31 research outputs found

    Convergence of cutaneous, muscular and visceral noxious inputs onto ventromedial thalamic neurons in rat.

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    We have recently described a population of neurons in the lateral part of the ventromedial thalamus (VMl), that respond exclusively to noxious cutaneous stimuli, regardless of which part of the body is stimulated. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the convergence of cutaneous, muscular and visceral noxious inputs onto single, VMl neurons in anesthetized rats. VMl neurons were characterized by their responses to Adelta- and C-fiber activation as well as noxious heat applied to the hindpaw. We investigated whether they responded also to colorectal distensions. In an additional series of experiments, we tested the effects of colorectal, intraperitoneal, intramuscular and subcutaneous applications of the chemical irritant mustard oil (MO). The present study shows that a population of neurons located within the thalamic VMl nucleus, carries nociceptive somatosensory signals from the entire body. All these neurons responded to noxious cutaneous and intramuscular stimuli but not to levels of distension that could be considered innocuous or noxious, of the intact and inflammed colon and rectum. Although colorectal distension did not elicit VMl responses, convergence of visceral as well as muscle and cutaneous nociceptors was demonstrated by the increases in ongoing (background) discharges following intracolonic MO. A distinct effect is seen after MO injection into the lumen of the colon: an increase in ongoing activity for 15min but still a lack of effect of colorectal distension. Moreover, following inflammation induced by subcutaneous injections of MO VMl neurons developed responses to both thermal and mechanical innocuous skin stimulation, reminiscent of allodynia phenomena. It is suggested that the VMl contributes to attentional aspects of nociceptive processing and/or to the integration of widespread noxious events in terms of the appropriate potential motor responses

    Denditric domains of nociceptive-responsive parabrachial neurons match terminal fields of lamina I neurons in rat.

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    This study investigates, in the anesthetized rat, the dendritic extent of parabrachial (PB) neurons whose nociceptive response to noxious stimuli has been previously recorded with an extracellular micropipette. The PB neurons were then injected with biocytin through the recording micropipette, via a juxtacellular technique. The dendritic arborization of individual PB neurons was carefully compared with the projections of medullary (trigeminal) and spinal lamina I neurons. The latter projections were labeled in separate animals that received injections of Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin restricted to the superficial layers of spinal or medullary dorsal horn. We report here that: 1) PB neurons excited chiefly by noxious stimulation of the face have their dendritic tree located primarily within the field of lamina I trigeminal projections, i.e., in the caudal portion of PB area, around the external medial and the caudal part of the external lateral subnuclei; and 2) PB neurons excited chiefly by noxious stimulation of the paw or the tail have their dendritic tree located primarily within the field of lamina I spinal projections, i.e., in PB mid-extent, around the borderline between the external lateral and both the lateral crescent and the superior lateral subnuclei. Our results suggest the presence of an extensive excitatory axodendritic link between lamina I projections and PB nociceptive neurons around the lateral crescent and the external medial subnuclei. These findings strengthen the possibility of involvement of a subgroup of PB neurons in nociceptive processes

    Nucleus-specific abnormalities of GABAergic synaptic transmission in a genetic model of absence seizures

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    Human and experimental studies indicate that molecular genetic changes in GABAA receptors may underlie the expression of spike-and-waves discharges (SWDs) occurring during absence seizures. However, the full spectrum of the genetic defects underlying these seizures has only been partially elucidated, the expression and functional profiles of putative abnormal protein(s) within the thalamocortical network are undefined, and the pathophysiological mechanism(s) by which these proteins would lead to absence paroxysms are poorly understood. Here we investigated GABAA inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSCs) in key thalamocortical areas, i.e., the somatosensory cortex, ventrobasal thalamus (VB) and nucleus reticularis thalami (NRT), in preseizure genetic absence epilepsy rats from Strasbourg (GAERS), a well-established genetic model of typical absence seizures that shows no additional neurological abnormalities, and compared their properties to age-matched non-epileptic controls (NECs). Miniature GABAA IPSCs of VB and cortical layers II/III neurons were similar in GAERS and NEC, whereas in GAERS NRT neurons they had 25% larger amplitude, 40% faster decay. In addition, baclofen was significantly less effective in decreasing the frequency of NRT mIPSCs in GAERS than in NEC, whereas no difference was observed for cortical and VB mIPSCS between the two strains. Paired-pulse depression was 45% smaller in GAERS NRT, but not in VB, and was insensitive to GABAB antagonists. These results point to subtle, nucleus-specific, GABAA receptor abnormalities underlying SWDs of typical absence seizures rather than a full block of these receptors across the whole thalamocortical network, and their occurrence prior to seizure onset suggests that they might be of epileptogenic significance

    Host succinate inhibits influenza virus infection through succinylation and nuclear retention of the viral nucleoprotein

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    Influenza virus infection causes considerable morbidity and mortality, but current therapies have limited efficacy. We hypothesized that investigating the metabolic signaling during infection may help to design innovative antiviral approaches. Using bronchoalveolar lavages of infected mice, we here demonstrate that influenza virus induces a major reprogramming of lung metabolism. We focused on mitochondria-derived succinate that accumulated both in the respiratory fluids of virus-challenged mice and of patients with influenza pneumonia. Notably, succinate displays a potent antiviral activity in vitro as it inhibits the multiplication of influenza A/H1N1 and A/H3N2 strains and strongly decreases virus-triggered metabolic perturbations and inflammatory responses. Moreover, mice receiving succinate intranasally showed reduced viral loads in lungs and increased survival compared to control animals. The antiviral mechanism involves a succinate-dependent posttranslational modification, that is, succinylation, of the viral nucleoprotein at the highly conserved K87 residue. Succinylation of viral nucleoprotein altered its electrostatic interactions with viral RNA and further impaired the trafficking of viral ribonucleoprotein complexes. The finding that succinate efficiently disrupts the influenza replication cycle opens up new avenues for improved treatment of influenza pneumonia

    Host succinate inhibits influenza virus infection through succinylation and nuclear retention of the viral nucleoprotein

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    Influenza virus infection causes considerable morbidity and mortality, but current therapies have limited efficacy. We hypothesized that investigating the metabolic signaling during infection may help to design innovative antiviral approaches. Using bronchoalveolar lavages of infected mice, we here demonstrate that influenza virus induces a major reprogramming of lung metabolism. We focused on mitochondria-derived succinate that accumulated both in the respiratory fluids of virus-challenged mice and of patients with influenza pneumonia. Notably, succinate displays a potent antiviral activity in vitro as it inhibits the multiplication of influenza A/H1N1 and A/H3N2 strains and strongly decreases virus-triggered metabolic perturbations and inflammatory responses. Moreover, mice receiving succinate intranasally showed reduced viral loads in lungs and increased survival compared to control animals. The antiviral mechanism involves a succinate-dependent posttranslational modification, that is, succinylation, of the viral nucleoprotein at the highly conserved K87 residue. Succinylation of viral nucleoprotein altered its electrostatic interactions with viral RNA and further impaired the trafficking of viral ribonucleoprotein complexes. The finding that succinate efficiently disrupts the influenza replication cycle opens up new avenues for improved treatment of influenza pneumonia.Pathogenesis and treatment of chronic pulmonary disease