575 research outputs found

    Observations of OH in comet Levy with the Nancay radio telescope

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    Due to extremely favorable excitation conditions, comet Levy (1990c) exhibited in August-September 1990 the strongest OH 18-cm signal ever recorded in a comet at the Nancay radio telescope. This unique opportunity was used to measure the OH satellite lines at 1612 and 1721 MHz, to perform extensive mapping of the OH radio emission and to make a sensitive evaluation of the cometary magnetic field, of the H2O outflow velocity and of the OH production rate

    Engage D3.5 Opportunities for innovative ATM research (interim report)

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    This document reports on the topics and academic disciplines of past Exploratory Research projects, notably SESAR Workpackage E (long-term and innovative research) and SESAR Exploratory Research (ER) with a view of tracing the evolution of research as well as opportunities for future research. This analysis is complemented with relevant activities in Engage, such as the Engage thematic challenges

    Asymmetry Function of Interstellar Scintillations of Pulsars

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    A new method for separating intensity variations of a source's radio emission having various physical natures is proposed. The method is based on a joint analysis of the structure function of the intensity variations and the asymmetry function, which is a generalization of the asymmetry coefficient and characterizes the asymmetry of the distribution function of the intensity fluctuations on various scales for the inhomogeneities in the diffractive scintillation pattern. Relationships for the asymmetry function in the cases of a logarithmic normal distribution of the intensity fluctuations and a normal distribution of the field fluctuations are derived. Theoretical relationships and observational data on interstellar scintillations of pulsars (refractive, diffractive, and weak scintillations) are compared. Pulsar scintillations match the behavior expected for a normal distribution of the field fluctuations (diffractive scintillation) or logarithmic normal distribution of the intensity fluctuations (refractive and weak scintillation). Analysis of the asymmetry function is a good test for distinguishing scintillations against the background of variations that have different origins

    Engage D3.10 Research and innovation insights

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    Engage is the SESAR 2020 Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN). It is managed by a consortium of academia and industry, with the support of the SESAR Joint Undertaking. This report highlights future research opportunities for ATM. The basic framework is structured around three research pillars. Each research pillar has a dedicated section in this report. SESAR’s Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, Digital European Sky is a focal point of comparison. Much of the work is underpinned by the building and successful launch of the Engage wiki, which comprises an interactive research map, an ATM concepts roadmap and a research repository. Extensive lessons learned are presented. Detailed proposals for future research, plus research enablers and platforms are suggested for SESAR 3

    Jean Charcot Seabeam Survey along ODP Leg 112 Northern Transect

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    A marine geophysical survey that used Seabeam, multi- and single-channel seismic reflection, gravity, and magnetic profiling was conducted in two locations along the landward slope of the Peru Trench. This survey was conducted during the SeaPERC cruise of the Jean Charcot in July 1986 (Bourgois et al., 1986a; Bourgois et al., 1986b; Bourgois et al., 1987; Bourgois et al., in press). These areas were two possible drilling locations for ODP Leg 112, which was scheduled to begin in November 1986. The drilling transects center around latitudes of 5°30'S and 9°30'S, along multichannel seismic lines CDP-3 and CDP-2, respectively. The northern transect is located in the Paita Zone (Fig. 1, Box 2), and the southern transect is in the Chimbote Zone (Fig. 1, Box 6). During Leg 112, we drilled two sites (683 and 685) in the Chimbote area. This became the northern transect of Leg 112. Here, we report the Seabeam data acquired during the SeaPERC cruise. Drilling results from Sites 683 and 685, the CDP-2 multichannel seismic record, and the Seabeam data provide a threedimensional view of this region

    Seabeam and seismic reflection imaging of the tectonic regime of the Andean continental margin off Peru (4°S to 10°S)

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    Suite à une campagne géophysique réalisée au large de la côte du Perou (croisière Seaperc du R/V "Jean Charcot", juillet 1986), les auteurs proposent une nouvelle interprétation des structures caractérisant la pente continentale de la région étudiée. D'autre part, ils considèrent que cette marge active est une marge active en extension ou bien une marge d'effondrement qui développe un complexe d'accrétion induit par les effondrements de la partie médiane de la pente

    Active oceanic spreading in the northern north Fiji basin : results of the NOFI cruise of R/V l'Atalante (Newstarmer project)

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    The South Pandora and the Tripartite Ridges are active spreading centers located in the northern part of the North Fiji Basin. These spreading centers were surveyed over a distance of 750 km during the NOFI cruise of R/V L'Atalante (August-September 1994) which was conducted in the frame of the french-japanese Newstarmer cooperation project. SIMRAD EM12-dual full coverage swath bathymetric and imagery data as well as airgun 6-channel seismic, magnetics and gravity profiles were recorded along an off-axis from 170°40'E to 178°E. Dredging and piston coring were also performed along and off-axis. The axial domain of the South Pandora Ridge is divided into 5 first-order segments characterized by contrasted morphologies. The average width of the active domain is 20 km and corresponds either to bathymetric highs or to deep elongated grabens. The bathymetric highs are volcanic constructions, locally faulted and rifted, which can obstruct totally the axial valley. The grabens show the typical morphology of slow spreading axes, with two steep walls flanking a deep axial valley. Elongated lateral ridges may be present on both sides of the grabens. Numerous volcanoes, up to several kilometers in diameter, occur on both flanks of the South Pandora Ridge. The Tripartite Ridge consists of three main segments showing a sigmoid shape. Major changes in the direction of the active zones are observed at the segment discontinuities. These discontinuities show various geometrical patterns which suggest complex transform relay zones. Preliminary analysis of seismic reflection profiles suggest that the Tripartite Ridge is a very young feature which propagates into an older oceanic domain characterized by a significant sedimentary cover. By contrast, a very thin to absent sedimentary cover is observed about 100 km on both flanks of the South Pandora Ridge active axis. The magnetic anomaly profiles give evidence of long and continuous lineations, parallel to the South Pandora Ridge spreading axis. (Résumé d'auteur

    The Asymmetry Coefficient for Interstellar Scintillation of Extragalactic Radio Sources

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    Comparing the asymmetry coefficients and scintillation indices for observed time variations of the intensity of the radiation of extragalactic sources and the predictions of theoretical models is a good test of the nature of the observed variations. Such comparisons can be used to determine whether flux-density variations are due to scintillation in the interstellar medium or are intrinsic to the source. In the former case, they can be used to estimate the fraction of the total flux contributed by the compact component (core) whose flux-density variations are brought about by inhomogeneities in the interstellar plasma. Results for the radio sources PKS 0405-385, B0917+624, PKS 1257-336, and J1819+3845 demonstrate that the scintillating component in these objects makes up from 50% to 100% of the total flux, and that the intrinsic angular sizes of the sources at 5 GHz is 10-40 microarcseconds. The characteristics of the medium giving rise to the scintillations are presented

    Making drug harms: Punishments for drugs offenders who pose risks to children

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    Images of children are routinely used in discourses on drugs, offering a compelling rationale for adopting particular policy positions or legislative reforms. However, the importance of childhood to the constitution of drug harms, and the punishment and subjectification of drug users and offenders, have rarely been the subject of enquiry, whether within drug and alcohol studies, criminology or legal studies. Scholarship on criminal sentencing in England and Wales is also relatively sparse, and has been dominated by analyses of the ‘legal-rational’ logic of particular provisions or reforms. This paper, which relies on the premise that drugs and their effects are constituted through discourse, and are thus contingent, variable and unstable, identifies the ‘collateral realities’ (Law, 2011) that are enacted during legislative and judicial attempts to stabilize the harms caused by drugs to children and communities
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