7 research outputs found

    Resignificando los conceptos de la higiene: el surgimiento de una autoridad sanitaria en el Buenos Aires de los años 80 Resignifying hygienic concepts: the establishment of a sanitation authority in Buenos Aires in the 1880s

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    El trabajo aborda la emergencia de una autoridad sanitaria en la ciudad de Buenos Aires a fines del siglo XIX sobre la base de las ideas del higienismo decimonónico. Se enfocan las innovaciones de tipo científico-técnicas y políticas que se introdujeron y el rol que ejerció el proceso de profesionalización de la medicina en esta institución. La fisonomía que adquirió la política sanitaria en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, entre fines del siglo XIX y las primeras décadas del XX, sirvió para configurar un sistema de normas y arquetipos del cuerpo humano y su bienestar físico y mental.<br>The late nineteenth century saw the establishment of a sanitation authority in Buenos Aires, grounded on the ideas of nineteenth century hygienics. The article focuses on the scientific technical and political innovations that were introduced and on the role that the process of medical professionalization played within this institution. The features of sanitation policy that came to prevail in Buenos Aires at the turn on this century helped shape a system of standards and archetypes regarding the human body and its physical and mental well-being

    A força da tradição: a persistência do antigo regime historiográfico na obra de Marc Bloch The power of tradition: the persistence of historic old regime in Marc Bloch's Oeuvre

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    Este artigo se foca na obra de Marc Bloch, em especial em seu livro tido como mais importante, A Sociedade Feudal (1939), argumentando que mesmo no trabalho de um dos mais importantes do século XX ainda é possível encontrar elementos associados a uma historiografia mais tradicional.<br>This article is focused on Marc Bloch's oeuvre, especially in his so-called masterpiece, Feudal Society (1939), arguing that even in the work of one of the most important historians of the century, we can find important elements of the traditional historiography

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