates from a phase with rhombic iron vacancy order which exhibits an in-plane stripe antiferromagnetic ordering below 275 K. In addition, interdigitated mesoscopically with the rhombic phase is an ubiquitous phase with 5×5\sqrt{5}\times\sqrt{5} iron vacancy order. This phase has a magnetic transition at TN=425T_N=425 K and an iron vacancy order-disorder transition at TS=600T_{S}=600 K. These two different structural phases are closely similar to those observed in the isomorphous Se materials. Based on the close similarities of the in-plane antiferromagnetic structures, moments sizes, and ordering temperatures in semiconducting Rb0.8_{0.8}Fe1.5_{1.5}S2_2 and K0.81_{0.81}Fe1.58_{1.58}Se2_2, we argue that the in-plane antiferromagnetic order arises from strong coupling between local moments. Superconductivity, previously observed in the A0.8A_{0.8}Fey_{y}Se2−z_{2-z}Sz_z system, is absent in Rb0.8_{0.8}Fe1.5_{1.5}S2_2, which has a semiconducting ground state. The implied relationship between stripe/block antiferromagnetism and superconductivity in these materials as well as a strategy for further investigation is discussed in this paper.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Time Response of Water-based Liquid Scintillator from X-ray Excitation

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    Water-based liquid scintillators (WbLS) present an attractive target medium for large-scale detectors with the ability to enhance the separation of Cherenkov and scintillation signals from a single target. This work characterizes the scintillation properties of WbLS samples based on LAB/PPO liquid scintillator (LS). X-ray luminescence spectra, decay profiles, and relative light yields are measured for WbLS of varying LS concentration as well as for pure LS with a range of PPO concentrations up to 90 g/L. The scintillation properties of the WbLS are related to the precursor LAB/PPO: starting from 90 g/L PPO in LAB before synthesis, the resulting WbLS have spectroscopic properties that instead match 10 g/L PPO in LAB. This could indicate that the concentration of active PPO in the WbLS samples depends on their processing.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables. Submitted to Materials Advances, a journal of the Royal Society of Chemistr

    The role of stoichiometric vacancy periodicity in pressure-induced amorphization of the Ga2SeTe2 semiconductor alloy

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    We observe that pressure-induced amorphization of Ga2SeTe2 (a III-VI semiconductor) is directly influenced by the periodicity of its intrinsic defect structures. Specimens with periodic and semi-periodic two-dimensional vacancy structures become amorphous around 10-11 GPa in contrast to those with aperiodic structures, which amorphize around 7-8 GPa. The result is a notable instance of altering material phase-change properties via rearrangement of stoichiometric vacancies as opposed to adjusting their concentrations. Based on our experimental findings, we posit that periodic two-dimensional vacancy structures in Ga2SeTe2 provide an energetically preferred crystal lattice that is less prone to collapse under applied pressure. This is corroborated through first-principles electronic structure calculations, which demonstrate that the energy stability of III-VI structures under hydrostatic pressure is highly dependent on the configuration of intrinsic vacancies

    Hydration of magnesia cubes: a helium ion microscopy study

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    Physisorbed water originating from exposure to the ambient can have a strong impact on the structure and chemistry of oxide nanomaterials. The effect can be particularly pronounced when these oxides are in physical contact with a solid substrate such as the ones used for immobilization to perform electron or ion microscopy imaging. We used helium ion microscopy (HIM) and investigated morphological changes of vapor-phase-grown MgO cubes after vacuum annealing and pressing into foils of soft and high purity indium. The indium foils were either used as obtained or, for reference, subjected to vacuum drying. After four days of storage in the vacuum chamber of the microscope and at a base pressure of p < 10−7 mbar, we observed on these cubic particles the attack of residual physisorbed water molecules from the indium substrate. As a result, thin magnesium hydroxide layers spontaneously grew, giving rise to characteristic volume expansion effects, which depended on the size of the particles. Rounding of the originally sharp cube edges leads to a significant loss of the morphological definition specific to the MgO cubes. Comparison of different regions within one sample before and after exposure to liquid water reveals different transformation processes, such as the formation of Mg(OH)2 shells that act as diffusion barriers for MgO dissolution or the evolution of brucite nanosheets organized in characteristic flower-like microstructures. The findings underline the significant metastability of nanomaterials under both ambient and high-vacuum conditions and show the dramatic effect of ubiquitous water films during storage and characterization of oxide nanomaterials
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