20 research outputs found

    Generation of maximally entangled states and coherent control in quantum dot microlenses

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    This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and AIP Publishing. This article appeared in Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 153107 (2018) and may be found at https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5020242.The integration of entangled photon emitters in nanophotonic structures designed for the broadband enhancement of photon extraction is a major challenge for quantum information technologies. We study the potential of quantum dot (QD) microlenses as efficient emitters of maximally entangled photons. For this purpose, we perform quantum tomography measurements on InGaAs QDs integrated deterministically into microlenses. Even though the studied QDs show non-zero excitonic fine-structure splitting (FSS), polarization entanglement can be prepared with a fidelity close to unity. The quality of the measured entanglement is only dependent on the temporal resolution of the applied single-photon detectors compared to the period of the excitonic phase precession imposed by the FSS. Interestingly, entanglement is kept along the full excitonic wave-packet and is not affected by decoherence. Furthermore, coherent control of the upper biexcitonic state is demonstrated.DFG, SFB 787, Halbleiter - Nanophotonik: Materialien, Modelle, BauelementeBMBF, 03V0630TIB, Entwicklung einer Halbleiterbasierten Einzelphotonenquelle für die Quanteninformationstechnologi

    Deterministic integration of quantum dots into on-chip multi-mode interference beamsplitters using in-situ electron beam lithography

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    The development of multi-node quantum optical circuits has attracted great attention in recent years. In particular, interfacing quantum-light sources, gates and detectors on a single chip is highly desirable for the realization of large networks. In this context, fabrication techniques that enable the deterministic integration of pre-selected quantum-light emitters into nanophotonic elements play a key role when moving forward to circuits containing multiple emitters. Here, we present the deterministic integration of an InAs quantum dot into a 50/50 multi-mode interference beamsplitter via in-situ electron beam lithography. We demonstrate the combined emitter-gate interface functionality by measuring triggered single-photon emission on-chip with g(2)(0)=0.13±0.02g^{(2)}(0) = 0.13\pm 0.02. Due to its high patterning resolution as well as spectral and spatial control, in-situ electron beam lithography allows for integration of pre-selected quantum emitters into complex photonic systems. Being a scalable single-step approach, it paves the way towards multi-node, fully integrated quantum photonic chips.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Insertion of CdSe quantumdots in ZnSe nanowires : MBE growth and microstructure analysis

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    International audienceZnSe nanowire growth has been successfully achieved on ZnSe (100) and (111)B buffer layers deposited on GaAs substrates. Cubic [100] oriented ZnSe nanowires or [0001] oriented hexagonal NWs are obtained on (100) substrates while [111] oriented cubic mixed with [0001] oriented hexagonal regions are obtained on (111)B substrates. Most of the NWs are perpendicular to the surface in the last case. CdSe quantum dots were successfully incorporated in the ZnSe NWs as demonstrated by transmission electron microscopy, energy filtered TEM and high angle annular dark field scanning TEM measurements

    Insertion of CdSe quantum dots in ZnSe nanowires: Correlation of structural and chemical characterization with photoluminescence

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    International audienceZnSe nanowires with CdSe quantum dot insertions were grown by molecular beam epitaxy using gold as a catalyst. Structural, chemical, and optical properties of the wires and quantum dots were characterized using electron microscopy and photoluminescence spectroscopy. We determined the crystalline structure, the chemical composition, and the size of the quantum dot and established a correlation between quantum dot size and luminescence. As expected, a blueshift of the luminescence was observed for decreasing quantum dot size. The comparison of calculated photoluminescence energy and experimental data seems to indicate that the quantum dots consist of a ZnxCd1-xSe ternary alloy rather than pure CdSe

    Extraction of the homogeneous linewidth of the spectrally diffusing line of a CdSe/ZnSe quantum dot embedded in a nanowire

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    International audienceWe present a simple method to extract the homogeneous linewidth of a single photon emitter line exhibiting fast (down to 1 ns) spectral diffusion (SD). It is based on a recently developed technique using photon correlation measurements on half of the line. Here we show that the SD induced bunching depends on the ratio between the width of the homogeneous line and the spectral diffusion amplitude. Using this technique on a CdSe/ZnSe quantum dot, we investigate the temperature dependence of its fast SD amplitude and its homogeneous excitonic linewidt