1,247 research outputs found

    Où se crée la valeur ? Une application de l’analyse de Porter aux filières du végétal spécialisé

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    Cet article a pour objectif de montrer l'intérêt d'aborder la question de la création de valeur dans une perspective inter-organisationnelle alors que la plupart des travaux s'attachent à appliquer à l'entreprise vue de manière isolée le cadre conceptuel de la chaîne de valeur. Pour ce faire, une étude empirique a été réalisée auprès de 45 organisations situées aux différents niveaux de quatre filières du secteur du végétal spécialisé. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent que l'appartenance à une filière est une source de création de valeur. Ils doivent toutefois être nuancés afin de tenir compte des spécificités des différents modes de production, de commercialisation et de distribution qui ont pu être observés

    Unrecognized coral species diversity masks differences in functional ecology

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    Porites corals are foundation species on Pacific reefs but a confused taxonomy hinders understanding of their ecosystem function and responses to climate change. Here, we show that what has been considered a single species in the eastern tropical Pacific, Porites lobata, includes a morphologically similar yet ecologically distinct species, Porites evermanni. While P. lobata reproduces mainly sexually, P. evermanni dominates in areas where triggerfish prey on bioeroding mussels living within the coral skeleton, thereby generating asexual coral fragments. These fragments proliferate in marginal habitat not colonized by P. lobata. The two Porites species also show a differential bleaching response despite hosting the same dominant symbiont subclade. Thus, hidden diversity within these reef-builders has until now obscured differences in trophic interactions, reproductive dynamics and bleaching susceptibility, indicative of differential responses when confronted with future climate change. © 2013 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society

    UV Degradation of the Optical Properties of Acrylic for Neutrino and Dark Matter Experiments

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    UV-transmitting (UVT) acrylic is a commonly used light-propagating material in neutrino and dark matter detectors as it has low intrinsic radioactivity and exhibits low absorption in the detectors' light producing regions, from 350 nm to 500 nm. Degradation of optical transmittance in this region lowers light yields in the detector, which can affect energy reconstruction, resolution, and experimental sensitivities. We examine transmittance loss as a result of short- and long-term UV exposure for a variety of UVT acrylic samples from a number of acrylic manufacturers. Significant degradation peaking at 343 nm was observed in some UVT acrylics with as little as three hours of direct sunlight, while others exhibited softer degradation peaking at 310 nm over many days of exposure to sunlight. Based on their measured degradation results, safe time limits for indoor and outdoor UV exposure of UVT acrylic are formulated.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, 3 tables; To be submitted to Journal of Instrumentatio

    Up and down the number line: modelling collaboration in contrasting school and home environments

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    This paper is concerned with user modelling issues such as adaptive educational environments, adaptive information retrieval, and support for collaboration. The HomeWork project is examining the use of learner modelling strategies within both school and home environments for young children aged 5 – 7 years. The learning experience within the home context can vary considerably from school especially for very young learners, and this project focuses on the use of modelling which can take into account the informality and potentially contrasting learning styles experienced within the home and school

    Appendicitis and diverticulitis of the colon: Misleading forms

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    AbstractAppendicitis and diverticulitis of the colon are the two main causes of febrile acute abdomen in adults. Diagnosis from imaging (ultrasound and CT) is usually easy. However, an imaging procedure which is not suitable for the clinical situation and an examination performed with the wrong protocol are sources of error and must be avoided. Anatomical variants, inflammatory cancers, complicated forms (perforation, secondary occlusion of the small intestine, peripheral abscesses, fistulae, pylephlebitis, liver abscesses) and associated signs related to a peritoneal inflammatory reaction (reflex ileus, reactive ileitis or salpingitis) can also lead to a wrong diagnosis

    CARDigues: an integrated tool for levee system diagnosis and assessment

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    In December 2007, a French decree related to hydraulic structures (levees and dams) has introduced for owners the necessity to produce a hazard study for each levee system. On the river Loire, three major class A* state levee systems are present and protect three main urban areas, Orléans, Tours and Authion representing some 240 000 inhabitants. Around 40 class B* and C* levee systems are also present on the river Loire and its tributaries representing 600 km of levees and requiring such hazard studies. In order to have a homogenous method to do these specific risk assessment studies on river Loire levees, a new model named CARDigues (for Levee Breach Hazard Calculation) was developed in a partnership with DREAL Centre-Val de Loire, Cerema and Irstea. This model enables to approach the probability of failure on every levee sections and to integrate and cross different “stability” parameters (topography, embedded structures, geology), hydraulic solicitations and observations from visual inspections or instrumentation results considered as disorders (seepage, burrowing animals, vegetation, pipes, etc.). This model and integrated tool CARDigues enables to check for each levee section, the probability of appearance and rupture of five breaching scenarios initiated by: overflowing, internal erosion, slope instability, external erosion and uplift. It has been recently updated and has been applied on several levee systems by different contractors. The article presents the CARDigues model (V28.00) with examples on river Loire and how it is currently used for a relevant and global levee system diagnosis and assessment. Levee reinforcement or improvement management is also a perspective of applications for this model CARDigues. (* levee classes are function of levee height and protected population

    Four Butterflies: End of Life Stories of Transition and Transformation

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    In this article, the author discusses her experiences as an Artist In Residence in the Department of Palliative Care and Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. Emphasis is placed on the ways in which end of life images and narratives often unfold in the fragile yet powerful space where conceptions of aesthetics and spirituality intersect with critical issues in the medical humanities. Drawing on four vivid case studies, the author examines the ways in which end of life narratives shed valuable light on conceptions of the subtlety of human embodiment; issues of violation, sorrow, and forgiveness; the mystical dimensions of traditional cultural beliefs; and the capacity for perceiving the natural world as a living symbol of grace. In so doing, she explores how the themes of transition and transformation become invested with meaningful existential and symbolic dimensions in artworks that give voice and presence to some of the most vulnerable, and often invisible, members of our societyďľ—people at the end of life

    Relationships: computational thinking, pedagogy of programming, and Bloom’s Taxonomy

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    This study explores the relationship between computational thinking, teaching programming, and Bloom’s Taxonomy. Data is collected from teachers, academics, and professionals, purposively selected because of their knowledge of the topics of problem solving, computational thinking, or the teaching of programming. This data is analysed following a grounded theory approach. A computational thinking taxonomy is developed. The relationships between cognitive processes, the pedagogy of programming, and the perceived levels of difficulty of computational thinking skills are illustrated by a model. Specifically, a definition for computational thinking is presented. The skills identified are mapped to Bloom’s Taxonomy: Cognitive Domain. This mapping concentrates computational skills at the application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation levels. Analysis of the data indicates that abstraction of functionality is less difficult than abstraction of data, but both are perceived as difficult. The most difficult computational thinking skill is reported as decomposition. This ordering of difficulty for learners is a reversal of the cognitive complexity predicted by Bloom’s model. The plausibility of this inconsistency is explored. The taxonomy, model, and the other results of this study may be used by educators to focus learning onto the computational thinking skills acquired by the learners, while using programming as a tool. They may also be employed in the design of curriculum subjects, such as ICT, computing, or computer science. <br/
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