10 research outputs found

    Winter shipping in the Canadian Arctic : toward year-round traffic?

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    With the rapidly melting sea ice in the Arctic, and developing shipping traffic, emerged the idea, popular with the media, that sea ice would soon be completely dominated by first-year ice, and would thus be comparable to ice present in the Gulf of St. Lawrence: this would allow for the setting up of shipping year-round along Arctic passages. In fact, contrary to this idea, even with the vanishing of multi-year ice, ice conditions will remain very different in the Arctic from ice prevailing in the Gulf. Besides, naval technology certainly helps overcoming challenges of ice navigation, but they do not mean it is economically or technically much easier. Year-round shipping in the Arctic remains a difficult challenge to overcome

    Analyse de la performance du système portuaire de l'Arctique canadien

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    Les changements climatiques amènent des transformations profondes de l’environnement arctique. La diminution de l’étendue de la couverture de glace permet un accès facilité aux ressources naturelles et aux communautés nordiques. Au Canada, la région arctique est caractérisée par une géographie archipélagique et un réseau de transport rudimentaire. Le transport maritime est le mode privilégié pour l’acheminement du fret aux communautés et aux sites industriels de l’Arctique. La littérature scientifique présente des lacunes importantes au sujet de la navigation commerciale dans l’Arctique canadien. Peu d’études portent sur le trafic de ravitaillement en raison de son volume peu élevé et de la faible diversité des types de produits transportés, bien qu’il s’agisse d’une activité grandement significative pour les populations et l’économie du Nord. Cette recherche vise à combler cette lacune en dressant un portrait du transport maritime et de la performance des opérations portuaires dans l’Arctique canadien. L’étude est structurée en quatre parties. Une analyse du trafic et des échanges maritimes est d’abord réalisée sous trois échelles : internationale, nationale et intra-arctique. Ensuite, l’étude de la flotte et des routes fait ressortir la distribution géographique des transporteurs. Puis, la performance des ports est mesurée grâce à des indicateurs et un système de cotation. Finalement, une évaluation des opérations maritimes arctiques est menée par l’entremise d’informations récoltées lors d’entrevues avec les membres de l’industrie maritime, de conférences et de travail de terrain. Les sujets abordés concernent l’évolution de la desserte, les défis posés par la navigation en milieu arctique et le développement des ports du Nord canadien. Les résultats de l’étude mènent à la conclusion que le transport maritime dans l’Arctique est caractérisé par une croissance positive du volume acheminé et une implication profonde des transporteurs dédiés à la desserte nordique, mais des infrastructures portuaires et maritimes sous-développées.Climate change brings deep transformations in the Arctic environment. The reduction of the ice cover allows better access to northern communities and natural resources. In Canada, the Arctic region is characterized by an archipelagic geography and undeveloped transportation network. Marine transport is the favoured mode for supplying freight to local communities and industrial sites. The scientific literature shows important gaps on commercial navigation in the Canadian Arctic. Few studies have been conducted on marine traffic in the Arctic due to small tonnage and low product diversity, even though it is a significant activity for the northern people and the regional economy. This research aims to fill this gap by assessing maritime transportation and port operation efficiency in the Canadian Arctic. The structure of this study is four fold. First, a traffic and trade analysis is conducted under three scales: international, national and intra-arctic. Second, a fleet and routing assessment is done by means of carriers’ geographic distribution. Third, port performance is measured through specific indicators. Fourth, an evaluation is held on arctic marine operations through information collected during interviews with members of the maritime industry, workshops and field work. Problems addressed regard evolution of the sealift, challenges brought by Arctic navigation and development of northern Canadian ports. Results of this research lead to the conclusion that Arctic marine transportation displays positive traffic growth and serious involvement by carriers dedicated to Arctic sealift, but under-developed port and maritime infrastructures

    Microwave dielectric study of spin-Peierls and charge ordering transitions in (TMTTF)2_2PF6_6 salts

