13 research outputs found

    Composition chimique et propriétés antimicrobiennes de l’huile essentielle extraite des feuilles de Tetraclinis articulata (Vahl) du Maroc

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    Chemical composition and antimicrobial properties of essential oil of theMorroccan Tetraclinis articulata leavesThe yield, chemical composition and antimicrobial properties of the essential oil extracted from Tetraclinis articulata (Vahl) leaves growing in Khemisset (Morocco) were studied. The essential oils yield average is 0,22 %. Thirty four components were identified by GC and GC/MS ; bornyl acetate (30,74 %), á-pinene (23,54 %), camphor (17,27 %) and limonene (23,31 %) are the principal components of this oil. A strong inhibited activity against six microorganisms is obtained


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    Within the framework of the valorisation of medicinal plants of the Moroccan flora, this work has focused on the essential oils from leaves, twigs and sawdust trunk Tetraclinis articulata (Vahl) Masters of the Moroccan central plateau (region Khemisset). Yields vary depending on the part of the plant and are respectively: 0.22%, 0.41% and 1.63%. The chemical composition of leaves is not very different than twigs. The main molecules of essential oils common to the two parts of the tree are: α-pinene, limonene and bornyl acetate. Against by the composition of the trunk is predominated by α-acorénol, cedrol the totarol, the α-β-cedrene and acorénol. Furthermore, the species of leaves and twigs are characterized by the predominance of monoterpenes. Oil trunk is rather rich in sesquiterpenes and diterpenes relatively. The physicochemical characteristics of the oils studied also vary according to the organ used. These parameters meet the criteria of quality essential oils set by international organizations.Dans le cadre de la valorisation des plantes médicinales de la flore marocaine, ce travail a porté sur  les huiles  essentielles des feuilles, des rameaux et de la sciure de tronc de Tetraclinis articulata (Vahl) Masters du plateau central marocain (région de Khemisset). Les rendements varient suivant la partie de la plante et sont respectivement : 0.22%, 0,41% et  1,63%. La composition chimique des feuilles n’est pas très différente de celle des rameaux. Les principales molécules communes aux huiles essentielles des deux parties de l’arbre sont: l’α-pinène, le limonène et l’acétate de bornyle. Par contre la composition de tronc est prédominée par l’α-acorénol, le cédrol, le totarol, l’α-cédrène et le β-acorénol. Par ailleurs, les essences des feuilles et des rameaux sont caractérisées par la prédominance des monoterpènes.  L’huile de tronc est plutôt  riche en sesquiterpènes et à un degré moindre en diterpènes. Les caractéristiques physicochimiques des huiles étudiées varient également suivant l’organe utilisé. Ces paramètres répondent aux critères de qualité des huiles essentielles fixés par les organismes internationaux


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    The goal of this study is to characterize the effluent of the city of Oujda (Morocco) and to evaluate its pollution in relation to the demographic and socio-economic profile of the population connected to the sewerage in order to make the possibility to reuse it in irrigation. The physicochemical characterization of raw wastewater revealed that this liquid rejection is very charged out of organic matter expressed in term with COD (Avg. = 1104mg/L±52,2) with a load of 44160Kg/d, in BOD5 (Avg. =540,1mg/L±31,1) with a load of 21604 Kg/d, in Suspend Solid (Avg. =568,4mg/L±222) with a load of 22736 Kg/d, and out of mineral matter expressed in Electric Conductivity (Avg. =3280µS/cm±1120) with a pH of 7,96 (±0,8). The average content of NTK and Orthophosphates are about 88,02mg/L (± 2,8) and 16,76mg/L (±1,1). Although this wastewater presents a high organic load BOD5/COD = 0,5 et SS/ BOD5 = 1,05), they have a satisfactory biodegradation. The examination of report COD/BOD5 = 2,07 underlines well the biodegradable character to which a biological treatment appears completely suitable.L’objectif de ce travail est de caractériser les eaux usées brutes de la ville d’Oujda (Maroc) et d’évaluer sa pollution en relation avec le profil démographique et socio-économique des populations raccordées au réseau d’assainissement afin de prévenir la possibilité d’utilisation en irrigation. La caractérisation physico-chimique des eaux usées brutes a révélé que ce rejet liquide est très chargé en matière organique en termes de DCO (Moy. = 1104mg/L±52,2) soit une charge de 44160Kg/j, en DBO5 (Moy. =540,1mg/L±31,1) avec une charge d’environ 21604 Kg/j, en MES (Moy. =568,4mg/L±222) soit une charge de l’ordre de 22736 Kg/j, et en matière minérale exprimée en terme de Conductivité  électrique (Moy. =3280µS/cm±1120), avec un pH de 7,96 (±0,8). Les teneurs moyennes en NTK et en Orthophosphates respectivement de l’ordre de 88,02mg/L(± 2,8) et 16,76mg/L (±1,1). Malgré que ces eaux usées présentent une charge organique élevée (DBO5/DCO = 0,5 et MES/ DBO5 = 1,05), elles présentent une biodégradabilité satisfaisante. L’examen de rapport DCO/DBO5 = 2,07 souligne bien le caractère biodégradable auxquelles un traitement biologique parait tout à fait convenable

    Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Properties of Total Polyphenols of Anchusa italica Retz

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    Anchusa italica Retz has been used for a long time in phytotherapy. The aim of the present study was to determine the antioxidant and antibacterial activities of extracts from the leaves and roots of Anchusa italica Retz. We first determined the content of phenolic compounds and flavonoids using Folin–Ciocalteu reagents and aluminum chloride (AlCl3). The antioxidant activity was determined using three methods: reducing power (FRAP), 2.2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), total antioxidant capacity (TAC). The antimicrobial activity was investigated against four strains of Escherichia coli, two strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae and coagulase-negative Staphylococcus, and one fungal strain of Candida albicans. The results showed that the root extract was rich in polyphenols (43.29 mg GAE/g extract), while the leave extract was rich in flavonoids (28.88 mg QE/g extract). The FRAP assay showed a strong iron reduction capacity for the root extract (IC50 of 0.11 µg/mL) in comparison to ascorbic acid (IC50 of 0.121 µg/mL). The DPPH test determined an IC50 of 0.11 µg/mL for the root extract and an IC50 of 0.14 µg/mL for the leaf extract. These values are low compared to those for ascorbic acid (IC50 of 0.16 µg/mL) and BHT (IC50 0.20 µg/mL). The TAC values of the leaf and root extracts were 0.51 and 0.98 mg AAE/g extract, respectively. In vitro, the extract showed inhibitory activity against all strains studied, with diameters of zones of inhibition in the range of 11.00–16.00 mm for the root extract and 11.67–14.33 mm for the leaf extract. The minimum inhibitory concentration was recorded for the leaf extract against E. coli (ATB:57), corresponding to 5 mg/mL. Overall, this research indicates that the extracts of Anchusa italica Retz roots and leaves exert significant antioxidant and antibacterial activities, probably because of the high content of flavonoids and polyphenols