3 research outputs found

    Chemical Genetics of AGC-kinases Reveals Shared Targets of Ypk1, Protein Kinase A and Sch9.

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    Protein phosphorylation cascades play a central role in the regulation of cell growth and protein kinases PKA, Sch9 and Ypk1 take center stage in regulating this process in S. cerevisiae To understand how these kinases co-ordinately regulate cellular functions we compared the phospho-proteome of exponentially growing cells without and with acute chemical inhibition of PKA, Sch9 and Ypk1. Sites hypo-phosphorylated upon PKA and Sch9 inhibition were preferentially located in RRxS/T-motifs suggesting that many are directly phosphorylated by these enzymes. Interestingly, when inhibiting Ypk1 we not only detected several hypo-phosphorylated sites in the previously reported RxRxxS/T-, but also in an RRxS/T-motif. Validation experiments revealed that neutral trehalase Nth1, a known PKA target, is additionally phosphorylated and activated downstream of Ypk1. Signaling through Ypk1 is therefore more closely related to PKA- and Sch9-signaling than previously appreciated and may perform functions previously only attributed to the latter kinases

    Tricalbin-Mediated Contact Sites Control ER Curvature to Maintain Plasma Membrane Integrity

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    Membrane contact sites (MCS) between the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and the plasma membrane (PM) play fundamental roles in all eukaryotic cells. ER-PM MCS are particularly abundant in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, where approximately half of the PM surface is covered by cortical ER (cER). Several proteins, including Ist2, Scs2/22, and Tcb1/2/3 are implicated in cER formation, but the specific roles of these molecules are poorly understood. Here, we use cryo-electron tomography to show that ER-PM tethers are key determinants of cER morphology. Notably, Tcb proteins (tricalbins) form peaks of extreme curvature on the cER membrane facing the PM. Combined modeling and functional assays suggest that Tcb-mediated cER peaks facilitate the transport of lipids between the cER and the PM, which is necessary to maintain PM integrity under heat stress. ER peaks were also present at other MCS, implying that membrane curvature enforcement may be a widespread mechanism to regulate MCS function