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    We report a study of the 16.5 GHz dielectric function of hydrogenated and deuterated organic salts (TMTTF)2_2PF6_6. The temperature behavior of the dielectric function is consistent with short-range polar order whose relaxation time decreases rapidly below the charge ordering temperature. If this transition has more a relaxor character in the hydrogenated salt, charge ordering is strengthened in the deuterated one where the transition temperature has increased by more than thirty percent. Anomalies in the dielectric function are also observed in the spin-Peierls ground state revealing some intricate lattice effects in a temperature range where both phases coexist. The variation of the spin-Peierls ordering temperature under magnetic field appears to follow a mean-field prediction despite the presence of spin-Peierls fluctuations over a very wide temperature range in the charge ordered state of these salts.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    The metallic transport of (TMTSF)_2X organic conductors close to the superconducting phase

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    Comparing resistivity data of quasi-one dimensional superconductors (TMTSF)_2PF_6 and (TMTSF)_2ClO_4 along the least conducting c*-axis and along the high conductivity a -axis as a function of temperature and pressure, a low temperature regime is observed in which a unique scattering time governs transport along both directions of these anisotropic conductors. However, the pressure dependence of the anisotropy implies a large pressure dependence of the interlayer coupling. This is in agreement with the results of first-principles DFT calculations implying methyl group hyperconjugation in the TMTSF molecule. In this low temperature regime, both materials exhibit for rc a temperature dependence aT + bT^2. Taking into account the strong pressure dependence of the anisotropy, the T-linear rc is found to correlate with the suppression of the superconducting Tc, in close analogy with ra data. This work is revealing the domain of existence of the 3D coherent regime in the generic (TMTSF)_2X phase diagram and provides further support for the correlation between T-linear resistivity and superconductivity in non-conventional superconductors

    Sea-ice information and forecast needs for industry maritime stakeholders

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    Profound changes in Arctic sea-ice, a growing desire to utilize the Arctic’s abundant natural resources, and the potential competitiveness of Arctic shipping routes, all provide for increased industry marine activity throughout the Arctic Ocean. This is anticipated to result in further challenges for maritime safety. Those operating in ice-infested waters require various types of information for sea-ice and iceberg hazards. Ice information requirements depend on regional needs and whether the stakeholder wants to avoid ice all together, operate near or in the Marginal Ice Zone, or areas within the ice pack. An insight into user needs demonstrates how multiple spatial and temporal resolutions for sea-ice information and forecasts are necessary to provide information to the marine operating community for safety, planning, and situational awareness. Although ship-operators depend on sea-ice information for tactical navigation, stakeholders working in route and capacity planning can benefit from climatological and long-range forecast information at lower spatial and temporal resolutions where the interest is focused on open-water season. The advent of the Polar Code has brought with it additional information requirements, and exposed gaps in capacity and knowledge. Thus, future satellite data sources should be at resolutions that support both tactical and planning activities

    Electronic instabilities and irradiation effects in the (TMTTF)2X series

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    The paper presents a single-crystal ESR study of a series of pristine and X-ray irradiated (TMTTF)2X salts, where TMTTF is tetramethyltetrathiafulvalene and X is either a centro-symmetrical (SbF6 and Br) or a non-centro-symmetrical (ReO4, ClO4, BF4, SCN and NO3) monovalent anion. Besides standard line-width and spin-susceptibility measurements, the analysis of the asymmetry of the ESR line shape allows to obtain simultaneous information on the electrical conductivity. This whole set of data is used to determine the charge and spin gaps related to the charge ordering (CO) and anion ordering (AO) ground states and their evolution as a function of X-ray irradiation damages. We show in particular that the sensibility of (TMTTF)2X salts to irradiation depends upon the nature of the anion X and that the CO ground state is drastically affected by irradiation damages at the difference of the AO ground state. We also present evidence of a CO transition and of a decoupling between the AO transition and the opening of a spin gap in (TMTTF)2NO3